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  1. Collecting digital literature in Europe

    Collecting digital literature in Europe

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:10

  2. Traces of the trAce Online Writing Centre 1995-2005

    This text serves as an annotated archive with links to various media that give account to the accomplishments of the trAce Online Writing Centre: "Between 1995 and 2005 the trAce Online Writing Centre hosted and indeed fostered a complex media ecology: an ever-expanding web site, an active web forum, a local and and international network of people, a host of virtual collaborations and artist-in-residencies, a body of commissioned artworks, the trAce/Alt-X International Hypertext Competition, the Incubation conference series, and frAme, the trAce Journal of Culture and Technology. What emerged was one of the web’s earliest and most influential international creative communities."

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.01.2012 - 20:09

  3. Proposal for a Universal Electronic Publishing System and Archive

    Excerpt from chapter 2 of Literary Machines. Susalito, CA: Mindful Press, 1981.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.05.2012 - 15:34

  4. Brautigan Bibliography and Archive: Digitizing a Literary Life

    I discuss the digitization of the literary life of author Richard Brautigan, a novelist, poet, and short story writer often cited as the writer to best capture the zeitgeist of the counterculture movement in San Francisco during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This digitization creates not only an archive, but a literary bio-bibliography as well, one that is written not from the perspective of an individual author or archivist (myself), but rather as an upshot of heretofore unachievable associations and interconnections of multiple kinds and sources of information (biographical, bibliographical, historical, ethnographical). The result is a 3-D knowledge base, a "data hive" with a unique and individual electronic literary presence

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 11:07

  5. An Archival Approach to Curating Born-Digital and Electronic Literary Materials

    This panel session will explore the curation of electronic or born-digital materials in literary manuscript collections. Speakers will discuss how they applied (or tried to apply) traditional archival theories of appraisal, transfer, processing, preservation, and access to electronic records within their collections. The session will interest writers and artists, scholars, and curators and archivists specializing in electronic media and provide a unique chance for intellectual exchange between these groups.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Conference site)

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 12:10

  6. From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation

    From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 14:02

  7. PO.EX (Interview with Manuel Portela)

    Manuel Portela collaborates with the PO.EX archive of Portuguese media poetry.

    As a scholar, he explores reflexive qualities in reading operations. For Portela, formal analysis of the processes of reading and viewing reveal a continuity that transcends apparent differences in distribution technology: meaning, recursive as a worm, burrows into the mind on a path of words.

    For a thorough discussion of these issues, see Manuel`s book "Scripting Reading Motions: The Codex and the Computer as Self-Reflexive Machines" (MIT Press, 2013, forthcoming).

    Interview 2012-06-22 at ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 15:23

  8. UbuWeb, the archive and the gallery

    As a seemingly limitless and comprehensive resource, UbuWeb ( has put together a map of the past hundred or so years of ‘experimental’ writing, film, video, and sound art. It resembles the archive in its breadth and depth, in its relentless collecting, in its inherent totalizing tendencies. My argument is that UbuWeb, while not an ‘archive’ per se, does have a cataloging logic, though it is not apparent, and that its specific logic is based on the commodification of the artwork and the effects of that commodification on its exhibition. To understand that logic, I want to situate UbuWeb at the latest point in a series of discontinuous institutions and discourses that have all taken the ‘artwork’ as their object.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:13

  9. The Archive as Historical Practice

    "The Archive as Historical Practice", a presented paper on the history/present state of "archival production of text", as examined through a critical perspective. This paper, engaging a number of scholars and practitioners in the field, touches on the work of Robert Coover.

    (Source: Author's abstract for ELO_AI)

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:16

  10. Archiving Electronic Literature and Poetry: Problems, Tendencies, Perspectives

    Electronic literature and E-Poetry is updated, interactive, subjective and well networked. But how durable is it? How long do texts published on web pages remain readable? It seems ironic that the transient character of the internet is attached to a medium that seems to be very suitable for documentation and archiving. All information is automatically digitally recorded and processed. This enables digital storage and retrieval as well as mirroring on different servers. There already exist a number of (often private) archive platforms that should be systematically supplemented by extensive archiving by national libraries. And still each website only remains available on the internet at its original address for less than 100 days on average. Afterwards it moves or is erased completely. This is of course also the case for Net literature. Projects can furthermore no longer be playable because their contents required plugins that are outdated; or they are only optimized for certain, old browser versions and no longer work on newer browsers.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:28
