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  1. Digitales Schreiben: Das Handbuch „Reading Moving Letters“ könnte in Sachen „Netzliteratur“ so manches bewegen

    Digitales Schreiben: Das Handbuch „Reading Moving Letters“ könnte in Sachen „Netzliteratur“ so manches bewegen

    Jörgen Schäfer - 28.06.2011 - 15:09

  2. Lire la littérature numérique à l’université : deux situations pédagogiques

    La littérature numérique n’a cessé se développer ces dernières décennies. La nature informatique et souvent hypermédiatique des œuvres incite le lecteur à mobiliser plusieurs approches et compétences, allant de l’analyse littéraire à la programmation, de l’esthétique au web-design, des études cinématographiques à la musicologie, des sciences de la communication à l’ingénierie des réseaux. Grâce à son caractère multidisciplinaire, une lecture analytique d’œuvres de littérature numérique peut être intégrée dans différents contextes pédagogiques. Après une brève introduction au vaste champ de la littérature numérique, je présenterai dans cet article deux situations d’enseignement où l’intégration de la littérature numérique peut contribuer non seulement à une hybridation salutaire des savoir-faire techniques, maisment critique des outils numériques et de leurs usages.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 03.07.2011 - 16:16

  3. Digital Literature—A Question of Style

    For some time, critics tried to circumscribe the “novelty” of digital literature in rather generalist terms, either taking into account its relation to literary avant-gardes or focalizing on its technical features; these theoretical approaches were often blind to contents. Now that digital literature seems more and more aesthetically convincing, the time has come to define its stylistic features with more precision. In order to circumscribe the poetics of interaction, some authors tested the validity of the classical figures of style. It is, however, probably dangerous to use classical rhetorical terms intended to characterize textual phenomena, whereas the signs of digital text almost constantly refer to different semiotic systems (including the visual one). In the following pages of this article, I will sometimes continue to borrow from conventional taxonomies to describe the stylistic devices of digital literature, and I will try in other cases to invent a new terminology in order to avoid foolhardy analogies.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 03.07.2011 - 16:37

  4. Digital Literature—In Search of a Discipline ?

    Academic research on digital literature was initiated many years ago; researchers and teachers like Jean-Pierre Balpe and Jean Clément at University Paris 8 have provided major contributions to the understanding of electronic poetry, hyperfiction and text generation. They have also managed to integrate digital literature into university courses in Information and Communication Sciences. But most of the Departments of Literature have not supported these educational experiments. Whereas a certain number of specific literary methods undoubtedly prove suitable for the analysis of poetry and narrative texts in electronic media (semiotics, gender and cultural studies, biographical or even thematical approaches), literary studies in France are quite reluctant to deal with digital literature. The ambiguous status of digital works, between literature, visual and performing arts, does not facilitate their integration into one specific discipline either. Thanks to its many specificities—including hypermedia—digital literature involves many creative and interpretative abilities, from film analysis to programming, from rhetoric to sound engineering.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 03.07.2011 - 16:43

  5. Kinetic Poetry

    Este documento constitui o relatório sobre unidade curricular para efeitos de Provas de Agregação na área de Línguas e Literaturas Modernas1, de acordo com o estipulado na alínea b) do artigo 5º do Decreto-Lei 230/2007, de 19 de Junho. O relatório ‘Poesia Cinética’2 encontra-se dividido em três partes: (a) reflexões preliminares de contextualização da investigação e do ensino da literatura electrónica [pp. 9- 23]; (b) descrição detalhada dos conteúdos do programa e da metodologia de ensino, incluindo planificação semestral, tópicos de aula e exercícios de avaliação [pp. 25-79]; (c) um ensaio final sobre Jim Andrews, um dos autores algorítmicos estudados cuja obra é particularmente relevante para o argumento deste seminário [pp. 80-103]. Este relatório inclui ainda em anexo o CD-ROM DigLitWeb: Digital Literature Web, um sítio web pedagógico que desenhei e actualizei entre 2005 e 2010 ( A sua estrutura e conteúdo procuram integrar as minhas actividades de investigação e de ensino, tanto a nível graduado como pós-graduado.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 04.07.2011 - 00:25

  6. Beyond the Screen (review)

    Beyond the Screen (review)

    Jörgen Schäfer - 08.07.2011 - 10:46

  7. Archivability of Electronic Literature in Context

    Archivability of Electronic Literature in Context

    Jörgen Schäfer - 08.07.2011 - 10:50

  8. Textmaschinen- Kinetische Poesie- Interaktive Installation: Studien zu einer Hermeneutik digitaler Kunst

    From the publisher: Die digitalen Medien führen Experimente der klassischen Avantgarde weiter und bringen neue künstlerische Ausdrucksformen hervor. Doch wie begegnet man diesen ästhetischen Phänomenen? Soll man sich ganz auf die Materialität der Zeichen konzentrieren, auf die Intensität des Erlebens im Rahmen einer »Kultur der Präsenz«? Soll man das Erlebte der Interpretation unterziehen, im Rahmen einer »Kultur des Sinns«, die im Deutungsprozess auch Verunsicherung riskiert?Dieses Buch – eine theoretische Einführung ins Feld digitaler Kunst – diskutiert beide Optionen anhand ausführlicher Fallstudien zu interaktiven Installationen, kinetisch-konkreter Poesie, computergenerierten Texten und Mapping-Kunst.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.08.2011 - 22:38

  9. Beyond Play and Narration: Video Games as Simulations of Self Action

    Beyond Play and Narration: Video Games as Simulations of Self Action

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.08.2011 - 15:40

  10. The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine

    "The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine" is a review essay on Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2008), by N. Katherine Hayles, and Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008), by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum. Both works make remarkable contributions for the emerging field of digital literary studies and for the theory of digital media. While Hayles analyses the interaction between humans and computing machines as embodied in electronic works, Kirschenbaum conceptualizes digitality at the level of inscription and establishes a social text rationale for electronic objects.

    (Source: DHQ)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.09.2011 - 14:23
