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  1. Frank Fietzek

    was born in Kiel, Germany, in 1960. Living in Berlin, he is a media artist and has been working as a project director at the Labor für elektronische Medien (LEM) in Hamburg and as a resident professor in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Weimar, and Berlin. Since 1983 his work has been shown in numerous personal and group exhibitions including “Im Buchstabenfeld,” neue galerie graz 2001; “Operational Tests,” E-Werk, Freiburg; “artgenda,” Börse und Kunsthaus Hamburg 2002. Frank Fietzek has received several awards, among others from the “Ars Electronica” (Honorable Mention 1999, 2001).

    (Source: exhibition catalog p0es1s)

    Scott Rettberg - 24.05.2011 - 21:45

  2. Henk van der Waal

    Henk van der Waal is in 1960 geboren in Hilversum en woont sinds 1979 in Amsterdam.

    Hij studeerde filosofie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en aan de Sorbonne. In 1995 debuteerde hij als dichter met de bundel De windsels van de sfinx, die werd onderscheiden met de C. Buddingh’-prijs. Zijn tweede bundel, Schuldsanering, verscheen in 2000 en werd genomineerd voor de Paul Snoek-poëzieprijs. Voor zijn bundel De aantochtster (2003) werd hij genomineerd voor de VSB-Poëzieprijs 2004. In 2007 publiceerde hij Vreemdgang en in 2010 volgde Zelf worden. Die bundel werd genomineerd voor de VSB-Poëzieprijs en bekroond met de Ida Gerhardt Poëzieprijs 2012.

    Filosofie en dichtkunst zijn voor Henk van der Waal geen gescheiden werelden. Na zijn studie, die hij cum laude afsloot met een scriptie over Heidegger, bleef hij zich dan ook intensief bezighouden met vooral de moderne Franse filosofie. Dat leidde onder andere tot een vertaling van Liefdesgeschiedenissen (1991) van de filosofe Julia Kristeva en tot enkele essays over de dichter Paul Celan (1991) en de filosoof en literatuurcriticus Maurice Blanchot (1997).

    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 10:53

  3. Dmitry Manin

    Дмитрий Манин

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 00:12

  4. Dmitry Galkovsky

    русский философ, писатель, публицист, блоггер

    Отец — инженер, мать — портниха, предки были духовного звания. В 1977 году окончил немецкую спецшколу № 51. Четыре раза пытался поступить в университет. Работал на заводе им. Лихачева наладчиком пылеулавливающего оборудования. Работал также лаборантом в Академии бронетанковых войск им. Малиновского. Чтобы избежать призыва в армию, симулировал психическое заболевание.

    В 1980 году поступил на вечернее отделение философского факультета МГУ, которое окончил в 1986 году. На работу устроиться не мог, зарабатывал на жизнь нелегальным тиражированием и продажей запрещённой литературы.

    В 1987 году написал философский роман «Бесконечный тупик».

    Сотрудничал в 1988—1989 годах с самиздатским журналом Александра Морозова «Параграф». Некоторое время пользовался покровительством Вадима Кожинова, который в 1990 году устроил его в журнал «Наш современник» (Галковский ушёл оттуда через год со скандалом, а в 1991 году помог опубликовать фрагмент «Бесконечного тупика» в журнале «Советская литература».

    Natalia Fedorova - 07.02.2013 - 17:09

  5. Frode Grytten

    Frode Grytten

    Ingrid Dyrkolbotn - 17.03.2013 - 13:24

  6. Miguel Azguime

    Miguel Azguime studied percussion and is a composer, performer and poet. With Paula Azguime, he founded several groups performing jazz and improvised music, including the Miso Ensemble, a contemporary music duo. As a composer, Azguime composes for diverse formations – instrumental and/or vocal with or without elec- tronics, tape music, sound poetry, and also music for exhibitions, sound installa- tions, electroacoustic theatre, dance and cinema. Azguime’s works were performed by the Smith Quartet, California EAR Unit, BBC Singers, etc., and his work has been regularly presented at major festivals of contemporary music around the world. He is currently developing an Electroacoustic Theatre and new op-Era concepts. His multimedia opera “Salt Itinerary” transcends theatrical and music conventions, re ecting on art and madness, revolving around languages, words as sources of meaning and words as sources of sound.

    Mona Pihlamäe - 11.09.2017 - 12:48

  7. Stan Douglas

    Canadian photographer and video artist Stan Douglas challenges viewers’ ideas about narrative by creating non-linear, sometimes randomly generated video installations that can continue for days. Douglas’s work engages directly with a variety of source material, from Samuel Beckett’s teleplays to recognizably post-war images in the vein of press photography from that era. Douglas’s films are often accompanied by collections of photographs, as seen in Le Detroit (1999/2000), made after the series Detroit Photos (1997-1998), both of which explore decay and reinvention in beleaguered Detroit.

    Jana Jankovska - 26.09.2018 - 13:25

  8. Joseph Paul Tabbi

    Joseph Tabbi is a US literary scholar and theorist, notable for his contributions to the fields of American literature and electronic literature. Tabbi received a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1989 for a dissertation titled "The Psychology of Machines: Technology and Personal Identity in the Work of Norman Mailer and Thomas Pynchon."

    Tabbi is also the founder of Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL), an "open access, non-commercial resource offering centralized access to literary databases, archives, and institutional programs" in the humanities.

    Among his works are Postmodern Sublime: Technology and American Writing from Mailer to Cyberpunk and Cognitive Fictions.  He was the first scholar granted access to the archives of the reclusive novelist William Gladdis and is the author of Nobody Grew but the Business: On the Life and Work of William Gaddis and the editor of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature, Post-Digital: Critical Debates from electronic book review, and an additional forthcoming volume from Bloomsbury Publishing. 

    Alisa Nikolaevna Ammosova - 28.09.2021 - 15:40