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  1. Dairbhre: One Walk

    Dairbhre is a lyric poetry project about attempting to know a desired place by walking the roads of that place in that place, in memory, and most accessibly/obsessively, in Google Street View. There are many walks. “One Walk,” a poem in 7 sections, goes from Knightstown to a specific house in Upper Tinnies on Valentia Island. Although the project is intended to be about place and displacement, it manifests currently as being about metaphor, a form of transport I find particularly challenging. And they’re all challenging. The poem is composed primarily in Google Street View, but also on the actual road, and allowing memory. Its intended form is audio-visual recording but at the ELO, I will simply read several sections, without the video

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 02:19

  2. Always Tomorrow

    Always Tomorrow is a virtual reality fiction piece for HTC Vive. The viewer/reader is positioned in the centre of an infinite visual galaxy populated by 40 small interactive spheres, suggestive of planets but textured with distorted images that resonate with the stories they hold within. The viewer touches the spheres in any order to activate audio and unfold a time-twisting, fringeaffirming, ether-inflected love story set in Berlin in the Weimar Republic with a tomorrow already speaking itself on the protagonists’ lips. We hope the piece resonates with the contemporary moment, too, somewhere between histories and futures; the objects of our desires and our longing, the periphery of the culture and its centre. It’s also a mediation on the power of poetry.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:49

  3. Retelling The Tell-Tale Heart

    Retelling The Tell-Tale Heart is an interactive audio / touch game based on Edgar Allan Poe’s original short story The Tell-Tale Heart, a first-person narrative that describes a murder. The installation is a recreation of Poe’s story that questions ambiguities inherent in the classic story. The exhibition highlights how interactive artists can reconstruct original story elements to create a new work as well as ways to encourage interaction with digital games without using screens, controllers, headsets, or other common interface elements.

    Martin Sunde Eliassen - 02.09.2020 - 11:48

  4. Mexicans in Canada

    Can text in digital space take us everywhere on the human map? This digital poem re-assembles a sentence spoken by Gabriel Iglesias on the documentary series Inside Jokes (2018) — 'And the next thing you know, there’s Mexicans in Canada.' The poem moves its reader across the world, through countries and territories, among its citizens, crossing borders. Nations and their demonymic forms are collected from Wikipedia. The script is written in p5.js.

    Mads Bratten Myking - 02.09.2020 - 16:09

  5. Death Fugue

    During Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual campus event where I teach, poems written about the Holocaust—including some written by survivors—are read aloud. Paul Celan’s “Death Fugue” is often read, and has been translated by multiple Arts & Humanities faculty. This work of participatory digital art is another translation of the poem as a participatory embodiment of the text. It was created for more than 200 visitors of this event, many of whom were already familiar with Celan’s poem. In Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook, Pablo Helguera defines multi-layered participatory structures. This work falls somewhere between (2) directed participation and (3) creative participation. While the visitor was asked to complete a simple task (level 2), they demonstrated varying degrees of creative commitment (level 3) in their participation.

    Steffen Egeland - 03.09.2020 - 13:15

  6. Je dis merde et remerde / Et reremerde

    Begin 2011 vielen wereldwijd massaal vogels uit de lucht. Een week lang beheerste dit het nieuws, maar officiële verklaringen bleven uit. Op internet tierde het echter welig: goden in het diepst van hun gedachten die tegen elkaar opboksten met hun duiding. De mens heeft graag grip op het leven, de wereld, de dingen. In deze exercices électroniques van makers Saskia de Jong en Rens van Meegen storten de vogels neer in een werk waarin feit en fictie zich mengen, en dat juist het niet-weten de ruimte wil geven. Verticaal zijn de filmgedichten te zien zoals ze ontstaan zijn, de horizontale vlieglijn biedt ruimte aan rondzwermende associaties. Te bekijken op iPad, pc of Mac.

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2021 - 10:48

  7. Book Post

    A “book post” is placed in the UiB Humanities Library during March 2021, consisting of a table/desk with two stools by it, near a wall.

    Four books are on the table/desk (left to right, in alphabetical order by title): Articulations (Allison Parrish), Golem (Nick Montfort), A Noise Such as a Man Might Make: A Novel (Milton Läufer), and Travesty Generator (Lillian-Yvonne Bertram). Each has a hole drilled through it in the upper left and is secured to the table with a cable, creating a chained library. The books represent the work of four participants in an SLSAeu panel about computer-generated literature.

    A Kodak carousel slide projector is in the middle of the table/desk, projecting small, bright images and texts onto the wall. Slides presenting covers and contents of the five books are shown continually during the exhibition. The selections will be made in consultation with all author/programmers and with their approval.

    The stools allow two readers to sit and peruse the books. The table is wide enough to allow readers to do so while socially distanced.

    Cecilie Klingenberg - 27.02.2021 - 15:32

  8. Li Po :: 8888



    in a planet earth with out humans a old chinese poet is still alive a fight vs the alien occupation and extraction of earth. Is the battle of the carbon based life in planet earth. So a ambassador from the year 8888 came to 4444 to hear the poems of Li Po. Then, the antidote to capitalism that we know thanks to Li Po poems is send to our times for sell as Rice to prevent the alien occupation. 8888 is the code that the future send with the antidote.

    Cecilie Klingenberg - 27.02.2021 - 15:52

  9. Robopoem@s

    Robopoem@s consist of five insect-like robots whose legs and bodies are engraved with the seven parts of a poem@ (“poema” in Spanish) written from the robot’s point of view in bilingual format (my original Spanish with English translations by Kristin Dykstra). Voice activation, micro-mp3 players, and response to sensors (reactive to obstacles) allow these quadrupeds to interact with humans and with each other, emphasizing the existential issues addressed in the poem. The final segment of the poem, number VII, re-phrases the biblical pronouncement on the creation of humans, as perceived by the robot: “According to your likeness / my Image.” With this statement, the notion of creation is reformulated and bent by the power of electronics, ultimately questioning its binary foundations.

    Tina Escaja - 12.03.2021 - 03:36

  10. Heimlich Unheimlich

    Heimlich Unheimlich is a screened, collaborative work consisting of visual collages, performed and displayed mixed genre texts (poetry, narrative, memoir, documentary), manipulations of image using the computer language MAX/MSP/Jitter, composed and improvised music, and vocal and instrumental sound samples. 

    Heim in German means home, so Heimlich Unheimlich could translate loosely as Homely Unhomely. However, heimlich more usually means secretive or hidden while unheimlich means uncanny or weird, so the connotations of the two words can overlap. This relationship between heimlich and unheimlich (discussed in Sigmund Freud’s essay ‘The Uncanny’) underlies the content of the piece. 

    Hazel Smith - 19.03.2021 - 03:17
