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  1. Writing Coastlines: Locating Narrative Resonance in Transatlantic Communications Networks

    The term ‘writing coastlines’ implies a double meaning. The word ‘writing’ refers both to the act of writing and to that which is written. The act of writing translates aural, physical, mental and digital processes into marks, actions, utterances, and speech-acts. The intelligibility of that which is written is intertwined with both the context of its production and of its consumption. The term ‘writing coastlines’ may refer to writing about coastlines, but the coastlines themselves are also writing insofar as they are translating physical processes into marks and actions. Coastlines are the shifting terrains where land and water meet, always neither land nor water and always both. The physical processes enacted by waves and winds may result in marks and actions associated with both erosion and accretion. Writing coastlines are edges, ledges, legible lines caught in the double bind of simultaneously writing and erasing. These in-between places are liminal spaces, both points of departure and sites of exchange. One coastline implies another, implores a far shore. The dialogue implied by this entreaty intrigues me.

    J. R. Carpenter - 22.11.2014 - 21:44

  2. Network Narrative: Prose Narrative Fiction and Participatory Cultural Production in Digital Information and Communication Networks

    Network Narrative: Prose Narrative Fiction and Participatory Cultural Production in Digital Information and Communication Networks

    dmeurer - 18.06.2018 - 18:18

  3. Digital Storytelling in Spanish: Narrative Techniques and Approaches

    This thesis looks at a sample of twelve stories of electronic literature written in Spanish and focuses on the different narrative techniques that these works implement. The techniques range from simple hyperlinks to highly complex functions as in videogames. These works draw from the traditions of print literature as well as from the digital culture that has shaped this era: hypertext, algorithms, text reordering, text fragmentation, multimedia creations, and almost anything else the computer is capable of. As each work discussed here is unique, a different theoretical approach is used for each.

    Steffen Egeland - 17.09.2020 - 11:54