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  1. Reader/Author “Control of the Edit” in the Novella App “Penumbra"

    Reader/Author “Control of the Edit” in the Novella App “Penumbra"

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:03

  2. Débat : « Littérature numérique : chercher le texte ! »

    Débat : « Littérature numérique : chercher le texte ! »

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:12

  3. The Ethos of "Life": digital writing and the temporal animation of space

    When we strip the lexical band-aid ‘embodiment’ off the more than 350 year-old wound inflicted by the Cartesian split of mind and body, we find animation, the foundational dimension of the living. Everything living is animated. Flowers turn toward the sun; pill bugs curl into spheres; lambs rise on untried legs, finding their way into patterned coordinations. The phenomenon of movement testifies to animation as the foundational dimension of the living.

    We propose that the importance of movement in the distribution of space and time is one of the things digital media works make palpable. While western aesthetics – consonant with its spatialised images of subjects and objects – has traditionally paid more attention to spatial form, this is being challenged by new forms of mobility made possible by digital media. These provide both the opportunity for immersion in mediated and programmed/programmable environments, but also the opportunity to move through existing and technologically augmented environments in different ways, using different surfaces and forms of literary inscription.

    Stig Andreassen - 25.09.2013 - 15:05

  4. Traduire et préserver des œuvres numériques : Les projets du Laboratoire NT2 : La revue bleuOrange et L’Abécédaire du Web

    Dans le cadre du thème “Chercher le texte nunérique” les Laboratoires NT2 proposent une table ronde afin d’aborder la question de la préservation et de la traduction de la littérature hypermédiatique. Par littérature hypermédiatique, les Laboratoires NT2 entendent des œuvres ayant un contenu littéraire et faisant usage des technologies numériques. Ce sont des œuvres qui combinent matériau textuel et multimédia (sons, images, vidéos, etc.), des hypertextes, des textes générés par ordinateur, des fictions interactives, etc. Lors de cette table ronde, nous présenterons l’importance ainsi que la difficulté de traduire les œuvres de ce corpus. L’importance découle du mandat des Laboratoires NT2 de faire connaître en français cette littérature. La difficulté résulte dans la traduction d’œuvres qui doivent se faire en équipe, avec des créateurs qui n’ont plus toujours accès au code informatique de leur travail ou qui doivent le reprogrammer, c'est-à-dire, retraduire leur propre œuvre pour l’adaptation de leur œuvre vers le français.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 15:26

  5. Digital Humanties in Praxis: Introducing the Brazilian Electronic Reseach Collection

    The Digital Humanities are in. The trendy scholarly practice for the tech-savvy literati, the DH has generated manifestos, grievances, enthusiasm, grammatical controversy (plural or singular concord?), and conferences. Said to possess both a “dark side” and a utopian core, it is humanities plus media. Humanities in media – but have the humanities ever existed outside a medium of inscription?

    Stig Andreassen - 26.09.2013 - 12:45

  6. Community Repository of Writers on Writing

    More than ever, our cultural institutions are in process. A precarious state that necessitates an ouroboros of approach: we compose even as we are composed. Composing with technology only yields up further process as our predominant cultural artifact. How must we determine its literary value? We must learn to unmake. We must interrogate process through the lens of process. By examining how our cultural artifacts are composed, we may further reveal their stakes. The following presents a beginning survey and comparative analysis of how different writers have composed with/through/among technology to produce cultural artifacts. This study is by no means exhaustive; however, even among few volunteers, there already are interesting trends and divergences.

    Fredrik Sten - 04.10.2013 - 11:23

  7. One + One = Zero – Vanishing Text in Electronic Literature

    The concept of “erased” text has been a recurrent theme in postmodernist criticism. While most speculation about the presence or absence of an absolute text is applied to print literature, the manifestations of digital text present a new and entirely separate level of investigation.
The combination of visible language and hidden code do not negate the basic questions of language and interpretation – these continue to be important in our study of electronic texts. However, the visible text – under the influence of code – can be modified, transformed, and even deleted in ways that introduce markedly different implications for reading strategies and meaning structures.
This paper will explore a selection of works from electronic writers illustrating text/code practices that involve disappearing “text.” Text can absent itself by the simplest of reader actions – the mouseover or the link which takes the reader to another “lexia” in the piece. But text can also be obliterated by actions of the code, unassisted by the reader/navigator. Moreover, there are intermediate techniques to create vanishing text.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.10.2013 - 11:37

  8. Where Is the Text? The Disappearance of the Text in Electronic Poetry

    Electronic poetry encompasses works very different from one another. Talking about electronic poetry as if it were just one creative form seems to be inaccurate. On the other hand the interest to be had in electronic poetry seems to reside exactly in the diversity which electronic poetry has to offer to its reader.
    This paper will feature an empirical approach to electronic poetry. The aim of this paper is a two-fold goal. On the one hand it will study the “development” of electronic poetry, and our hypothesis is: the text is disappearing in e-poetry; and on the other it will compare e-poems written in different languages to see if there are differences of style in composing e-poetry.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.10.2013 - 11:58

  9. The Absence and Potential of Electronic Literature

    There is no understanding of electronic literature. No theory exists to analyze literary texts and signs on the computer and the network. How does the digital inscription become literary? Don’t get me wrong: there are admirable descriptive formalisms and historical genealogies of electronic literature. All these function as criticism should, but offer nothing of electronic literature as such. Existing criticism begins from the presumption that “there is” electronic literature and proceeds to describe the various works in existence (for example, in Electronic Literature Hayles explicitly refuses to theorize the subject of her book). The results are productive for maintaining the existing distribution of texts and readings in a field of literary and non-literary texts. My paper is part of a project refusing the given-ness of these forms and histories. The theory of “electronic literature” is a failure, and I insist on the achievement of this failure. The larger project is a technical and philosophical argument for the absence and potential of electronic literature. For purposes of this paper, I draw my examples from the ELC Volume 2.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.10.2013 - 12:08

  10. A Leitura em Ambiente Digital: Transliteracias da Comunicação

    A literatura é um elemento de cultura que, ao longo dos tempos, se relacionou com a textualidade e os seus aparatos tecnológicos de forma lenta, mas profunda. Cada dispositivo que lhe deu abrigo (vozes, papiros, volumosas encadernações, livros de bolso, livros electrónicos ou tablets) alterou não só a forma de leitura mas, principalmente, a nossa própria relação com o conhecimento e com o mundo. No momento em que os hábitos de leitura se modificam de forma drástica, a utilização das novas tecnologias audiovisuais e multimédia no texto traduz inovações estéticas que tornam a leitura uma experiência complexa, não linear e cada vez mais sensível. Destacam-se dessa experiência sensível uma nova forma de comunicar com os meios tecnológicos e a necessidade de uma recontextualização do leitor nos novos percursos da literacia/transliteracia. Desde que o texto electrónico se tornou um espaço híbrido, onde se fabricam sentidos na exigência e volubilidade do mundo físico e virtual, o encontro com a literatura electrónica materializa na tessitura da escrita uma experiência interpretativa profundamente individualizada a cada instante de leitura online.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 14.10.2013 - 11:34
