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  1. Encapsulating E-Poetry 2009: Some Views on Contemporary Digital Poetry

    Digital poet and researcher Chris Funkhouser attends E-Poetry 2009 in Barcelona and files a report on what he heard and saw.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.05.2011 - 16:31

  2. The Bride Stripped Bare: Nude Media and the Dematerialization of Tony Curtis

    The Bride Stripped Bare: Nude Media and the Dematerialization of Tony Curtis

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.05.2011 - 11:30

  3. Looking Behind the Façade: Playing and Performing an Interactive Drama

    Looking Behind the Façade: Playing and Performing an Interactive Drama

    Jörgen Schäfer - 28.06.2011 - 14:33

  4. Aesthetics of Surface, Ephemeral and Re-Enchantment in Digital Literature: How Authors and Readers Deal with the Lability of the Electronic Device

    Whenever the program of a work, created by an artist, is run by a computer, the digital device necessarily plays a role in its updating process: because of the operating systems, the software and the ever changing speed of computers, the digital device may sometimes affect the author’s artistic project, or even make it unreadable on screen. Thus, readers do not know what they should consider as part of the artist’s intentionality, and what they should ascribe to the unexpected changes made by the reading device of their personal computer. Critics who are in keeping with a hermeneutic approach may ascribe certain processes, actually caused by the machine, to the artist’s creativity. What is more, authors lose control over the evolution of their work and the many updates it undergoes. Thus, the “digital” artist is given four options when dealing with the lability of the electronic device, which will be described in this article by close readings of The Dreamlife of letters by Brian Kim Stefans, Revenances by Gregory Chatonsky and La Série des U by Philippe Bootz.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 03.07.2011 - 16:03

  5. Creativity Support for Computational Literature

    The creativity support community has a long history of providing valuable tools to artists and designers. Similarly, creative digital media practice has proven a valuable pedagogical strategy for teaching core computational ideas. Neither strain of research has focused on the domain of literary art however, instead targeting visual, and aural media almost exclusively. To address this situation, this thesis presents a software toolkit created specifically to support creativity in computational literature. Two primary hypotheses direct the bulk of the research presented: first, that it is possible to implement effective creativity support tools for literary art given current resource constraints; and second, that such tools, in addition to facilitating new forms of literary creativity, provide unique opportunities for computer science education.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 04.07.2011 - 00:40

  6. Compte-rendu critique de l'oeuvre "Étang" de Alexandra Saemmer

    Dans l’article qui suit, nous aborderons Etang d’Alexandra Saemmer comme un artéfact littéraire à remettre dans un contexte en utilisant le vocabulaire de la sémiotique littéraire et en l’envisageant dans l’esprit du rhizome développé par Gilles Deleuze et Felix Guattari. Le poème virtuel fera d’abord l’objet d’un résumé dans lequel l’importance de l’eau sera mise en relief afin de replacer le poème dans le contexte qui l’englobe.  Par la suite, à travers paradoxes, contrastes et jeu d’emboîtement relevés dans le texte, nous verrons comment s’articule le thème de la mort dans ce poème sombre. Nous terminerons l’analyse en tentant de voir à quel type d’exercice de style se sont livrés les deux théoriciens de et dans quel but celui-ci a été réalisé.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 04.07.2011 - 17:35

  7. Curveship: An Interactive Fiction System for Interactive Narrating

    From the publication: Interactive fiction (often called “IF”) is a venerable thread of creative computing that includes Adventure, Zork, and the computer game The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy as well as innovative recent work. These programs are usually known as “games,” appropriately, but they can also be rich forms of text-based computer simulation, dialog systems, and examples of computational literary art. Theorists of narrative have long distinguished between the level of underlying content or story (which can usefully be seen as corresponding to the simulated world in interactive fiction) and that of expression or discourse (corresponding to the textual exchange between computer and user). While IF development systems have offered a great deal of power and flexibility to author/programmers by providing a computational model of the fictional world, previous systems have not systematically distinguished between the telling and what is told.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 22.07.2011 - 18:44

  8. Dissonance in Multi-Semiotic Landscapes in the Work Of Donna Leishman

    I come to the field of digital literature from the position of a visual artist. My formative training in illustration grounded an interest in sequential art and literary themes. My work draws on literary subject matters, contains chronological cause and effect, and strongly features protagonists. I am a thematic recycler similar to that described by H. Wozniak (2008) a re-framer of often folkloric motifs - with an aim to renew, revitalises, or debunk, the pre-existing content. Visuality, the auteur interface, and folk narratives are fundamental features in the communication of my aesthetic. How then these aspects function and their importance in terms creating a meta dissonance will be detailed and discussed in the paper, with reference to how such an approach sits within the context of interactive literary art.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.08.2011 - 15:59

  9. On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections

    Note: Tabbi's essay was posted on July 22, 2009, on the online forum On the Human, hosted by the National Humanities Center where it generated 35 additional posts. It was reprinted, along edited versions of these responses, in Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres (Transcript, 2010). These responses are archived separtedly in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base As "Responses to 'On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections.'"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.08.2011 - 15:55

  10. Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections"

    Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.08.2011 - 16:22
