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  1. Literacy between book, page and screen – on Between Page and Screen by Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse

    The aim of the speech will be to show that e-literature realizations not only could be a renovation of avant-garde or even earlier tradition, but also in many cases provoke the same kind of questions which were made by theoreticians of (e.g.) formalism or structuralism in relation to avant-garde or modern text. Looking at electronic texts we re-ask about a literacy of those works and have to renovate our conception of literary communication, re-thinking not only the category of the text (as Aarseth did), but also the character of signs and code used in this kind of communication.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 10:26

  2. New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies

    States that new media poetry integrates characteristics of the new media in the theoretical basis of its poetics. Outlines its basis and shows how it affects poetic and verbal conventions, particularly with respect to the constitution of texts and the roles of author and reader, and with regard to its implications for views on language. (Source: Eric database)

    Alvaro Seica - 27.08.2013 - 14:06

  3. Contributos para uma Teoria Quântica do Cibertexto

    A number of epistemological assumptions of quantum theory in its approach to the natural world (virtuality/actuality, interaction observer/observed, unpredictability and statistical causality, wave-particle duality, the notion of information, etc.) are surprisingly close to the properties shown by the new digital textualities born with the computer age, and here generically referred to as «cybertext». The purpose of this paper is to explore a connection between the quantum model and the semiotic model, not so much to reveal a simple homology, but rather to suggest a unified vision underlying the approach to the various levels of reality (material, biological, mental, cultural and spiritual). This connection between the quantum view of matter and cybertext is terminally focused on unifying the triadic concepts of matter/energy/information with the key concepts of the semiotic triangle signifier/signified/meaning (or, in the domain of aesthetics, TAC: technology/art/consciousness).

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 10.10.2013 - 11:57

  4. Med literaturo in novomedijsko umetnostjo: sonetoidni spletni projekti Vuka Ćosića in Tea Spillerja

    Franco Moretti’s notion of “distant reading” as a complementary concept to “close reading,” which has emerged alongside computer-based analysis and manipulation of texts, finds its mirror image in a sort of “distant” production of literary works—of a specific kind, of course. The paper considers the field in which literature and new media creativity intersect. Is there such a thing as literariness in “new media objects” (Manovich)? Next, by focusing on the websites that generate texts resembling and referring to sonnet form, the article asks a question about the new media sonnet and a more general question about new media poetry. A mere negative answer to the two questions seemingly implied by Vuk Ćosić’s projects does not suffice because it only postpones the unavoidable answer to the questions posed by existing new media artworks and other communication systems. Teo Spiller’s Spam.sonnets can be viewed as an innovative solution to finding a viable balance between the author’s control over the text and the text’s openness to the reader-user’s intervention.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2013 - 16:19

  5. Electronic Literature

    Entry on electronic literature providing a history of the term and exploring its contended usage.

    Electronic literature is a generalized term used to describe a wide variety of computational literary practices beneath one broad umbrella, defined by the Electronic Literature Organization as works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer.”

    Scott Rettberg - 01.11.2013 - 09:58

  6. Notas sobre AlletSator: O Retomar da Viagem – Sintetizador Poético, Ciberdrama e Hipermédia

    Nestas breves páginas proponho uma abordagem panorâmica a uma parte do percurso criativo de Pedro Barbosa que faz dele uma figura incontornável no panorama da ciberliteratura em língua portuguesa. Barbosa tem vindo a dedicar, desde há longa data, uma parte importante do seu trabalho, tanto criativo quanto teórico, à intersecção da literatura com as novas tecnologias, como o comprovam os dois volumes da então designada Literatura Cibernética, publicados nos finais da década de 70.


    Alvaro Seica - 02.12.2013 - 15:26

  7. Média Digitais: Novos Terrenos para a Expansão da Textualidade

    A intersecção da literatura com a informática, com especial incidência na poesia animada em computador, que será o objecto em análise neste breve ensaio, acentua a tendência do texto para transpor os limites convencionais, ao intensificar as propostas de interpenetração do verbal com o sonoro e o visual, já presentes em manifestações anteriores, por exemplo, no âmbito da poesia experimental, mas também como lembra José Augusto Mourão (p. 409 e ss), ao entrar efectivamente em movimento e ao prestar-se a modificações, o que implica que as transformações de maior alcance produzidas pela literatura digital no conceito de texto são provocadas pelos textos mais interactivos.

    (Fonte: Introdução do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.12.2013 - 12:36

  8. Poesia e(m) Computador

    Conference paper presented at Congresso Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, Estudos Literários/Estudos Culturais. In: Actas do IV Congresso Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, Estudos Literários/Estudos Culturais, Évora.

    Alvaro Seica - 03.12.2013 - 16:23

  9. New Textualities

    This article introduces EJES, vol. 11, issue 2, "New Textualities." It briefly outlines the relation between theoretical and technological changes that has led to a re-examination of textual forms in the digital age. Texts as both social text and technotext are tentatively explored in the context of remediation and proliferation of textual materialities that defines contemporary culture. The six articles contained in this issue deal with specific aspects of this linguistic and literary context, in which texts, metatexts and tools for analysing texts are fostering a new critical awareness of textual phenomena and textual representation.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 04.12.2013 - 15:11

  10. Aspectos Quânticos do Cibertexto

    A teoria quântica, originariamente concebida como teoria física para ser aplicada à estrutura íntima da matéria e às propriedades paradoxais das micropartículas (electrões, protões, átomos, moléculas), encerra pressupostos filosóficos que abrem uma nova maneira de pensar a realidade. Sabemos o risco que comporta a extrapolação, tantas vezes fantasiosa, desta teoria para outros níveis de organização do real. No entanto, Lothar Schäfer (químico quântico) é peremptório em afirmar que não é só no campo da microfísica que tais propriedades se manifestam: “As moléculas são a base da vida e as moléculas são sistemas quânticos. Todas as coisas, pequenas ou grandes, existem em estados quânticos.” E o matemático Roger Penrose corrobora: “A mecânica quântica está omnipresente mesmo na vida quotidiana, e encontra-se no cerne de muitas áreas de alta tecnologia, incluindo os computadores electrónicos.” Longe a pretensão de invadir um domínio que não é o da nossa competência – são os pressupostos epistemológicos desta teoria que aqui nos importam, não a sua operacionalidade científica.

    Alvaro Seica - 13.12.2013 - 15:46
