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  1. Свобода


    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 23:16

  2. Peurs / Fears

    Peurs / Fears

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 12:19


    НЕЙРОАТАКА АНИМА МАГНИТ АЛГОРИТМА АТМА ЭМБРИОХАЙТЕК ПРОТОРОБОТЕК Тайна вселенной зашифрована в звуки и образы, в магическую книгу-мистерию о загадках творения и вселенной. ПРОТОТОРОИД. Электронная каббала корнесловий, саунд дизайна и видеоряда. Ее чтение/слушание/созерцание требует восприятия ряда уровней звуков, смыслов и образов. Тайны взаимоотношений между вещами в природе, между планетами в небесных сферах, между людьми и демонами внутри и снаружи них сложены в ритмы внелинейного изначалья заузорья, которые необходимо дешифровать. Оптика ПРОТОТОРОИДА с помощью малой вселенной себя позволяет рассматривать большую вселенную галактики. ЗА СПЕКТРАМИ ИЗ КРАСНЫХ ОБЛАКОВ ВСЯ ГОРЕЧЬ ПРЕВРАТИЛАСЬ В СЛАДОСТЬ Всякое искусство стремится быть музыкой, всякая мысль стремиться стать энергией. Древний символ - змея, которая кусает себя за хвост – представляет собой замкнутый круг, но при этом, незаконченный: съедая себя, она поддерживает статичную систему мироздания. МЫ ЕЛИ МИР ДРУГ ДРУГА РАДУГ Тор, - трехмерная фигура, вытянутая полусфера, геометрический аналог змеи, кусающей себя за хвост, - суть фундаментальная форма бытования энергии.

    Natalia Fedorova - 07.02.2013 - 18:15

  4. Maud

    This unique performance of Tennyson’s dramatic poem “Maud” uses programming with OpenGL and other “abandonware” to produce an audiovisual reading. Part of what this work underscores is the nature of digital data, such as the words of Tennyson’s poem. Each letter, space, and line break is represented by the computer as a sequence of 1s and 0s, the on/off signals of binary code. The thing about computers is that it can then use that code to reproduce the same sequence of characters visually, or can use that code to produce different kinds of output. Sally Rodgers and Steve Jones have created a program to read “Maud” performing the poem as an audio-visual conceptual art video. But this is not simply a machine reading what it can’t comprehend, it is also a visualization tool that allows Rodgers, Jones, and us to see and hear things in the poem that we wouldn’t notice in a vocal performance or text-to-speech rendition. And it is also an instrument they have shaped and customized to produce the documented performances through videos. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 17:56

  5. 10 Print ebooks

    This bot mashes up the complete text of my 10 PRINT book and generates occasionally nonsensical but often genius Markov chain tweets from it. The bot also incorporates text from other tweets that use the #10print hashtag, meaning it “learns” from the community. [...]The 10 PRINT bot is built in Processing.

    From author's description in "<a href=" Fish to Print: My 2012 Year in Review."</a>

    Leonardo Flores - 19.02.2013 - 20:34

  6. [Untitled Twitter Fiction @samplereality]

    Mark Sample has disappeared from Twitter, or has he? The link above leads to an archive of all his Tweets, which reference his final tweets, ostensibly from a Dulles airport that was sealed up by FEMA, including a link to an video of him sending a message to his wife and family, that “the book is not what they think it is.” What is this book and what is the whole situation about?

    This is Twitter performance writing, in which fiction blends into reality so casually, that it is able to make for compelling narratives. This is a story several years in the making.

    On January 30, 2013, as he headed back home from an all day Department retreat, the got stuck on Dulles airport due to some kind of an emergency, re-encountering the mysterious figure from March 5, 2010. On January 31, 2013 his @samplereality account went 404. Gone.

    Quoted from I ♥ E-Poetry entry.

    Leonardo Flores - 22.02.2013 - 07:53

  7. Postmeaning

    ose poem is published serially through a Facebook page which gathers all of its postings in its timeline since it began on February 27, 2011. The writing is surreal at times, mixing topics and language in ways that are grammatical but obeying an almost dreamlike logic, like Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons. Since its launching, every single one of its daily (or almost-daily) postings begins an ends with an incomplete sentence and even word, evoking a sense that it is part of a larger thought or text, yet there is no grammatical connection between any entry and the ones before or after.

    Quoted from I ♥ E-Poetry entry.

    Leonardo Flores - 23.02.2013 - 19:50

  8. Pentametron

    Description in I ♥ E-Poetry:

    This bot generates poetry by sifting through 10% of all Tweets, parsing them with a dictionary for the pronunciation data, and identifying the ones that happen to scan as iambic pentameter. It then organizes the tweets into rhyming couplets and publishes them in Twitter by retweeting the original postings. Finally, it aggregates them into the shape of a Shakespearean sonnet in a website ( that offers a sequence of 14 sonnets. Every hour, a new couplet is posted, changing all 14 sonnets as one couplet enters the sequence of 98 couplets and the oldest couplet, the final volta, exits the collection.

    Leonardo Flores - 07.03.2013 - 10:27

  9. Star Wars Tweets

    This poetic Twitter bot requires little explanation as to its concept, except for a minor clarification: by “the script of Star Wars,” it refers to the whole original trilogy. Perhaps this was not always the case, but it is currently tweeting the complete script to “The Empire Strikes Back” one line every 40 minutes.

    Quoted from <a href="">I ♥ E-Poetry</a>.

    Leonardo Flores - 11.03.2013 - 20:18

  10. Cthalloween

    This Twitter based netprov was organized, launched, and led by a transmedia storytelling guru, responsible for numerous similar events in entertainment media. It arises out of a pun, and a fascination with H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulu stories, famous for their mythos, iconography, and verbal style. This alternate reality game is fascinating to reconstruct 3 years after the event because of the challenge in capturing such a distributed event it was documented in a variety of Web services and pages that are no longer available, except through services like the Internet Archives.

    Leonardo Flores - 11.03.2013 - 20:36
