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  1. The Distributed Author: Creativity In the Age of Computer Networks

    The Distributed Author: Creativity In the Age of Computer Networks

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.10.2012 - 22:50

  2. Dichtung Digital 28

    This special-issue titled Paris Connection is co-produced and co-published by (Rio), (Toronto), (Berlin), (New York).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.11.2012 - 15:05

  3. Dichtung Digital 33

    The texts to be found in this edition of Dichtung Digital derive from the papers presented at the International Conference "Literatures digitals i aproximacions teòriques" (Under construction: Digital literatures and theoretical approaches), which was organised by the international research group Hermeneia and held at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in Barcelona on 14-16 April 2004.
    Source: Laura Borràs Castanyer

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.11.2012 - 15:24

  4. Authors, Readers, and Progression in Hypertext Narrative

    George Landow, Espen J. Aarseth, Stuart Moulthrop and many
    others have heralded the development of hypertext because they
    believe it represents a revolution in textuality that will radically
    alter how we read and write, including of course how we read and
    write narrative. Print texts, we are reminded by the champions of
    this new medium, are linear while hypertexts are nonlinear.
    Consequently, the argument goes, print narratives encourage reading
    in a fixed, straight-line sequence—one word after another, one
    page after another—under the control of the author. Even postmodern
    attempts to subvert the fixity of the print sequence cannot
    overcome the stability of the printed page and the restrictions on
    format imposed by the traditional book. Hypertext narratives, on
    the other hand, are fluid by design; their sequence changes based
    on readerly decisions. To put it another way, as those who advance
    this argument sometimes do, readers approach hypertext narratives
    from variable positions within the narrative, and so their progression
    through the text—indeed, the progression of the text—is not

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.11.2012 - 15:32

  5. Autofiction on Screen: Self-representation of an Egyptian ‘Spinster’ in a Literary Blog

    In this paper the blog Yawmiyyat 3nis [Diary of a Spinster] written by the Egyptian 3Abeer Sulayman [Abeer Soliman] is conceived as a form of autofiction. In fact, two aspects of online writing are of great importance for Egyptian bloggers. Firstly, blogging has given the Egyptian young people the possibility of sharing their innermost feelings and daily frustration without the fear of identification and humiliation due to their relative anonymity. Secondly, the computer operates as a projective device that allows users to discover and create different versions of themselves (Sorapure, 2003). Thus, blog writing facilitates autobiographic writing but at the same time turns daily life into fiction. The analysis of Abeer Soliman’s blog aims to show how the computer has an impact on the way diaries are written. On a structural level, I will highlight the presence of distinct literary features that are enhanced by the medium: the use of visual/audio components, the interaction with readers, and the presence of links. All these elements are essential for the understanding of Abeer’s self-representation.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.11.2012 - 13:36

  6. Writing the Ephemeral […] and Re-Enchanting the Remnants: The Lability of the Digital Device in Literary Practice

    Whenever the program of a work is run by a computer, the digital device necessarily plays a role in its updating process: because of the operating systems, the software and the ever changing speed of computers, it may sometimes affect the author’s artistic project, or even make it unreadable on screen. Thus, authors lose control over the evolution of their work and the many updates it undergoes. Thus, the artist is given four options when dealing with the lability of the electronic device: (1) she demands the ‘right’context of reception for his work – a requirement which, over time, will be confronted with the impossibility to preserve obsolete machines, software and operating systems; (2) she ‘re-enchants’ the lability of the electronic device and ascribes a ‘technological sublime’ to it; (3) she simply ignores the lability of the digital device and creates at once, as if the digital framework was immutable; (4) she is fully aware of the instable environment in which his digital creation will be updated; he even considers the ephemeral and uncontrollable nature of his work as its fundamental aesthetic principle.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.12.2012 - 14:21

  7. Alire: A Relentless Literary Investigation (ebr)

    Phillippe Bootz gives an account of the longest standing web-based literary journal in France.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.01.2013 - 10:19

  8. A Poetics of the Link

    Jeff Parker contributes to the ongoing debate on electropoetics and invites readers to post their own link types and descriptions.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.01.2013 - 10:31

  9. From Theo Lutz to Netzliteratur. The Development of German-Language Electronic Literature

    How and where would we have to begin if we want to bring the rather diverse
    German-language scene of net literature to a closer attention of our European colleagues?
    This definitely is no easy task, since today there are virtually no forums and archives of
    German-language net literature existing anymore. Therefore it may not be possible to get an
    accurate picture of the last 20 years’ net literature. Many sites and forums have been deleted
    from the net, while others remain virtually inactive for years and have to be perceived as
    internet archive corpses. A few are still active and provide material for current discussions.

    Source: Author's Introduction

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.02.2013 - 16:05

  10. Remiksy, remediacje, redefinicje

    Remiksy, remediacje, redefinicje

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.04.2013 - 15:10
