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  1. The Idiocy of the Digital Literary (and what does it have to do with digital humanities)?

    What does the category of the literary give to digital humanities? Nothing and everything. This essay considers the "idiocy" of the literary: its unaccountable singularity, which guarantees that we continue to return to it as a source, inspiration, and challenge. As a consequence, digital humanities is inspired and irritated by the literary.

    My essay shows this in three ways. First, through a speculative exploration of the relation between digital humanities and the category of "the literary." Second, through a quick survey of the use of literature in digital humanities project. Thirdly, through a specific examination of TEI and character rendering as digital humanities concerns that necessarily engage with the literary. Once again, the literary remains singular and not abstract, literal in a way that challenges and provokes us towards new digital humanities work.

    Scott Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 13:00

  2. The .txtual Condition: Digital Humanities, Born-Digital Archives, and the Future Literary

    In 1995 in the midst of the first widespread wave of digitization, the Modern Language Association issued a Statement on the Significance of Primary Records in order to assert the importance of retaining books and other physical artifacts even after they have been microfilmed or scanned for general consumption. "A primary record," the MLA told us then, "can appropriately be defined as a physical object produced or used at the particular past time that one is concerned with in a given instance" (27). Today, the conceit of a "primary record" can no longer be assumed to be coterminous with that of a "physical object." Electronic texts, files, feeds, and transmissions of all sorts are also now, indisputably, primary records. In the specific domain of the literary, a writer working today will not and cannot be studied in the future in the same way as writers of the past, because the basic material evidence of their authorial activity — manuscripts and drafts, working notes, correspondence, journals — is, like all textual production, increasingly migrating to the electronic realm.

    Scott Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 13:13

  3. The Literary And/As the Digital Humanities

    This essay introduces a Digital Humanities quarterly special issue  (7:1) on The Literary.

    Scott Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 14:07

  4. Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el cambio de paradigma

    Las mismas personas que, en el pasado sentimos un cierto rechazo hacia la idea de leer en una
    pantalla y alejarnos del romanticismo del libro, hemos terminado sucumbiendo en la tentación
    de comprarnos un libro electrónico. En la actualidad, estamos presenciando un momento decisivo
    en que la memoria documental de la humanidad está siendo transferida del papel a un
    nuevo formato constituido por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: el
    formato digital. Como lo defne Javier Celaya en el prólogo, Elogio del texto digital (2012) de
    José Manuel Lucía Megías, pretende ser un “quitamiedos” para todos aquellos que ven el texto
    en formato digital como una amenaza contra el libro impreso.
    Megías refexiona acerca del famoso debate, recurrente en conferencias y mesas redondas,
    sobre si el libro electrónico sustituirá por completo al impreso y si habrá consecuencias catas -
    trófcas en los derechos de autor y la distribución y publicación de los libros. Es común
    encontrar intelectuales que desprecian el acto de la lectura en una pantalla o que piensan que la

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.01.2014 - 12:27