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  1. Destination Unknown: Experiments in the Network Novel

    PhD, University of Cincinnati, Arts & Sciences : English & Comparative Literature, 2003.

    Advisor: Dr. Thomas LeClair

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 16:15

  2. Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics

    The book collects various writings centered around the theme digital poetics. It is based on earlier publications of the author and often accompany an element of language game to the chapters.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.11.2011 - 18:02

  3. Fiction and Interaction: How Clicking a Mouse Can Make You Part of a Fictional World

    This PhD dissertation is about works in which the user is a character in a fictional world, and the interaction that such works allow. What happens when you become a character in the story you're reading?

    The concept "ontological interaction" is proposed, which is a form of interaction where the user is included in the fictional world. Kendall Walton's concept of fictional worlds is explored in relation to electronic literature and digital art, and other narratological concepts are also examined, in addition to a general focus on the themes of force and control.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.03.2012 - 11:27

  4. Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics: The Archival Text, Digital Narrative and The Limits of Memory

    New technologies-- whether used for artistic or scientific ends--require new shapes to speak their attributes. Feminist writers too have long sought a narrative shape that can exist both inside and outside of patriarchal systems. Where like-minded theorists have tried to define a gender-specific dimension for art, Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics demonstrates that feminist artists have already built and are happily inhabiting this new technological room of their own. This dissertation is an exploration of the architectural shapes of mnemonic systems in women's narratives in the new media (focusing on Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl, M.D. Coverley's Califia and Diana Reed Slattery's Glide and The Maze Game as exemplary models). Memory is key here, for, what gets stored or remembered has always been the domain of official histories, of the conqueror speaking his dominant cultural paradigm and body. I explore at length three spatial architectures of the new media: the matrix, the unfold and the knot.

    Carolyn Guertin - 20.06.2012 - 19:00

  5. Towards Cinematic Hypertext : A theoretical and Empirical Investigation

    Hypertext’s non-linearity has critical implications for scholarly discourse and argumentation, where it is commonly considered important to control the reader’s exposure to the line of reasoning in order to communicate complex ideas and maximise rhetorical impact. Hypertext’s non-linearity has been seen to threaten authors ’ control over discourse order and the coherence of their argumentative discourse. Existing hypertext paradigms offer different solutions to the problem of preserving user-defined navigation whilst maintaining coherence: pagebased hypertext relies on the expressiveness of linear associative writing; semantic hypertext relies on the expressiveness of link taxonomies; spatial hypertext relies on the expressiveness of hypertext’s visual features. This research combines elements of these with new theoretical insights, to investigate a fourth paradigm referred to as Cinematic Hypertext. The problem of maintaining coherence is framed as the problem of representing

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.06.2013 - 09:25

  6. Hypertexte et fiction: la question du lien

    La première caractéristique de l'entreprise de numérisation à l'oeuvre dans les arts et les lettres est la dématérialisation de leurs supports spécifiques. Dans le cas de la littérature, cette dématérialisation conduit à une rupture avec notre culture du livre qui va au-delà d'un simple changement de support. Nos modes de pensée et nos formes de mise en discours sont, en effet, si intimement liées au livre que son effacement programmé dans l'univers du numérique produit un ébranlement qui n'est pas seulement technologique mais aussi intellectuel et épistémologique. Pour le dire brièvement, le livre, de par sa nature propre, est fondé d'abord sur la succession des pages et secondairement sur une organisation hiérarchisée de sa matière rendue possible par la mise en place progressive d'outils destinés à en faciliter la consultation tels que la division en chapitres ou la table des matières. Ces deux caractéristiques essentielles que sont la linéarité des pages et la hiérarchisation des contenus ont contribué à modeler durablement notre habitus discursif et rhétorique. Avec l'hypertexte, elles sont toutes les deux remises en question.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 20:20

  7. What is Hypertext?

    The most fundamental possible question that can be posed at a conference on hypertext, but one that is nonetheless difficult to answer, is: what is hypertext? Our answers to this question are not mere matters of definition, but define our community and the coherence of our message to others. We live in an age in which hypertext as a technology has become pervasive, and yet research interest in hypertext as such seems to be waning. How can this be explained? By looking into how we answer the question of what hypertext is, we may move toward an explanation of this trend.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 14:51

  8. Metadiversity: On the Unavailability of Alternatives to Information

    Tempering the myth of global variety, David Golumbia processes the dominance of English in digital environments - and a highly standardized English at that.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 15.12.2017 - 16:57