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  1. The Future of Russian: Language Culture in the Era of New Technology

    This project deals with a phenomenon of global relevance, and its results will therefore be of interest to a wider audience than exclusively Russian studies.

    New media technology has radically changed the conditions of linguistic communication worldwide. In Russia, the technological revolution has taken place at a time of dramatic political and social upheaval, which further reinforces the process and its consequences in several areas, including language development, text production and text dissemination. Traditional forms, means and contexts of communication are challenged as new genres and media develop, and these developments have an impact on language change and linguistic culture. Trends in the centralization and censorship of the more conventional media compound the effects of new technologies: as television stations and newspapers become increasingly controlled by interests controlled by or sympathetic to the political leaders, the Internet is rapidly becoming the outlet of choice for voices of opposition.

    Natalia Fedorova - 15.02.2013 - 14:04

  2. Speaking code : coding as aesthetic and political expression

    Speaking code : coding as aesthetic and political expression

    Fredrik Sten - 17.10.2013 - 18:50

  3. Handbook of Human Computation

    Handbook of Human Computation

    Scott Rettberg - 22.10.2013 - 14:04

  4. Эволюция от кутюр. Искусство и наука в эпоху постбиологии.

    Эволюция от кутюр. Искусство и наука в эпоху постбиологии.

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.10.2013 - 11:40

  5. Entre Centros e Margens. Textos e práticas das novas interculturas

    Entre Centros e Margens. Textos e práticas das novas interculturas

    Rui Torres - 03.12.2013 - 23:45

  6. Handbuch Medien der Literatur

    Mehr und mehr werden die Fragen nach den medialen und medientechnischen Bedingungen von Literatur in den literaturwissenschaftlichen Curricula verankert – zumal im Zuge der Umstrukturierung der Studiengänge. Gleichwohl fehlt auf dem Buchmarkt bislang ein Handbuch, das Studierenden sowie Fachwissenschaftlern auf diesem nur schwer zu überblickenden Arbeitsfeld Orientierung bietet. Zwar liegen Standardwerke zur Medientheorie bzw. Mediengeschichte vor; es gibt jedoch einen steigenden Bedarf an einer Überblicksdarstellung, die diese Forschungsgebiete in ihrem Bezug auf Literatur erfasst. Das Handbuch schließt diese Lücke und informiert umfassend über die Medien der literarischen Texte einerseits sowie andererseits über die Medien der literarischen Kommunikation. Es bietet eine Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstandes auf diesem Gebiet und stellt daher für angehende ebenso wie für erfahrene Literatur- und Buch-, aber auch Theater-, Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler eine wichtige Informationsgrundlage bereit.

    Jörgen Schäfer - 21.01.2014 - 12:38

  7. Escritorios electrónicos para las literaturas: Nuevas herramientas digitales para la anotación colaborativa

    This book is addressed to computer scientists interested in the creation of new tools for digital humanities and philologists who want to introduce ITC in teaching literature in the classroom. This volume collects a group of studies related to interaction between humanities and new technologies. It has been carried out by professors and researchers from Complutense University, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil) and Grupo Ciberimaginario-ICONO14, which deal with creation of repositories of learning objects, the construction of virtual museums and collaborative annotation from digital documents, specially literary ones.

    Maya Zalbidea - 24.06.2014 - 09:43

  8. Imágenes de la tecnología y la globalización en las narrativas hispánicas

    Escritores y profesores como Jordi Carrión, Vicente Luis Mora, Juan Francisco Ferré, Francisca Noguerol y Daniel Mesa firman artículos de este volumen se ocupa de las presencias tecnológicas y mediáticas y sus vínculos con los procesos de desterritorializacion propios de la globalización en la literatura de los últimos veinte años, tratando de confrontar estas presencias con lo que ya es una tradición de narrativas mediáticas o seducidas por los medios en el canon de la literatura latinoamericana.

    Maya Zalbidea - 06.08.2014 - 12:48

  9. Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era

    Proposes a new paradigm for the humanities by recognizing print as a medium within a comparative context

    Primarily arguing for seeing print as a medium along with the scroll, electronic literature, and computer games, this volume examines the potential transformations if academic departments embraced a media framework. The editors bring together an impressive range of leading scholars to offer new insights for better understanding the implications of the choices we, and our institutions, are making.  

    (Source: University of Minnesota Press catalog)

    Scott Rettberg - 23.02.2017 - 09:05