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  1. Uncle Roger

    In the spring of 1986, Judy Malloy was invited by video and performance art curator Carl Loeffler to go online and write on the seminal Art Com Electronic Network (ACEN) on The WELL where ACEN Datanet, an early online publication, would soon feature actual works of art, including works by John Cage, Jim Rosenberg, and Malloy's Uncle Roger. In August 1986, Malloy began writing and designing the interface for the hyperfictional narrative database, Uncle Roger. Originally this work was published as a series of three files on the Well. It has been described as a "database narrative", though it could equally be described as a hypertext fiction. Each node consists of a paragraph or two of text. Below the text is a list of links, each leading to a new node. Malloy describes the story thus: "Uncle Roger is a work of narrative poetry written in the tradition of Greek and Shakespearean comedy.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.04.2011 - 20:31

  2. Bajke


    Dan Kvilhaug - 14.03.2013 - 15:33

  3. Chateau De Mort

    Chateau de Mort was Deemer's introduction to what later came to be called hyperdrama. A play made available in hypertext format, made with the MS-DOS program Iris. The prequel of Bride of Edgefield, which came ten year later.


    Mathias Vetti Olaussen - 27.09.2021 - 11:30