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  1. Média Digitais: Novos Terrenos para a Expansão da Textualidade

    A intersecção da literatura com a informática, com especial incidência na poesia animada em computador, que será o objecto em análise neste breve ensaio, acentua a tendência do texto para transpor os limites convencionais, ao intensificar as propostas de interpenetração do verbal com o sonoro e o visual, já presentes em manifestações anteriores, por exemplo, no âmbito da poesia experimental, mas também como lembra José Augusto Mourão (p. 409 e ss), ao entrar efectivamente em movimento e ao prestar-se a modificações, o que implica que as transformações de maior alcance produzidas pela literatura digital no conceito de texto são provocadas pelos textos mais interactivos.

    (Fonte: Introdução do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.12.2013 - 12:36

  2. Concrete and Digital Poetics

    I argue that there is an intrinsic connection between concrete poetics as a theory of the medium (i.e., of language, of written language, and of poetical forms) and digital poetics as a theory of poetry for the digital medium. This link is clearly seen in the use of concrete poems as storyboards and scripts for electronic texts, both in composing text for graphic interface static display and for animation. This essay deals with the adoption of electronic media by concrete poets, with examples from the work of Brazilian poet Augusto de Campos (1931-), and Portuguese poets E.M. de Melo e Castro (1932-) and Tiago Gomez Rodrigues (1972-).

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 05.12.2013 - 16:09

  3. Aspectos Quânticos do Cibertexto

    A teoria quântica, originariamente concebida como teoria física para ser aplicada à estrutura íntima da matéria e às propriedades paradoxais das micropartículas (electrões, protões, átomos, moléculas), encerra pressupostos filosóficos que abrem uma nova maneira de pensar a realidade. Sabemos o risco que comporta a extrapolação, tantas vezes fantasiosa, desta teoria para outros níveis de organização do real. No entanto, Lothar Schäfer (químico quântico) é peremptório em afirmar que não é só no campo da microfísica que tais propriedades se manifestam: “As moléculas são a base da vida e as moléculas são sistemas quânticos. Todas as coisas, pequenas ou grandes, existem em estados quânticos.” E o matemático Roger Penrose corrobora: “A mecânica quântica está omnipresente mesmo na vida quotidiana, e encontra-se no cerne de muitas áreas de alta tecnologia, incluindo os computadores electrónicos.” Longe a pretensão de invadir um domínio que não é o da nossa competência – são os pressupostos epistemológicos desta teoria que aqui nos importam, não a sua operacionalidade científica.

    Alvaro Seica - 13.12.2013 - 15:46

  4. The New Media Theory Reader

    The study of new media opens up some of the most fascinating issues in contemporary culture: questions of ownership and control over information and cultural goods; the changing experience of space and time; the political consequences of new communication technologies; and the power of users and consumers to disrupt established economic and business models. (Source: Open University Press)

    Alvaro Seica - 19.02.2014 - 22:39

  5. What Is New Media?

    What is new media? We may begin answering this question by listing the categories commonly discussed under this topic in the popular press: the Internet, Web sites, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMs and DVD, virtual reality. Is this all there is to new media? What about television programs shot on digital video and edited on computer workstations? Or feature films that use 3-D animation and digital compositing? Shall we also count these as new media? What about images and text-image compositions – photographs, illustrations, layouts, ads – created on computers and then printed on paper? Where shall we stop?

    (Source: Author's Introduction)

    Alvaro Seica - 19.02.2014 - 22:41

  6. Escrituras nómades : del libro perdido al hipertexto

    La autora estudia la práctica de las literaturas no lineales a lo largo de la historia de la literatura. Si bien mucho se ha hablado sobre literaturas no lineales desde contextos cercanos a las teorías de los nuevos medios, este libro acentúa la continuidad de estas prácticas a lo largo de la historia de la literatura. Los nuevos dispositivos de escritura, surgidos a partir de tecnologías digitales, permiten alcanzar dimensiones antes no previstas en estrategias tales como la no linealidad de las tramas, la interactividad o el reparo en el aspecto perceptual de los signos. Sin embargo, este tipo de experiencias no son nuevas en el campo literario. Desde los "Carmina Figurata" hasta los poemas dadá, desde el "Tristam Shandy" de Lawrence Stern hasta los viajes africanos de Raymond Roussel, desde el "Coup de dés" de Mallarmé hasta el "Nouveau Roman", desde la verbivocovisualidad joyciana (Finnegan's Wake) hasta el concretismo, desde los lenguajes inventados por Velemir Khlebnikov hasta los "event scores" de Fluxus se han buscado formas de decir y de narrar que escapasen a modelos canónicos y automatismos lingüísticos.

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.07.2014 - 22:19

  7. The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft

    "As we spend more and more of our time staring at the screens of movies, televisions, computers, and handheld devices—"windows" full of moving images, texts, and icons—how the world is framed has become as important as what is in the frame. In The Virtual Window, Anne Friedberg examines the window as metaphor, as architectural component, and as an opening to the dematerialized reality we see on the screen.[...]Friedberg considers such topics as the framed view of the camera obscura, Le Corbusier's mandates for the architectural window, Eisenstein's opinions on the shape of the movie screen, and the multiple images and nested windows commonly displayed on screens today. The Virtual Window proposes a new logic of visuality, framed and virtual: an architecture not only of space but of time."

    Anne Karhio - 10.04.2015 - 13:23

  8. Rhetorics of Surface and Depth in Digital Poetry

    This paper explores the rhetoric of surface and depth in two different kinds of digital poetry. Kinetic and time-based compositions, such as John Cayley’s “overboard” and “lens”, explore new parameters of visual and spatial representation – the ‘complex surface’ of the digital screen. The other type of digital works, the so-called ‘codeworks’, such as “%Location” by JODI, thematise the underlying technological prerequisites and specificities of the medium. Both sets of examples upset and challenge established conceptions of depth and surface. (Source: RiLUnE, no. 5, 2006:

    Alvaro Seica - 05.05.2015 - 15:57

  9. Riga Under Western Eyes

    This is a text about the author`s trip to Latvia. He writes about differencec between the western world and Latvia. He brings in alot of interesting facts and history.

    Andre Lund - 24.09.2017 - 13:27

  10. Anatomizing the Language of Love: An Interview with Lee Siegel

    Anatomizing the Language of Love: An Interview with Lee Siegel

    Glenn Solvang - 25.09.2017 - 15:19
