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  1. The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age

    The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age

    David M. Berry - 21.09.2010 - 11:06

  2. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media

    A broad narratological discussion of immersion and interactivity, not only in digital media but in print fiction. Includes a chapter fully devoted to a close reading of Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue.

    (Source: ELMCIP)

    Is there a significant difference in attitude between immersion in a game and immersion in a movie or novel? What are the new possibilities for representation offered by the emerging technology of virtual reality? As Marie-Laure Ryan demonstrates in Narrative as Virtual Reality, the questions raised by new, interactive technologies have their precursors and echoes in pre-electronic literary and artistic traditions. Formerly a culture of immersive ideals—getting lost in a good book, for example—we are becoming, Ryan claims, a culture more concerned with interactivity. Approaching the idea of virtual reality as a metaphor for total art, Narrative as Virtual Reality applies the concepts of immersion and interactivity to develop a phenomenology of reading. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 21:11

  3. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society

    Written for a large public interested in renewing the understanding of scientific practice and its connection with the rest of society this book uses anecdotes, case studies, examples from many different periods and disciplines, to define rules of methods which can be used in following scientists around; the key role is given to non-humans, that is to associations that cut accross the former divide between nature and society. It can be used as a general introduction to science studies. (Source:

    Alvaro Seica - 14.02.2014 - 10:45

  4. The Internet Unconscious: On the Subject of Electronic Literature

    There is electronic literature that consists of works, and the authors and communities and practices around such works. This is not a book about that electronic literature. It is not a book that charts histories or genres of this emerging field, not a book setting out methods of reading and understanding. The Internet Unconscious is a book on the poetics of net writing, or more precisely on the subject of writing the net. By 'writing the net', Sandy Baldwin proposes three ways of analysis: 1) an understanding of the net as a loosely linked collocation of inscriptions, of writing practices and materials ranging from fundamental TCP/IP protocols to CAPTCHA and Facebook; 2) as a discursive field that codifies and organizes these practices and materials into text (and into textual practices of reading, archiving, etc.), and into an aesthetic institution of 'electronic literature'; and 3) as a project engaged by a subject, a commitment of the writers' body to the work of the net.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.08.2015 - 16:53

  5. Autorschaft und digitale Literatur: Geschichte, Medienpraxis und Theoriebildung

    Autorschaft und digitale Literatur widmet sich dem Phänomen der Neukonfiguration der Trias Autor, Leser und Text in Literatur, die den Computer als ästhetisches Ausdrucksmedium nutzt. Dabei beantwortet der Band die als beängstigend attribuierte Frage nach dem Autor dieses "neuen Etwas", indem erstmals ein systematisches Beschreibungsverfahren für das Zusammenspiel aller an der Textproduktion und -rezeption Beteiligten vorgestellt wird. Mit dem Entwurf des theoretischen Modells des Textuellen Handlungsraums überbrückt Zimmermann auch die bisher angenommene strukturelle Distanz zwischen gedruckter und digitaler Literatur. Der detaillierten Analyse exemplarischer kanonischer Werke der englischsprachigen digitalen Literatur ist ein grundlegender komparatistischer Überblick über die Entwicklung dieser Literaturform vorangestellt, die in ihren definierenden Eigenschaften gleichsam als Fortsetzung einer viel älteren Literaturgeschichte aufgefasst wird. Auch die Geschichte von Autorschaft und der Reflexion über Autorschaft wird von Zimmermann ausführlich nachgezeichnet.

    Heiko Zimmermann - 30.10.2015 - 22:08

  6. Videogames for Humans: Twine Authors in Conversation

    Behind the fluorescent veil of modern big-business video games, a quiet revolution is happening, and it’s centered on a tool called Twine. Taken up by nontraditional game authors to describe distinctly nontraditional subjects—from struggles with depression, explorations of queer identity, and analyses of the world of modern sex and dating to visions of breeding crustacean horses in a dystopian future—the Twine movement to date has created space for those who have previously been voiceless within games culture to tell their own stories, as well as to invent new visions outside of traditional channels of commerce. Videogames for Humans, curated and introduced by Twine author and games theorist merritt kopas, puts Twine authors, literary writers, and games critics into conversation with one another’s work, reacting to, elaborating on, and being affected by the same. The result is an unprecedented kind of book about video games, one that will jump-start the discussions that will define the games culture of tomorrow.

    Alvaro Seica - 10.06.2016 - 19:57

  7. Geology of Media

    Media history is millions, even billions, of years old. That is the premise of this pioneering and provocative book, which argues that to adequately understand contemporary media culture we must set out from material realities that precede media themselves--Earth's history, geological formations, minerals, and energy. And to do so, writes Jussi Parikka, is to confront the profound environmental and social implications of this ubiquitous, but hardly ephemeral, realm of modern life. Exploring the resource depletion and material resourcing required for us to use our devices to live networked lives, Parikka grounds his analysis in Siegfried Zielinski's widely discussed notion of deep time--but takes it back millennia. Not only are rare earth minerals and many other materials needed to make our digital media machines work, he observes, but used and obsolete media technologies return to the earth as residue of digital culture, contributing to growing layers of toxic waste for future archaeologists to ponder.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.08.2016 - 14:54

  8. Computing as Writing

    Computing as Writing

    Daniel Punday - 13.08.2018 - 20:33

  9. Reading Project: A Collaborative Analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope

    Electronic literature is a rapidly growing area of creative production and scholarly interest. It is inherently multimedial and multimodal, and thus demands multiple critical methods of interpretation. Reading Project: A Collaborative Analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope {Bottomless Pit} is a collaboration between three scholars combining different interpretive methods of digital literature and poetics in order to think through how critical reading is changing—and, indeed, must change—to keep up with the emergence of digital poetics and practices. It weaves together radically different methodological approaches—close reading of onscreen textual and visual aesthetics, Critical Code Studies, and cultural analytics (big data)—into a collaborative interpretation of a single work of digital literature.

    Ana Castello - 02.10.2018 - 19:40

  10. p0es1s. Rückblick auf die digitale Poesie

    Digitale Poesie beschäftigt sich künstlerisch mit Sprachgebrauch unter den Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten von Computertechnologie. Ein Rückblick auf diese Sprachkunst zwischen den Künsten bedeutet zweierlei: Zum einen wird davon ausgegangen, dass sie als künstlerisches Programm wenn nicht abgeschlossen, so jedenfalls zu einem guten Teil historisch geworden ist. Zum anderen versammelt dieses Buch Texte, die der Verfasser seit 1997 als teilnehmender Beobachter zum forschenden und poetologischen Diskurs digitaler Poesie beigetragen hat, vermittelt also auch verschiedene Interessen und Argumentationsweisen aus diesem Zeitraum. Dabei geht es um Themen wie die soziale Konstruktion der Gattung digitale Poesie, ihren Bezug zu poetischen Vorläufern, ihren gelegentlichen Hang zum Komischen oder auch die Entwicklung eines einzelnen Künstlers.

    Gesa Blume - 20.09.2019 - 16:33
