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  1. Maja Murnik

    Maja Murnik

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 09:56

  2. Saskia Korsten

    Saskia Korsten

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 10:41

  3. Reversed Remediation. A Critical Display of the Workings of Media in Art

    Reversed Remediation. A Critical Display of the Workings of Media in Art

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 10:48

  4. Programmed digital poetry: a poetry of the apparatus; media art?

    Programmed digital poetry: a poetry of the apparatus; media art?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 10:50

  5. Acoustic and Visual Imagination in Poetry from the Neo_Avantgarde to New Media Poetry in Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Poetry

    At the beginning of my text I will consider contemporary interpretations of the visual and acoustic aspects of poetry. The main references will be texts written by American poets, performers, artists, theoreticinas such as Charles Bernstein, Michael Davidson, and Johanna Drucker. Shortly, I will point to the history of these phenomena in the West. Special attention will be given to the concepts of plurivocality and plurality of visual projections in different kinds of experimental poetry.

    In applying these concepts in considering Yugoslav Avant-Gardists:  Franci Zagoričnik and OHO group (Slovenia), Vlado Martek (Croatian) and Katalin Ladik and Awin authors (Serbia) I will first discuss the status of experimental poetry in so called small cultures. Then I will show the range of experimentation in the work of the poets I have mentioned, who worked within the Yugoslav socialism and post-Yougoslav postsocialism.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:25

  6. E-literature and the New Social Paradigms

    In the opening section of this paper the author introduces the paradigm “literary text as a ride” in terms of metaphor and more because it relates to a sequential event that challenges all of human senses, and might be considered as a procedure of experiencing and perceiving of new media art and e-literary pieces. In “The Language of New Media” (2001), Lev Manovich draws upon the general trend in modern society toward presenting more and more information in the form of time-based audiovisual moving image sequences. Today we can go even a step further from this claim by arguing that such moving image sequences are just the first level in today’s arrangement of artistic and textual contents. The next crucial form of their most recent method of presentation and experience is a ride as a sequential event, which fits the basic condition of today’s individual living in the mixed and hybrid reality as a “pluriversum” of a given world and (virtual) ones.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:29

  7. New Media ArtPoetry: A Textu(r)al Surface

    In the talk Mencía describes how her art practice moved from using electronic devices to create physical inscriptions, such as in the installation "I Love You" which was a sort of fax machine that made images in response to the interactor moving a toy car over a stone with the works "I Love You" engraved in it, and collaborative performance works based on collective activities and gestures, to a practice in digital media based on communication and miscommunication in human and computer language. 

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:35

  8. Big Brother really is watching you: Literature in mobile dataspace

    The starting point for this essay is William Gibson's image of locative art in his latest two novels, Spook Country (2007) and Zero History (2010). In these books Gibson creates a very clear and comprehensive picture of the term 'locative art'. The essay compares this purely fictional image with the appearance of locative art and poetry in reality.

    Experiments with new technologies, such as mobile networks, Wifi and GPS for mobile and internet devices use and open urban data spaces for any digital application. It has become easy to trace users of these devices, and one is constantly tracked by GPS-satellites, surveillance cameras and other kind of signals and devices. Locative and adaptive poetry makes use of the interplay of urban space and transmitted data and renders it tangible for the player. Doing this makes the player aware of being under constant surveillance by "Big Brother" from outside and inside his gadget.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:39

  9. Patrícia Gouveia

    Patricia Gouveia has a doctoral thesis in Communication Sciences, Interactive Media Studies and Digital Games, a postgraduate in Sound and Image, Digital Arts, and a degree in Fine Arts, Painting. Patricia works in New Media Arts and Design since the middle of the 90’s and participates in media exhibitions and festivals in Portugal and abroad. She is assistant professor at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in Lisbon and researcher at MOVLAB (Motion Capture Lab) and CICANT (Centre for Applied Research and New Technologies) of the same University. The main focus of
    her research is based on playable media, interactive fiction and digital arts as a place of convergence between cinema, music, games, arts and design. She is editor of Mouseland Blog since 2006. In 2010, Patricia published her first book, Artes e Jogos Digitais, Estética e Design da Experiência Lúdica [Digital Arts and Games, Aesthetics and Design of Ludic Experience (ed. Universitárias Lusófonas)], a synthesis from her doctoral thesis and some articles she published.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:52

  10. Why digital games and networks can help us to change reality and generate concrete changes in social environments

    Starting by questioning why digital games and networks can help us to change reality and generate concrete changes in social environments we will research the application of playful techniques and spaces to address the challenges of our present world. We will state that these strategies can be useful to scrutinize specific and real questions. Using social game examples such as Investigate your MP’s Expenses (2009), World Without Oil (2007), Superstruck, Invent the Future (2008), Evoke (2010) and Playing with Poetry (2010), the aim of the paper/presentation is to promote and expand the field of experimental alternate reality games (ARGs) in a broader context. We will analyze some social games such as Farmville or Mafia Wars, derivatives of Facebook networking social programs, and the aim of the work is to research questions like why can players become addicted to this kind of simulation even if these playable environments are monotonous, boring and obvious? Why every day millions of people plant vegetables and flowers in a predictable platform on the web?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 11:56
