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  1. Aesthetic Autonomy and Sensuous Appearing: Two Questions in the Aesthetics of Digital Poetry

    In this paper I would like to consider the aesthetics of digital poetry with reference to ideas of aesthetic autonomy and sensuous appearing.
    The notion of autonomy, whether of the art-work or of a mode of experience with which it is associated, has been central to the historical development of the idea of the aesthetic itself. Andrew Bowie defines it as ‘the idea that works of art have a status which cannot be attributed to any other natural object or human product’ (Aesthetics and Subjectivity, p. 2). It is an idea which has been seen as ideologically driven, as when Terry Eagleton suggests that ‘the idea of autonomy – of a mode of being which is entirely self-regulating and self-determining – provides the middle class with just the ideological mode of subjectivity it requires for its material operations’. Yet Eagleton also argues that aesthetic autonomy can provide a ‘vision of human energies as radical ends in themselves which is the implacable enemy of all dominative or instrumentalist thinking’, implying that it has potential for avant-garde or critical purposes (Eagleton, Ideology of the Aesthetic, 9).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.03.2011 - 16:05

  2. Interactive Drama: Narrativity in a Highly Interactive Environment

    The most talked-about, and potentially the most significant consequence of recent advances in electronic technology for the practive and theory of literature is the promise of interactivity. The idea of interactivity is traditionally associated with hypertext. But compared to Interactive Drama, a genre existing mainly in the conceptual stage, hypertext involves a relatively low grade of interactivity: the freedom to select an itinerary on a network of author-defined pathways. In Interactive Drama, ideally, "the interactor is choosing what to do, say, and think at all times" (Kelso, Bates and Weyhrauch); "the users of such a system are like audience members who can march up onto the stage and become various characters, altering the action by what they say and do in their roles" (Laurel). This essay investigates the basic dilemma encountered by Interactive Drama, a dilemma reminiscent of a familiar theological problem: how can the system grant users some freedom of action, and yet enact an aesthetically satisfying narrative scheme ?

    Scott Rettberg - 19.05.2011 - 17:14

  3. Riddles of the Interface: Hieroglyphic Consciousness and New Experimental Multimedia

    A discussion of Reginald Woolery's CDROM World Wide Web/Million Man March (1997) and other experimental CDROMs in the context of modernist ideas of the hieroglyph, interface aesthetics, and afrofuturism.

    Joe Milutis - 21.01.2012 - 17:04

  4. Videogame: jogos, narrativa e interação no espaço virtual

    Videogame: jogos, narrativa e interação no espaço virtual

    Luciana Gattass - 17.10.2012 - 17:48

  5. Mining the Arteroids Development Folder

    In September 2008 Jim Andrews shared with me the “Arteroids Development Folder:” a collection of drafts, versions, source files, and other materials that document the work that led to the publication of his “poetic shoot 'em up" Arteroids (

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 09:54

  6. Card Shark and Thespis: Exotic Tools for Hypertext Narrative

    Card Shark and Thespis are two newly-implemented hypertext systems for creating hypertext narrative. Both systems depart dramatically from the tools currently popular for writing hypertext fiction, and these departures may help distinguish between the intrinsic nature of hypertext and the tendencies of particular software tools and formalisms. The implementation of these systems raises interesting questions about assumptions underlying recent discussion of immersive, interactive fictions, and suggests new opportunities for hypertext research.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.06.2013 - 09:15

  7. Písanie v interaktívnych médiách. Digitálna fikcia /Writing in the Interactive Media. Digital Fiction

    The subject of the thesis is to introduce and contextualise the possibilities of writing in the interactive media as well as to study the literary art of interactive media in the Anglophone area. One of the attributes of the contemporary art pieces of interactive media is their intermedial character; the authors often link text, image and sound to introduce the fictional world. The aim of the thesis is on one hand to refer to the questions that are not new but have appeared in new circumstances due to the digital format and internet and on the other hand to refer to the questions typical for the digital fiction research. The research concentrates on the digital fiction – a digital piece written in a computer programme, in which the author offers a fictional world. The thesis addresses several aspects of digital fiction, whose combination indicates its characteristic status within the group of digital art – fragmentarity of narrative, multilinearity, interactivity, performativity, dynamics, intermediality and the principles of game and play.

    Zuzana Husarova - 28.06.2013 - 14:46

  8. Une poésie pour tous les langages artistiques : poéticité et lecture numériques

    Ce travail examine les concepts de poéticité et de littérarité appliqués aux poètes numériques : il analyse de façon comparatiste les œuvres de Philippe Bootz, Belén Gache et Óscar Martín Centeno afin de distinguer les traits qui définissent la poésie numérique. L’article montre quels éléments de poéticité sont restés immuables, nous permettant de continuer à appeler poésie ces nouvelles formes numériques, et quels sont les traits qui ont fait avancer le concept de poéticité au point de nous obliger à redéfinir certaines des caractéristiques de ce que nous considérons traditionnellement comme littérature.

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 14:17

  9. Between Paper and Touchscreen: Building the Bridge with Children's Book

    E-books, e-book readers, touchscreens and other types of displays do not belong to the realm of fantasy any more, but are an indelible part of our reality. Interactivity is becoming a key ingredient of electronic publications. There are several projects dedicated to children that allow the practicing of important literacy skills, such as language development, story comprehension, sense of the structure, and collaboration in storytelling by playing and experimenting. These activities are crucial to a child’s development.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.11.2015 - 09:28

  10. Touch and Decay: Tomasula's TOC on iOS

    TOC's promotional tease – “You’ve never experienced a novel like this” – became awkwardly literalized when, after a Mac OS update, I could no longer open the novel. The tease inadvertently highlights the obsolescence that locks away so many works of electronic literature from present day readers. Even an exceptional work like TOC – exhibited internationally, prize-winning, the subject of many scholarly articles, underwritten by a university press – is no less subject to the cycles of novelty and obsolescence that render many works of electronic literature only slightly more enduring than a hummingbird. “The accelerating pace of technological change,” N. Katherine Hayles observes, “may indicate that traditional criteria of literary excellence are very much tied to the print medium as a mature technology that produces objects with a large degree of concretization”.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.11.2015 - 09:57
