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  1. Falling Angels

    We know that angels start to fall from the heavens once they realize it is not heaven any more. The first person poetry shooter by the active participant of the pioneering cyberature community alludes to many resentments of the 90s and are also fun to shoot. (ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:00

  2. Focus

    “Focus” is a work that resulted from the Moscow Laboratory of Mediapoetry (2013-2014) curated by Elena Demidova. This interactive textual installation is based on Vito Acconci’s “READ THIS WORD THEN READ THIS WORD READ THIS WORD NEXT READ THIS WORD...” It explores the physicality of the reading process: the camera follows the reader’s glance, the text appears at the part of the screen, where the reader looks. (ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:21

  3. Vital

    Vital to the General Public Welfare was a solo exhibition (Edward Day Gallery, Toronto, 2012) revolving around themes of language, authenticity and contingency filtered through the lens of my experience as an adopted-out Cherokee person. I have recently turned the interactive touchwork poems in Vital, a 30-minute performance using the Poetry for Excitable [Mobile] Media (P.o.E.M.M.) mobile app as the main performance tool.

    The title of the show came from documents filed in a 1964 Louisiana court case seeking to ascertain an adopted child’s racial classification. The judge claimed that the proper identification of the child’s race was “vital to the general public welfare”; in other words, whichever way the child was classified, a wrong classification would endanger the fundamental fabric of White culture. The now-hyberbolic seeming claim strikes me as a powerful metaphor for any conversations we have not only about racial classification but also about any number of other issues that some group or another feels is central to their definition of a well-functioning society.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.10.2015 - 12:20

  4. The Pipes

    Written for the opening of the Stavanger Concert hall and its custom built organ, the poetry film The Pipes is an ode to the industrial history and former backbone of the city. Published as part 9 of the electronic poetry film series Gasspedal Animert, intended for electronic distribution through the internet, the film combines text, sound and digital animation. This particular film is a collaboration between the small press Gasspedal and the publishing house Gyldendal. (Source: ELO 2015 Conference Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 07:53

  5. Zenon Fajfer’s EYELIDS_Book of Emanations

    Powieki (eng. “eyelids”, also a pun on “forever”) is one of the crucial examples of Polish electronic poetry, authored by Zenon Fajfer, a contemporary Polish avant-garde poet, and creator of liberature, a literary genre integrating text and the material shape of the book ( His volume of poetry is both in the form of the printed book and the accompanying CD included at the end of the volume; its on-line version premiered a year later (Szczecin: Forma, 2013). Fajfer introduced into poetry an original, interactive form called “the emanational poem,” in which he creates invisible, simultaneously coexisting dimensions of text that can be actualized in their kinetic (electronic) versions. Powieki is a multimodal cycle of such emanational poems. This textual labyrinth can be entered through different entrances and explored upwards, downwards, left and right to discover passages and openings unavailable in its printed form.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 09:00

  6. Waves

    Everything disappears. Recordings of our voices will become archeological remains, and a spinning record yields fossil waves. Waves is based on three poems by Tor Ulven. Published as part 8 of the electronic poetry film series Gasspedal Animert, intended for electronic distribution through the internet, the film combines text, sound and digital animation. This particular film is a collaboration between the small press Gasspedal and the publishing house Gyldendal.

    (Source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 09:24

  7. Monoclonal Microphone: The Movie

    A looping video (c. 20 mins – time could be adjusted) that both explores the world of “Monoclonal Microphone” and also reveals certain processes from its open-ended manufacture/generation. The video zooms in and out of a large field of generated poems; shows the underlying program running (generating verses and searching for them with internet search); and provides some expository captioning for the project. More information can be found at (Source: ELO 2015 Conference Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:08

  8. text, sound, electronics, live coding

    This is a performance by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean, involving a strong sonic and musical element interwoven with text. It includes sampled text and sound, electronics and live coding of text and sound. The performance will include two pieces, Metaphorics and Bird Migrants. These two works were performed earlier this year in the UK and Australia, but have undergone considerable development. Every iteration and performance of them (particularly of Metaphorics) is substantially different. Metaphorics (2014) for voice and coded sound This piece employs live voice, live-coded sound (using the platform Gibber by Charlie Roberts, University of California at Santa Barbara), and live algorithmic sound. It involves samples from a recording of parts of the text, together with electronic and sampled instruments. The piece is about metaphor: it also employs metaphor while at the same time deconstructing it. Historically metaphor has been one of the main tools of poetry. Attitudes towards metaphor have been very important in contemporary poetry and poetics, but have caused divisions in the poetic community. Some poets have clung to metaphor as a traditional mainstay of their craft.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:15


    Projected on a grid of particles that at times seem ordered, while sometimes chaotic and always in flux, Ormstad's constructed language poetry is exposed and read by the author while performing to Mashtalir's pulsating music and Vojjov's atmospheric scapes in the first two works LONG RONG SONG and NAVN NOME NAME. The first is based on Ormstad's language research project from his second book of concrete poetry from 2004. Here he creates words that may exist or not in any language, and this is related to Vojjov's creation of numbers, geometric forms and abstract shapes. The second work is made from Ormstad's collection of poetic family names used in Oslo, Norway, also here accompanied by Vojjov's world of cosmic shapes. The last track, kakaoase, is based on a printed picture by Ormstad, made of sound poetry where he's playing with the Norwegian language. Most of the words have no – or almost no – meaning, and here Mashtalir's music makes this an exceptional possibility for participating and dancing to concrete poetry!

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:21

  10. Kjell Theøry

    Kjell Theøry will be a site-specific mobile Augmented Reality poem mapped visually to geo-spatial coordinates in a public outdoor space in Bergen. The work responds to historical and fictive narratives of Norway as a landscape for exile and escape in conjunction with writings and memories from my residency as a Fulbright Scholar in Bergen last year. It will be accessible for viewing with internet-enabled smart phones and tablets throughout ELO 2015 and will be activated by a brief live event in which I manipulate and read from the virtual space and generate additional material by scanning augmented tattoos on the body of a local male performer. This work evolves out of my AR installation in June 2014 at the Bergen Bibliotek, The Empty House, but will be a substantially new iteration. (Source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:29
