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  1. Negro en ovejas (Poema ovino)

    Poem using images and video of sheep wearing words. A voice reads words when the mouse hovers over the appropriate photo.


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.03.2012 - 10:57

  2. The (Former) General In His Labyrinth

    (From website): There are always at least two ways to tell a story...

    For his first fiction since the Booker Prize-shortlisted The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohsin Hamid has taken his inspiration from the Tales from the Thousand and One Nights. In this story, Hamid writes about the melancholic meanderings of a former general's life. Choose a path round his palace, and shape the story as he considers his role and listens to the tales of his loyal aide.

    Aaron Reed - 20.06.2012 - 19:13

  3. Simultan

    Simultan ist ein kollaboratives Hypertext-Projekt, das am Schweizerischen Literaturinstitut (SLI) der Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB) mit Studierenden zwischen Herbst 2007 und Frühjahr 2012 durchgeführt wurde. Konzipiert und geleitet wurde das Projekt von Urs Richle.

    Die vier Hauptprojekte : "Bielarium", "Alliance Abstract", "Le Carnet de rendez-vous" und "Ich bin ein ehrbarer Bürger/D'honnêtes citoyens" sind zum Teil untereinander durch Ereignisse und Figuren verbunden, bilden aber für sich je einen eigenen Erzählraum.

    Urs Richle - 20.06.2012 - 19:29

  4. Ah (a shower song)

    Ah articulates a simple paradox of reading animated digital literature, which is that the eye, and by extension the mind, often has no sense of the future of a sentence or line of text and, more importantly, is not given the chance to retread an already witnessed word or phrase. Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industry's Dakota is a perfect illustration of this principle. In Ah, the central object of rumination is Einstein, but just as the physicist pondered the numberless variations between the presence of a "1" and "0," this Flash animation brings us back and forth between clever articulations and the ambiguous expressivity of single letters and syllables.

    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 11:47

  5. Corporate Text Cannibal

    The work presented a remix of academic texts devoted to creative cannibalism championed by scholars such as Roberto Simanowski and Chris Funkhouser; another scholarly topic remixed was remixology in reference to Mark Amerika. All textual sources together with lyrics by Grace Jones ("Digital Cannibal") were cannibalized into a poem written by the author. It was performed timely filling Jones' refrain, while a number of minimized browser-windows scattered over the projected wall screened the music-video upon deferred-activation.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.09.2012 - 16:52


    Commissioned to work on as a digital engagement with Eugen Gomringer by the Poesiewerkstatt Berlin. Each browser has a function that can show the source text of every retrieved website. Thus, the internet user can always see how a specific website has been programmed. That’s what G-Linie HTML plays with. Websites are layed out with HMTL-Tags. This includes for example the tag-pair

    Johannes Auer - 05.11.2012 - 12:56

  7. The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen

    Exploring connections between surveillance and interference in the lives of artists, "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is a hyperlibretto where the experience of a wedding celebration is created with words, graphic icons, and glockenspiel intermezzi. 

    Artist Statement

    "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is informed by a strategy of following signs and signifiers that point to ancient systems of control of people's lives. It is a device used by Dan Brown in Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code, although actually it was through the performance artist's strategy of looking at hypertextual connections in my own eventful life that "Celebration" took on this aspect. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 16:29

  8. Contemplating Flight

    Framed by various folktales, "Contemplating Flight" explores established female representations and further tests the limitations of participation in a challenging narrative grammatology.

    Artist Statement:
    Like previous artworks on "Contemplating Flight" explores the interplay between digital narrative, image and interaction. It aims to question the paradigm of interaction equating to empowerment.

    Bettelheim like many ponders the importance of the forest "Since ancient times the near impenetrable forest in which we get lost has symbolized the dark, hidden, near-impenetrable world of our unconscious. If we have lost the framework which gave structure to our past life and must now find our way to become ourselves, and have entered this wilderness with an as yet undeveloped personality, when we succeed in finding our way out we shall emerge with a much more highly developed humanity." The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning And Importance of Fairy Tales 1976.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.01.2013 - 01:28

  9. Una Selva Oscura

     Inspired by one of Tom Phillips' illustration for his Dante's Inferno (Talfourd Press, 1983), "Una selva oscura" is a digital visual poetry framework providing readers with different poems and the possibility to write their own. 

    Artist Statement:

    My work has been driven by three main themes: interpretation through adaptation, little acts of unacknowledged violence, and the expression of a sexual self. What is at stake in those themes is three aspects of the act of representation. By adapting somebody else's work, I present it anew, in a different context that has to do with the original work but also with my reaction to it, my interpretation of it. By representing little acts of violence in an absurd, cynical or sarcastic way, I provide a depiction of them that acknowledges what would otherwise be left unspoken. By expressing a sexual self that is feminine and feminist, outspoken and in charge of her sexuality, I provide the representation of a reality that is too often left in the dark because of taboos, repression and censorship. 

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 18:08

  10. Flash Poems

    The first two of this list of poems stand out because of their use of Flash. Komninos’ approach to Flash in his poem “Beer” is similar to the work he published in animated GIFs: a sequence of words, morphing from one to the next producing surprising and amusing juxtapositions. It is with “Love” (image above) that he took advantage of Flash’s strengths: responsiveness to user input and audio synchonization. “Love” creates a simple interface that triggers some not-lovely sounds when moused over or clicked on. The words readable within its circles are replaced by their opposites, portraying love as a kind of minefield full of triggers that can turn trust into jealousy, heartache into separation, or simply cause pain. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 01.02.2013 - 17:35
