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  1. Memory

    “Memory” is an interactive digital poem composed by kinetic texts and speech sound programmed in Flash by Brazilian researchers and digital poets Alckmar Luiz dos Santos and Gilberto Prado. The poem’s interface is presented as a grid with nine cells containing nine distorted images of some printed text. When the interactor rolls the mouse over the images, a short animation loop and a voiceover soundtrack are activated playing the verse printed on each image. The verses are set following an initial order, but the interactor may organize new possibilities of reading according to his will. (Source: Luís Claudio Fajardo, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 21:07

  2. Útero portanto Cosmos (Uterus therefore Cosmos)

    According to its author, Agnus Valente, “Uterus therefore Cosmos” is a kind of work in progress developed during the years 2003 to 2007. In this project, several e-poems created by Valente and his twin brother, Nardo Germano, explores the expressive and conceptual potential of the World Wide Web. “Uterus therefore Cosmos” brings together in one digital environment, works by visual artists, poets and musicians from different eras. Valente proposes a dialogue between his poems authored with his brother and the work of brazilian poets and visual artists. ”Uterus therefore Cosmos” is metaphorically a project of astronomical dimensions. Conceived as a trilogy, the project presents in one website its three stages of creation: “Online Pregnancy” (2003), “Constellations” (2005) and “Expansions” (2007). A keyword to analyze this work is “hybridization”. In this context, the term refers to the ability of mixing signs, senses, media and languages and where all this mixing occurs is undoubtedly the digital medium. Based on the theoretical concepts of “intertextuality” and “Intersemiotic translation” Agnus Valente sets the DNA of his poetics. (Source: Luís Claudio Fajardo, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 21:29

  3. Etheric Ocean

    Ether is a hypothetical medium – supposed by the ancients to fill the heavens, proposed by scientist to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space. The notion of ‘ocean’ was once as vague. Aristotle perceived of the world as a small place, bounded by a narrow river. Columbus believed the Atlantic was a much shorter distance across than we now know it to be. Even as early electromagnetic telegraphic and wireless transmissions propagating over, under, and through oceans collapsed distances between ships and shores, they revealed vast new oceans – oceans of static, oceans of noise. Etheric Ocean is an underwater web art audio writing noise site. It is an imprecise survey of sounds both animal and mechanical, and of signs both real and imaginary, of distortions born of the difficulty of communicating through the medium of deep dense dark ocean. Like stations dotting a radio dial, murky diagrams, shifting definitions, appropriated texts, nautical associations, and wonky word plays are strung along a very long, horizontally scrolling browser window. This is a world of inversions. Sounds are deep harbours, or are they depths?

    J. R. Carpenter - 20.05.2014 - 12:06

  4. Flu

    [ flu = lecture performative de flux erratiques ] Opus n° 3 de la série des flux, flu est constitué de la lecture performative scénique d'un texte sur prompteur numérique fait de flux erratiques viraux. flu, c'est la grippe, "l'influenza", son mode viral, contaminant, qui est aussi celui du langage. Dans ce récit de 12 minutes, un homme et une femme dérivent amoureusement sur une plage, ils se livrent durant ce temps à un jeu de creusement de la langue à partir du test de l'alouette. « ... ici le flux textuel erratique est reprojeté sur le retour vidéo, il lit et découvre du même mouvement, c’est ce qui donne cette très belle incantation à la voix perpétuellement dans l’imprédictible... » François Bon. Le test de l'Alouette est un test de lecture de Pierre Lefavrais (1965) qui permet d'évaluer le niveau de décodage lexical (automaticité). Il sert de dépistage de la dyslexie. Il est ici mise en abîme de la performance elle-même car flu (comme les précédentes flow et flog) est une lecture rapide d'après prompteur sur écran qui met en péril la lecture, poussée à ses limites.

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 03.07.2014 - 17:47

  5. Flow

    [ flow = lecture performative narrative ] Opus n° 2 de la série des flux commencée avec « flog ». Flow est le texte d'une fiction construite à la fois sur des moments issus de mon histoire familiale, de l'actualité contemporaine en matière de politique de l'accueil des étrangers et de l'histoire qui nous est contée dans le film Lettre à mon ami Pol Cèbe, 1970, de Michel Desrois et avec Antoine Bonfanti et José Thiais, des groupes Medvedkines.

    Flow croise différentes époques et régimes narratifs : histoire familiale, histoire politique (les Groupes Medvedkine) et actualité contemporaine.

    Flow s'attache à conter une histoire, celle d'une bande d'amis ouvriers, qui un jour de 1967 partent en voiture pour Lille, projeter l'un de leurs films dans un cinéma. Ils prennent en autostop un homme avec une drôle d'auréole sur la tête, à leur demande, celui-ci leur raconte une histoire. Il leur conte celle de mamy Mireille de Sangatte qui en 2008 sera mise en examen pour délit de solidarité. Le texte met en scène le téléscopage de ces deux époques, l'une ravivant l'autre, à quarante ans d'intervalle...

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 03.07.2014 - 17:52

  6. Les Descendants

    “The Descendants” by Alexandre Gherban is a dynamic and “active” program with an indeterminate function. It varies in transiency, sometimes being transient and other times intransient; In other words, the aspects of the program (the text, the images, and the sounds) change and move constantly in a random, or indeterminate, function. Even if the text does not have a personal perspective, the viewer plays a role by choosing his/her path in the work. The reader can interact with the processes and find the links within the images. Only then do words reveal themselves. By clicking on the words, (“the descendants”, “the parents”, “who…”, “and who…”) the work changes and the viewer can interact with the images of the new page. For the page where one sees “the parents”, one must choose one of the two images that represent the parents themselves, and this choice determines the path for what follows. This function suggests a reference to artificial life. By starting with “the parents” that produce “the descendants”, the viewer sees a type of reproduction that resembles that of a family tree. By choosing the path of one parent or the other, the user has an exploratory function.

    Claire Ezekiel - 08.09.2014 - 21:07

  7. HD pen

    HD pour Haute Densité (High Density) mais également pour Harley-Davidson car ma moto est de cette marque, fabriquée à Milwaukee, WI, USA, c'est un modèle Sporster XR 1200 à la géométrie très européenne. C'est sur elle que j'ai filmé un parcours depuis mon domicile (Montreuil) jusqu'au département des cartes anciennes des Archives Nationales (Pierrefitte-sur-Seine). C'est par la vidéo qu'est rendu ce parcours, augmenté, en filigrane, par la lecture (simultanée en français et en anglais) d'un texte venant sampler et discuter celui de Jorge Luis Borges « De la rigueur de la science » dans l'Histoire universelle de l’infamie/Histoire de l’éternité, p. 10-18, Paris (1951, 1994). Dans ce texte l'auteur se livre sous la forme d'une fable, à une réflexion sur le rapport de la carte et du territoire, et pose finalement la question des rapports des arts et des techniques, de la science et du sensible. Je poursuis ici l'idée d'une écriture par le trajet, non déterminé par la nécessité de rejoindre un point donné comme un GPS nous aide à le faire, mais en dessinant sur la carte, des lettres formant quelques mots.

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 10.10.2014 - 15:40

  8. radioELO

    radioELO archives and curates aural information associated with works of electronic literature. This might include author traversals of their work(s) during which they discuss their inspirations and problem solving, or the state of electronic literature at the time of their creation(s). Reevaluations and retrospectives, commentary and reviews, even testimonials, memoirs, and oral histories may also be included. Beyond spoken voice, radioELO also archives soundtracks, soundscapes, and sound collages associated with or considered as individual works of electronic literature. With such information available for on demand, online listening, radioELO is a laboratory in which to examine and discuss the changing nature(s) of electronic literature. Works featured in radioELO are: eLiterature A-Z (Roderick Coover), Soundscapes and Computational Audio-Visual Works (Jim Bizzochi and Justine Bizzochi), Song for the Working Fly (Alan Bigelow), No Booze Tonight (Steven Wingate), ARCHIVERSE In Relation ELO 2014 (Jeff T.

    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 15:45

  9. Motions

    Motions by Hazel Smith (text), Will Luers (image and coding), and Roger Dean (sound) is conceived as a multimedia web book, and optimized for swiping and scrolling on tablets and computers. It is also a performance piece. It is programmed in HTML 5/Javascript. Motions takes human trafficking and contemporary slavery as its focus. Human trafficking is an accelerating form of crime and is a world-wide problem. It is one of the darker outcomes of globalization, the breakdown of the nation-state, and increasing ease of travel. Static and moving, variable and sequential, the piece presents image and text fragments from different genres: documentary, journalism, poetry and narrative. These fragments are programmed to evoke the subjective experience of enslavement in motion. The sound is constructed as an interactive mosaic. It includes musical transformations of train and plane journeys. It also features two compositions that use instrumental, timbral, rhythmic and harmonic devices characteristic of very different parts of the world. These materials are compositionally transformed with electroacoustic music techniques, including a range of algorithmic compositional devices.

    Elias Mikkelsen - 05.02.2015 - 15:53

  10. Two Roads Diverged

    "Two Roads Diverged" is a story of family loss and its aftermath. Using Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken" as its metaphorical model, this interactive narrative offers brief glimpses into the paths three children take after the accidental death of their parents. The narrative also offers a view--through archetypal imagery and remote voices--of the darker side of the family's tragic past.

    (Source: Author's Description)

    Alvaro Seica - 16.04.2015 - 11:15
