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  1. An/Other Time

    Rediscovering Springfield will be an art-type walk that is a site-specific exhibition using mobile devices and printed items to unearth content by walking along Main Road Moonah. Rediscovering Springfield will be a project that engages with the community of Springfield and the greater Moonah area in Hobart, Tasmania.

    The work Rediscovering Springfield will add another chapter in the history of Tasmania. It will share the personal untold stories from migrants who came to Tasmania in the mid 20th Century onwards. Their contribution to the building and adding to this state is not often talked about or acknowledged in Tasmaniaʼs history.

    The work will investigate how they communicated, what they brought with them, how their concept of home and food was re-created and experienced in their new “home” in Australia. How they shared their culture with other communities, how they spoke with one another, especially as many of them didn’t speak fluent English, if at all, on their arrival. How does one negotiate a space one does not understand fully?

    Nina Kolovic - 02.11.2018 - 16:15

  2. Ms. Lojka or: In Despair to Will to Be Oneself

    A short hypertext exploration of psychosis, about ignorance, defiance, and freedom—or: self-knowledge, acquiescence, and fate. Takes about 15 minutes to play. There are two significantly-divergent endings, but replays are intentionally discouraged.

    This game was awarded the New Media Writing Prize in 2016. 

    Nina Kolovic - 02.11.2018 - 17:51

  3. Ishmael

    A short multimedia-enhanced hypertext game about perpetual cycles of displacement and violence, as seen through the lens of a child. Takes about 15 minutes to read/play, and no gaming skills are required.

    Ishmael debuted at the 2017 Spring Thing interactive fiction festival, was selected to be showcased at the PixelPop Festival in St. Louis, was nominated for the "Best Social Impact Game" award at BIG: Brazil’s Independent Games Festival, was an IndieCade Finalist, and was shortlisted for the 2017 New Media Writing Prize

    Nina Kolovic - 03.11.2018 - 13:31

  4. A Modern Ghost

    An interactive short story, A MODERN GHOST explores a young man's memories of a love that was never realized.

    Featuring an original soundtrack, 22 photo illustrations, and a few innovative surprises, it is the first release by digital literature studio AltSalt.

    LENGTH: 3-5 minutes

    (Source: App store description of the work)

    Nina Kolovic - 03.11.2018 - 14:33

  5. Paranormal Interactivity

    Dorset's paranormal history dates back hundreds of years and continues to be a hotspot for unexplained activity.

    In your role as a paranormal investigator, complete the interactive documentary by navigating your way through three of Dorset's most haunted locations. Only after discovering the stories behind them will you be able to escape. Good luck.

    Nina Kolovic - 03.11.2018 - 15:17

  6. option drag

    Four monitors are placed in a row on the wall. As you walk closer an exhaled breath is heard, then a mouse click, a sigh. A voice commands, “then drag up”; a different voice, “like this”. Excerpts of Youtube typography tutorials populate the screens, complete with Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator, GIMP, etc. interfaces along with the type that is being carefully constructed. A rhythm emerges, “Rotate left, pull down, move forward, like that”. In this piece, a multimodal digital poem forms from the aural language of making visual language. Fragments of descriptive phrases are heard over looping patterns of mouse clicks, exhales, sighs and keyboard strokes amplifying the language of micro-gestures. The unseen role of the body in the circuit of human-computer interaction is ever present in this installation exposing the analog labor of creating digital type and the articulation of the physical process of making digital words. The work humorously explores the physicality of creating visual communication and calls attention to the human, social and cognitive labor behind the typography we take for granted in our daily lives.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 01:07

  7. Death Fugue

    During Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual campus event where I teach, poems written about the Holocaust—including some written by survivors—are read aloud. Paul Celan’s “Death Fugue” is often read, and has been translated by multiple Arts & Humanities faculty. This work of participatory digital art is another translation of the poem as a participatory embodiment of the text. It was created for more than 200 visitors of this event, many of whom were already familiar with Celan’s poem. In Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook, Pablo Helguera defines multi-layered participatory structures. This work falls somewhere between (2) directed participation and (3) creative participation. While the visitor was asked to complete a simple task (level 2), they demonstrated varying degrees of creative commitment (level 3) in their participation.

    Steffen Egeland - 03.09.2020 - 13:15

  8. Je dis merde et remerde / Et reremerde

    Begin 2011 vielen wereldwijd massaal vogels uit de lucht. Een week lang beheerste dit het nieuws, maar officiële verklaringen bleven uit. Op internet tierde het echter welig: goden in het diepst van hun gedachten die tegen elkaar opboksten met hun duiding. De mens heeft graag grip op het leven, de wereld, de dingen. In deze exercices électroniques van makers Saskia de Jong en Rens van Meegen storten de vogels neer in een werk waarin feit en fictie zich mengen, en dat juist het niet-weten de ruimte wil geven. Verticaal zijn de filmgedichten te zien zoals ze ontstaan zijn, de horizontale vlieglijn biedt ruimte aan rondzwermende associaties. Te bekijken op iPad, pc of Mac.

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2021 - 10:48

  9. Lezer

    Samen met Kurt Demey ontwierp ik de installatie ‘Lezer,’. Het bovenstaande gedicht wordt daarbij op een magische wijze ontsloten in bibliotheken. (Het is moeilijk om uit te leggen, je moet het meemaken!)

    David Peeters - 17.05.2021 - 14:06

  10. The House in Me

    ‘Beschrijf mij de route die je aflegde van de deur van je ouderlijk huis tot aan het bed waar je sliep als kind.’ Dat is de vraag die ik stelde aan mensen die, om de een of andere reden, hun ouderlijk huis verloren.

    Ik liet mij inspireren door vijf bijzondere verhalen van mensen die ik tot personages kneedde.  Vervolgens creëerde ik een mentale ruimte waarin de vijf personages ronddolen en dromend weer thuiskomen.

    Je kan je eigen audiotour beluisteren op Begin met je cursor (of wijsvinger) bij een van de namen, en teken je route tot aan een van de slaapkamers. Bij elk kruispunt kan je afslaan. Er zitten bijna 50 verschillende routes in verstopt!

    David Peeters - 17.05.2021 - 14:23
