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  1. The ELO and US Electronic Literature in the 2000s

    The Electronic Literature Organization was founded as a literary nonprofit organization in 1999 after the Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature conference at Brown University. Today, the ELO is one of the most active organizations in the field, central to the practice of literature in the United States and its establishment as an academic discipline. This presentation will briefly outline the history of the organization, the ways that its mission, profile, and focus of has evolved and changed over its first decade, and offer some tentative insights into the ways that an institutionally structured community can facilitate network-mediated art practice.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 15.10.2010 - 17:21

  2. Reading, Describing, and Evaluating Electronic Literature for Archiving

    In programmierbaren Medien produzierte Literatur erfordert eine Rekonzeptionalisierung des Rezeptionsprozesses sowie die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte zur Bewertung von (elektronischer) Literatur. Dies ist notwendig, wenn kinetische oder vom Computer zufällig rekombinierte und generierte Texte, interaktive Erzählungen, Hyperfictions oder Gedichte, die als bewegte Buchstaben auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen, Analyseobjekte für Archivierungsprozesse darstellen. Erst wenn diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, können tragfähige Verfahren zur Archivierung und Bewertung dieser Literatur entwickelt werden. Es geht daher nicht um die Frage, wie überlieferte Texte digitalisiert und archiviert werden können. Vielmehr geht es bei den laufenden Initiativen der „Electronic Literature Organization“ (ELO), die im Folgenden vorgestellt werden sollen, um „born-digital works“, d.h. um „elektronische Literatur“, „Netzliteratur“, oder „Literatur in neuen Medien“ (um nur drei der zahlreichen Bezeichnungen des aufstrebenden Forschungsfeldes zu nennen).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 16:29

  3. Electronic Literature and the Mashup of Analog and Digital Code

    This essay examines the complexity of contemporary electronic literary practice. It evaluates how electronic literature borrows from, and also influences, the reception of the textual message in other forms of communication that efficiently combine image, sound and text as binary data, as information that is compiled in any format of choice with the use of the computer. The text aims to assess what it means to write in literary fashion in a time when crossing over from one creative field to another is ubiquitous and transparent in cultural production. To accomplish this, I relate electronic literature to the concept of intertextuality as defined by Fredric Jameson in postmodernism, and assess the complexity of writing not only with words, but also with other forms of communication, particularly video. I also discuss Roland Barthes’s principles of digital and analogical code to recontextualize intertextuality in electronic writing as a practice part of new media. Moreover, I discuss a few examples of electronic literature in relation to mass media logo production, and relate them to the concept of remix.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 15:17

  4. Dichtung Digital 40

    This edition reflects upon the need of techniques to approach the ongoing upheavals taking place in today's technology-driven production of (literary) art. The contributions assembled here all discuss ways of reading cultural objects created with digital media. The objects of interest are: a computer game (Soderman), a performance of a work that houses and visualizes its literary artifacts on a website - a huge database of texts by different authors (Rettberg), default settings and electronic poetics in an age of technological determinism (Heckman), literary artifacts in between book and programmable media (Vincler), story-telling in the Gulf (Lenze), and signs in a culture of mashups (Navas). In a time when cultural objects in digital culture reconfigure the reception of their addressees, it is important to develop not only a proper understanding of the impact of these ruptures on literary communication but also an interpretation of the presented moves into the scope of scholarly discussion. Such an engagement calls for what Roberto Simanowski proposes in his contribution: "digital hermeneutics."

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 18:42

  5. The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine

    "The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine" is a review essay on Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2008), by N. Katherine Hayles, and Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008), by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum. Both works make remarkable contributions for the emerging field of digital literary studies and for the theory of digital media. While Hayles analyses the interaction between humans and computing machines as embodied in electronic works, Kirschenbaum conceptualizes digitality at the level of inscription and establishes a social text rationale for electronic objects.

    (Source: DHQ)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.09.2011 - 14:23

  6. Platform 2

    Platform 2 is a series of articles by Scott Rettberg in the quarterly Norwegian literary magazine Vagant, consisting of eight pieces focused on electronic literature, published in 2010 and 2011.

    The articles were written in English, then translated and published in Vagant in Norwegian. Full text versions of the articles in English have been made available by the author on the ELMCIP Knowledge Base.

    Note that the English versions are not direct word-for-word translations of the version published in Norwegian. Because of space constraints in the regular two magazine spread column, the translation was often an abridged version of English originals, which are made available for the first time here on the ELMCIP Knowledge Base.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.03.2012 - 10:52

  7. The Heuristic Value of Electronic Literature

    What makes electronic literature interesting for researchers?
    Maybe not its artistic and literary value, but rather its heuristic value.
    Indeed electronic literature not only permits previous media to be reexamined (paper for instance), but it also allows several well-established notions to be questioned (cf. figure above) such as:
    - narrative in narratology;
    - text in linguistics and semiotics;
    - figure in rhetorics;
    - materiality in aesthetics;
    - grasp in anthropology;
    - memory in archivistics;
    - literariness in literary studies…

    Exploiting the heuristic value of electronic literature has two consequences:
    - an evolution of some notions in certain scientific disciplines, and maybe of the disciplines themselves;
    - a revealing effect regarding both digital technology and interactive and multimedia writing.

    Audun Andreassen - 14.03.2013 - 15:51

  8. Internet Literature in China: A New Literary Revolution?

    During the past 10 years, the success of Internet literature has become the most attractive phenomenon in contemporary Chinese literature. Internet literature has not only attracted millions of readers, it has also gained commercial success. How can we understand the combination of computer and Internet as a kind of global technology, and the literature, as the local and the national representation, in China? In order to answer this important question, my paper will begin with a discussion of the rising young and famous Internet literature writers. The Internet not only provides a new world of cyberspace to young people to express their feelings and lives in a new age, it has also created new possibilities for the refashioning of literature in contemporary China. By following the successful stories of Internet literature writers, we will find that Internet literature, as a kind of new folk disourse, creates a new discursive space and constructs a kind of virtual identity. Such an attempt, generally called "the spirit of new folk literature" in the cyberspace, counters the elite discourse of Chinese traditional literature.

    Audun Andreassen - 20.03.2013 - 09:47

  9. Mobile Tagging as Tools to create Mixed Reality in eLit

    The objective of this paper is to describe the potentialities of Mobile Tagging as a tool for increasing and spreading the effects of Mixed Realities in Electronic Literature. In this sense, we will start introducing the main concepts and some examples of Mixed Realities followed by the concepts and examples of Mobile Tagging, showing that they are connected and benefit each other and can benefit eLit as well. Mixed Reality (or MR) refers to the fusion of the physical and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-­‐exist and interact in real time. On the other hand, mobile tagging is the process of reading a 2D barcode using a mobile device camera. Allowing the encryption of URLs in the barcodes, the mobile tagging can add a digital and/or online layer to any physical object, providing so several levels of mixed realities related to that object. Although Mixed Realities technologies have already existed for decades, in the past they were very expensive. Recently, mobile devices have also become tools for mixed realities.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:07

  10. Archiving Electronic Literature and Poetry: Problems, Tendencies, Perspectives

    Electronic literature and E-Poetry is updated, interactive, subjective and well networked. But how durable is it? How long do texts published on web pages remain readable? It seems ironic that the transient character of the internet is attached to a medium that seems to be very suitable for documentation and archiving. All information is automatically digitally recorded and processed. This enables digital storage and retrieval as well as mirroring on different servers. There already exist a number of (often private) archive platforms that should be systematically supplemented by extensive archiving by national libraries. And still each website only remains available on the internet at its original address for less than 100 days on average. Afterwards it moves or is erased completely. This is of course also the case for Net literature. Projects can furthermore no longer be playable because their contents required plugins that are outdated; or they are only optimized for certain, old browser versions and no longer work on newer browsers.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:28
