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  1. Bearing the Fruits of E-­Poetry: A Personal Decennial View

    Bearing the Fruits of E-­Poetry: A Personal Decennial View

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 13:35

  2. Kinetic Is As Kinetic Does: On the Institutionalization of Digital Poetry

    Kinetic Is As Kinetic Does: On the Institutionalization of Digital Poetry

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.05.2011 - 15:53

  3. New Media Poetry and Poetics

    LEA leaps into yet another bold foray, this time revolving around the world of new media poetics. Bursting at the cyber-seams, a spiffy collection of essays by myriad authors await. The proud guest editor of this edition in Trace Peterson and she’s woven together a marvelous mix of nine essays, and curated an equally exciting gallery showcasing four illuminating artist works. (Source: LEA)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.09.2011 - 10:30

  4. Poesia Eletrônica no Brasil: Alguns Exemplos

    Este artigo é um breve estudo sobre a poesia eletrônica no Brasil, sob enfoque histórico e num percurso a partir do uso das tecnologias do século XX e XXI (rádio, cinema, vídeo, computador, internet, web) que vem produzindo uma poesia que reúne palavra, imágem (estática e/ou animada) e som nos meios eletrônico-digitais (videopoesia, holopoesia, poesia eletrônica) usando a interface, a interatividade, a hipertextualidade e a hipermídia.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Luciana Gattass - 08.11.2012 - 15:15

  5. What Is at Work in a Work of Digital Literature?

    This proposal is for a panel presentation. In keeping with the themes of Archive and Innovate, this panel will look at structures and decoding with respect to the practice of preserving electronic fiction and poetry. A finished electronic piece is the end result of various decisions about technology and the coding that accompanies this production. In some cases the reading of a piece partially decodes the assemblage; in other works, the coding structure remains hidden. The members of this panel will look at both phenomena as an aspect of investigating works of digital literature. Members will include Marjorie C. Luesebrink/M.D. Coverley (chair), Stephanie Strickland, John Zuern, and Mark Marino.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 15:19

  6. One + One = Zero – Vanishing Text in Electronic Literature

    The concept of “erased” text has been a recurrent theme in postmodernist criticism. While most speculation about the presence or absence of an absolute text is applied to print literature, the manifestations of digital text present a new and entirely separate level of investigation.
The combination of visible language and hidden code do not negate the basic questions of language and interpretation – these continue to be important in our study of electronic texts. However, the visible text – under the influence of code – can be modified, transformed, and even deleted in ways that introduce markedly different implications for reading strategies and meaning structures.
This paper will explore a selection of works from electronic writers illustrating text/code practices that involve disappearing “text.” Text can absent itself by the simplest of reader actions – the mouseover or the link which takes the reader to another “lexia” in the piece. But text can also be obliterated by actions of the code, unassisted by the reader/navigator. Moreover, there are intermediate techniques to create vanishing text.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.10.2013 - 11:37

  7. Where Is the Text? The Disappearance of the Text in Electronic Poetry

    Electronic poetry encompasses works very different from one another. Talking about electronic poetry as if it were just one creative form seems to be inaccurate. On the other hand the interest to be had in electronic poetry seems to reside exactly in the diversity which electronic poetry has to offer to its reader.
    This paper will feature an empirical approach to electronic poetry. The aim of this paper is a two-fold goal. On the one hand it will study the “development” of electronic poetry, and our hypothesis is: the text is disappearing in e-poetry; and on the other it will compare e-poems written in different languages to see if there are differences of style in composing e-poetry.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.10.2013 - 11:58

  8. Littérature et Informatique: De la Poésie Électronique aux Romans Interactifs

    La « littérature », c'est par définition ce qu'on « lit ». Du moins était-ce ce qu'on avait l'habitude de « lire » jusqu'à présent sous une forme imprimée dans des livres. C'est également ce qui a commencé à être « affiché » depuis le début des années 1980 sur les écrans d'ordinateurs car la « littérature », c'est aussi quelque chose qui commence à être « créé » et à être « vu » désormais sur les consoles de visualisation des nouveaux équipements technologiques. Or, on l'ignore trop souvent, la création littéraire a commencé à s'intéresser très tôt à l'utilisation de l'informatique et des ordinateurs . Dès 1959, en France, Raymond Queneau et François Le Lionnais créent un éphémère « Séminaire de Littérature Expérimental » qui se transforma dès 1960 en l'« OULIPO », à savoir l'« Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle », qui voulait s'intéresser aux ressources que pouvaient receler ces nouvelles « machines à traiter l'information »3 qu'on hésitait encore à appeler des « ordinateurs ». Entre-temps, les premiers vers libres électroniques avaient été composés historiquement, en allemand, en Allemagne, à Stuttgart par Théo Lutz.

    Alvaro Seica - 10.09.2014 - 12:53