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  1. A Subjective Chronology of Cybertext, Hypertext, and Electronic Writing

    A timeline of events and publications relating to creative work in hypertext and new media, admittedly subjective, but providing a view of the field as seen by one of the pioneers in the field of electronic literature.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.04.2011 - 20:27

  2. A Little Talk About Reproduction

    Adaptation of an artist's talk about the transition from making artist's books and zines to using the computer to create art work. First presented in 1998, adapted various times, but presented here in its original web design.

    J. R. Carpenter - 27.03.2013 - 12:43

  3. Hypertexte et fiction: la question du lien

    La première caractéristique de l'entreprise de numérisation à l'oeuvre dans les arts et les lettres est la dématérialisation de leurs supports spécifiques. Dans le cas de la littérature, cette dématérialisation conduit à une rupture avec notre culture du livre qui va au-delà d'un simple changement de support. Nos modes de pensée et nos formes de mise en discours sont, en effet, si intimement liées au livre que son effacement programmé dans l'univers du numérique produit un ébranlement qui n'est pas seulement technologique mais aussi intellectuel et épistémologique. Pour le dire brièvement, le livre, de par sa nature propre, est fondé d'abord sur la succession des pages et secondairement sur une organisation hiérarchisée de sa matière rendue possible par la mise en place progressive d'outils destinés à en faciliter la consultation tels que la division en chapitres ou la table des matières. Ces deux caractéristiques essentielles que sont la linéarité des pages et la hiérarchisation des contenus ont contribué à modeler durablement notre habitus discursif et rhétorique. Avec l'hypertexte, elles sont toutes les deux remises en question.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 20:20

  4. No War Machine

    No War Machine

    Scott Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 20:04

  5. Pushing Back: Living and Writing in Broken Space

    Pushing Back: Living and Writing in Broken Space

    Scott Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 20:50

  6. The Rationale of Hypertext

    The Rationale of Hypertext

    Scott Rettberg - 30.06.2013 - 21:55

  7. Jumping to Occlusions

    "Jumping to Occlusions" is perhaps the first thorough statement of a poetics of online space. In the present hypertextual trickster edition, a lively investigative language of the link is employed helping to develop this essay's written argument through its own hypertextuality -- its jumps, sidebars, graphics, embedded sound files, misleadings, and other features. This essay explores electronic technology's opportunities for the production, archiving, distribution, and promotion of poetic texts but most importantly, argues that electronic space is a space of writing. For previous excursions into this a written terrain of links and jumps one need only look to the language experiments of certain poets writing in this century. Such poets include Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and Language-related experimentalists such as Charles Bernstein, Ron Silliman, and Susan Howe. Electronic writing, like previous instances of writing, engages the double "mission" of writing evident in some of this experimental poetry: to varying degrees, writing is about a subject, but also about the medium through which it is transmitted.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.07.2013 - 12:22

  8. Navigating Nowhere/Hypertext Infrawhere

    Various non-linear methods of structuring the lexia are discussed, including simultaneities and polylinearity. The simultaneity is similar to Aquanet relations. A distinction is drawn between the typical disjunctivity of the hypertext link and conjunctivity of simultaneities and relations. We begin the process of exploring the rhetoric of the conjunctive hypertext relation. Finally, the structuring of the lexia is intensified and extended into the fine structure of language itself: hypertext infrawhere.

    Scott Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 14:05

  9. Ästhetik und Technik. Literaturprojekte der Semiosphäre

    In seinem Text beschreibt Franke einige Literaturprojekte, dabei geht er daraufein wie aus ihnen eine Semiosphäre ensteht. Er bespricht auch die Ausprägung von dem Zusammenhang zwischen Äesthetik und Technik auf die digitale Literatur.

    Kira Guehring - 24.09.2021 - 14:46