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  1. The Dice Player

    'The Dice Player' is an Animated Poetry film that visualizes a poem written by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. It was recited in the live event 'In the Shade of Words' 2008, along with harmonies by the band Le Trio Joubran. (English subtitles are available)

    This is a Bachelor project made in the faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts in the GUC

    Seamus Riordan-Short - 07.06.2017 - 20:43

  2. Ouroboros and Jabberwock

    This diptych or bi-fold work presents readers with two re-workings of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky:” on one hand, a fixed, cyclical hypertext in seven parts (Ouroboros), and on the other, an endless generative deformation that refigures the mock-epic as tennis game in Hell (Jabberwock). Both options are available at the start, but only in faint, translucent lettering. Letting the cursor dwell on one side or the other activates a sound track -- on the O side, a poetic voice whispering words of wisdom; on the J side, various monstrous re-mixes of Thursday, July 2017.This diptych or bi-fold work presents readers with two re-workings of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky:” on one hand, a fixed, cyclical hypertext in seven parts (Ouroboros), and on the other, an endless generative deformation that refigures the mock-epic as tennis game in Hell (Jabberwock). Both options are available at the start, but only in faint, translucent lettering. Letting the cursor dwell on one side or the other activates a sound track -- on the O side, a poetic voice whispering words of wisdom; on the J side, various monstrous re-mixes of those words.

    Raoul Karimow - 11.09.2017 - 12:49

  3. An Ocean of Static

    "J.R. Carpenter draws language through the icy passage of code's style" Nick Montfort

    An Ocean of Static transforms the dense, fragmented archive of the North Atlantic into an astonishing sea of fresh new text. From the late 15th century onwards, a flurry of voyages were made into the North Atlantic in search of fish, the fabled Northwest Passage, and beyond into the territories purely imaginary. Today, this vast expanse is crisscrossed with ocean and wind currents, submarine cables and wireless signals, seabirds and passengers, static and cargo ships.

    In this long-awaited poetry debut by award-winning digital writer and artist J.R. Carpenter, cartographic and maritime vernaculars inflected with the syntax and grammar of ships logs and code languages splinter and pulse across the page. Haunting, politically charged and formally innovative, An Ocean of Static presents an ever-shifting array of variables. Amid global currents of melting sea ice and changing ocean currents Carpenter charts the elusive passages of women and of animals, of indigenous people and of migrants, of strange noises and of phantom islands.

    J. R. Carpenter - 10.04.2018 - 13:01

  4. The Truelist

    The Truelist is a book-length poem generated by a one-page, stand-alone computer program. Based around compound words, some more conventional, some quite unusual, the poem invites the reader to imagine moving through a strange landscape that seems to arise from the English language itself. The unusual compounds are open to being understood differently by each reader, given that person’s cultural and individual background.

    The core text that Nick Montfort wrote is the generating computer program. It defines the sets of words that combine, the way some lines are extended with additional language, the stanza form, and the order of these words and the lines in which they appear. The program is included on the last page. Anyone who wishes is free to study it, modify it to see what happens, and make use of it in their own work.

    Nick Montfort - 19.04.2018 - 22:43

  5. Autopia

    Autopia is a simple text generator that presents language as if it were endless traffic. The headline-style sentences that are produced are made entirely of the names of cars — no other lexemes are used. While the Web version uses a JavaScript port of espeak to do text-to-speech synthesis, it is not necessary to present the work in a gallery setting with sound.

    Autopia is available as free software. It is also published in print form, as a book, by Troll Thread, a New York press. It has been exhibited in galleries.

    Nick Montfort - 19.04.2018 - 23:10

  6. Peiper (Estimote Bacons)

    „Street Flower” is application designed by Jan K. Argasiński and Piotr Marecki. The technical side of the project is based on the creation of a mobile application that runs in conjunction with iBeacon devices (Estimote Beacons). This technology includes a text generator in a spatial context and action based on the position relative to specified, "electronically tagged" objects. With this combination, dynamically created texts will operate in the context of a specially prepared micro version of the Internet of Things. 

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 15:47

  7. _Internal Damage Report_

    “Internal Damage Data” uses the structure of a multiple choice questionnaire for self assessment of internal damage to shape the first part of the poem. For each question, Mez uses option C (maybe, unsure, other…) to develop her poem, seeking to transcend the traditional yes/no binaries in such questionnaires. In the part depicted above, she uses algorithms to structure her poem: using the logic and language of programming to guide the reader’s experience of the poem.

    [From the "I Love EPoetry" “Internal Damage Data” and “Fleshis.tics” by Mez Breeze Entry.]

    mez breeze - 11.08.2018 - 22:55

  8. picking figs in the ˚̥̞̞̽̽ͯ garden while my world eats Itself

    picking figs in the ˚̥̞̞̽̽ͯ garden while my world eats Itself is a curatorial poetry collaboration with a large number of algorithms, bots, generators, and code snippets. Using a shifting set of parameters to define possible poem shapes in a letter-as-atomic-particle ruleset, these programs dissect and reassemble language according to a set of meanings intrinsic to their existence.

    Kavi Duvvoori - 13.08.2018 - 20:47

  9. Penelope

    Penelope is a combinatory sonnet generator film based on the Odyssey, addressing themes of longing, mass extinction, and migration. Recombinations of lines of the poem, video clips, and musical arrangements produce a different version of the project on each run. Penelope was co-produced by Alejandro Albornoz (Sound), Roderick Coover (Video), and Scott Rettberg (Text and Code). Using a similar combinatory structure to that of Raymond Queneau's Cent mille milliards de poèmes, the computer-code-driven combinatory film can produce millions of variations of a sonnet that weaves and then unweaves itself. The program writes 13 lines of a sonnet and then reverses the rhyme scheme at the center couplet. Each 26 line poem is produced as an audiovisual composition, with lines spoken by voice actress Heather Morgan. The system determines their composition, produces and plays the video and musical composition, and then displays the text of the generated poem before composing a new sonnet pair. The videos by Roderick Coover and the sound compositions by Alejandro Albornoz also recombine in an algorithmic structure.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.08.2018 - 20:48

  10. Robopoem@s

    Robopoem@s are robots created by Tina Escaja. Robots that are designed to take the apearance and function of poems, able to move, and even "speak" different poems.

    Tina Escaja - 27.08.2018 - 01:13
