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  1. Strategies of Embodiment

    Strategies of Embodiment

    Chiara Agostinelli - 03.10.2018 - 15:21

  2. The Digital Ecology of Canadian Experimental Writing

    In the conclusion of *Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English* (1965), Northrop Frye asserts that there “is no Canadian writer of whom we can say what we can say of the world’s major writers, that their readers can grow up inside their work without ever being aware of a circumference” (821). This paper will partly push against this tendency in Canadian literary criticism and will consider a select instance of Canadian electronic literature. In Frye’s terms, “Canadian sensibility” is “profoundly disturbed” not only by “our famous problem of identity,” which can be, in part, summarized by the question of “[w]ho am I?,” but by the question of “[w]here is here?” (826). I claim that *here* in the question of “where is here?” has become digital; i.e., “we” (as in Canadian writers and critics) are now online and not in the prairies or the lakes or the cityscapes and we live lives in which our identities (along with the potentiality of a national identity) have been outsourced to an indefinite electronic space.

    Miriam Takvam - 03.10.2018 - 15:23

  3. Making PIE: Closing the gap between story and experience

    “Making PIE: Closing the gap between story and experience” elaborates and expands on existing relationships between story and experience, using e-lit and game examples to demonstrate the importance of PIE environments for creative and scholarly communication.

    sondre rong davik - 03.10.2018 - 15:24

  4. Italo Calvino’s Six Memos as ethical imperative in J.R. Carpenter’s The Gathering Cloud

    In 1985, Italo Calvino wrote a series of lectures (later published as ‘memos’) in which he proposed six values he deemed crucial to literature as it moved into the next millennium: lightness, quickness, ‘crystal’ exactitude, visibility, multiplicity, and consistency. Though never a writer of electronic literature, Calvino has frequently been associated or referenced in relation to digital works. His 'If on a winter’s night a traveller…' and 'Castle of Crossed Destinies' are often referenced in relation to digital structures (the former’s ‘pumpkin vine’ structure in relation to early hypertext works, and the latter’s infinite-structures in relation to codex/programmable fiction), and his early hypotheses and fictions on computer writers and readers are referenced in relation to contemporary computer writer/reader projects. 

    Kamilla Idrisova - 03.10.2018 - 15:31

  5. Spark Gap: Digital Language, Interstitial User

    Private reading practices and public spaces collide at the mobile browser, and this interactive installation imagines a browser that amplifies the intimate co-presence of its readers. In an ambient immersive environment, it asks if an interface could become more expressive of our influence on each other, and it embodies how language slips from one screen to another in an always shifting hybrid of reading-writing. 

    Chiara Agostinelli - 03.10.2018 - 15:45

  6. Avoiding the digital insanity: the attachment to constructivism in Brazilian literature

    How to build a nation from words? My hypothesis in this paper is that the constructive role of the written text in Brazilian culture has been holding back its experiments on digital literature.
    Ever since its inception, the relationship between Brazil and literature has been quite peculiar. Colonized by Portugal, which had a substantial literary history, the circulation of books and the establishment of the press has been forbidden until century XIX. The legal flow of texts, therefore, occurred shortly before the Brazilian independence in 1822. This fact linked literary expression to the idea of building a nation, especially until the middle of the 20th century
    Although some local poets have been distinguished by its satirical and irreverent spirit, it is common to find between the Brazilian writers what the critic Antonio Candido called the "tradição empenhada." (“committed tradition”). This term defined a kind of engagement that sought to reflect in the literary text social utopias.

    Miriam Takvam - 03.10.2018 - 15:46

  7. Cling-Clang-Cornelius: Digital Sound Poetry as Embodied Posthumanism

    Starting from the problematic gap between the unicity of the human voice and the socio-cultural variables that are unavoidably attached to her expressions, this presentation proposes the phenomenon of ‘sound poetry’ as paradigmatic bridge between a biological reality and its posthuman condition. The underlying reasoning harks back to media artist and philosopher Norie Neumark’s remark that sound poetry like no other mode of artistic expression “stimulates reflection on the uncanny and complicated relation between embodiment, alterity, and signification” (2010). Most notably the appropriation and – literal – embodiment of electronic technologies in digital sound poetry has recently yielded a new dynamic to the performativity of poetic composition. With today’s technical possibility to sample and mediate minimal acoustic nuances in the here-and-now we are allowed a glimpse into the supplement of meaning generated by the meeting between text/script and voice/sound. Such post-human amplification of an intrinsically arch-human act accordingly finds its broader relevance broadside conventional aesthetic standards. 

    Carlos Muñoz - 03.10.2018 - 15:57

  8. (Latin American) E-Lit and its Experimental Nature. After the Great Divide?

    One of the overarching themes that developed over the course of the conference was the gap between the field of electronic literature and mainstream digital culture. In her keynote, Claudia Kozak refered to this as “The Great Divide” between highbrow culture and lowbrow culture, where electronic literature is considered too experimental for mainstream media because of its use of technology. Kozak says we should not abandon the experiment, but rather bridge the gap, for instance through fan fiction, which she considers to function at the intersection of experimentalism, anti-authorship, and mass culture.

    Jana Jankovska - 03.10.2018 - 15:57

  9. Locative Listening and the Construction of Dynamic Hybrid Space

    When the contemporary pedestrian travels from home to work, campus, or coffee shop wearing earphones and listening to a mobile device, he is not trying to find silent refuge from the noise of modern life, rather, he is striving to replace one sonic overwhelm with another of his own choosing. Sound is unique in its ease of subversion and the degree of experiential immersion that can be achieved through such an act. The nature of listening that the author will discuss is one that by way of design takes the quotidian act of mobile listening to a much more structured level of auditory experience with the hope of eliciting an event that is both multi-sensory and potent. 

    Carlos Muñoz - 03.10.2018 - 16:01

  10. Reading the Ethics and Poetics of the Digital through John Cayley’s The Listeners

    Earlier this year, poet-scholar John Cayley proposed that scholars and makers of electronic literature attend to the “delivery media for ‘literature’ that are, historically, taking the place of physical, codex-bound books” (John Cayley, 2017, “Aurature at the End(s) of Electronic Literature,” electronic book review). Among those emerging delivery media are so-called Virtual Digital Assistants (VDA) like Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri. Capable of interpreting and producing human language, these domestic robots speak in pleasant female voices, offering access to information, music, social media, telephony, and other services. Their terms and conditions inform the consumer that once the device is activated, it records everything that is being said. The proliferation of VDA bears wide-reaching ethical and aesthetic ramifications that scholars in digital media should attend to.

    Carlos Muñoz - 03.10.2018 - 16:07
