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  1. Speaking With The Other

    Speaking With The Other

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:24

  2. The Sentient Sign

    The Sentient Sign

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:26

  3. Electronic Literature as World Literature; or, The Universality of Writing under Constraint

    Electronic literature is not just a “thing” or a “medium” or even a body of “works” in various “genres.” It is not poetry, fiction, hypertext, gaming, codework, or some new admixture of all these practices. E-literature is, arguably, an emerging cultural form, as much a collective creation of terms, keywords, genres, structures, and institutions as it is the production of new literary objects. The ideas of cybervisionaries Paul Otlet, Vannevar Bush, and Ted Nelson, foundational to the electronic storage, recovery, and processing of texts, go beyond practical insights and can be seen to participate in a long-standing ambition to construct a world literature in the sense put forward by David Damrosch (2003: 5): “not an infinite ungraspable canon of works but rather a mode of circulation and of reading...

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.01.2011 - 12:57

  4. Editorial Process and the Idea of Genre in Electronic Literature in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1

    The article focuses on two subjects: the process of editing the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1 (2006), and the idea of genre in electronic literature. The author was one of four editors of the first volume of the Collection, along with N. Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, and Stephanie Strickland. The Collection, which will be published on a regular basis, is intended to distribute contemporary electronic literature to a wider audience, and to provide a contextual and bibliographic apparatus to make electronic literature more accessible to audiences and educators. In the past decades, the forms of literary artifacts described as electronic literature have diversified to the extent that it is difficult to continue describe them using traditional terms of literary genre. The essay addresses some of the problems involved in classifying digital artifacts by genre, and suggests some avenues of addressing these epistemological challenges. The essay calls for a contextual understanding of works of electronic literature, based both on their nature as procedural artifacts and on their position within a historical continuum of avant-garde practices.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 15:49

  5. The End of Books

    Coover's "The End of Books" essay in the New York Times significantly introduced hypertext fiction to a wider literary audience. The essay describes that ways that hypertext poses challenges for writers and readers accustomed to coventional narrative forms, including assumptions about linearity, closure, and the division of agency between the writer and reader.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:33

  6. Reading, Describing, and Evaluating Electronic Literature for Archiving

    In programmierbaren Medien produzierte Literatur erfordert eine Rekonzeptionalisierung des Rezeptionsprozesses sowie die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte zur Bewertung von (elektronischer) Literatur. Dies ist notwendig, wenn kinetische oder vom Computer zufällig rekombinierte und generierte Texte, interaktive Erzählungen, Hyperfictions oder Gedichte, die als bewegte Buchstaben auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen, Analyseobjekte für Archivierungsprozesse darstellen. Erst wenn diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, können tragfähige Verfahren zur Archivierung und Bewertung dieser Literatur entwickelt werden. Es geht daher nicht um die Frage, wie überlieferte Texte digitalisiert und archiviert werden können. Vielmehr geht es bei den laufenden Initiativen der „Electronic Literature Organization“ (ELO), die im Folgenden vorgestellt werden sollen, um „born-digital works“, d.h. um „elektronische Literatur“, „Netzliteratur“, oder „Literatur in neuen Medien“ (um nur drei der zahlreichen Bezeichnungen des aufstrebenden Forschungsfeldes zu nennen).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 16:29

  7. Between Play and Politics: Dysfunctionality in Digital Art

    Between Play and Politics: Dysfunctionality in Digital Art

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 20:46

  8. Flukten fra språkfengselet

    The article, published in Norwegian in Vagant and in English as "Escaping the Prison House of Language: New Media Essays in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2" on the author's website, addresses the release of the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2, and several new media essays and documentaries published in the collection.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 16:06

  9. Intermediation: The Pursuit of a Vision

    Twenty-first century literature is computational, from electronic works to print books created as digital files and printed by digital presses. To create an appropriate theoretical framework, the concept of intermediation is proposed, in which recursive feedback loops join human and digital cognizers to create emergent complexity. To illustrate, Michael Joyce's afternoon is compared and contrasted with his later Web work, Twelve Blue. Whereas afternoon has an aesthetic and interface that recall print practices, Twelve Blue takes its inspiration from the fluid exchanges of the Web. Twelve Blue instantiates intermediation by creating coherence not through linear sequences but by recursively cycling between associated images. Intermediation is further explored through Maria Mencia's digital art work and Judd Morrissey's The Jew's Daughter and its successor piece, The Error Engine, by Morrissey, Lori Talley, and Lutz Hamel.

    (Source: Project MUSE abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.03.2011 - 10:27

  10. Stitch Bitch: the Patchwork Girl

    It has come to my attention that a young woman claiming to be the author of my being has been making appearances under the name of Shelley Jackson. It seems you have even invited her to speak tonight, under the misapprehension that she exists, that she is something besides a parasite, a sort of engorged and loathsome tick hanging off my side. May I say that I find this an extraordinary impertinence, and that if she would like to come forward, we shall soon see who is the author of whom.

    Well? Well?

    Very well.

    I expect there are some of you who still think I am Shelley Jackson, author of a hypertext about an imaginary monster, the patchwork girl Mary Shelley made after her first-born ran amok. No, I am the monster herself, and it is Shelley Jackson who is imaginary, or so it would appear, since she always vanishes when I turn up. You can call me Shelley Shelley if you like, daughter of Mary Shelley, author of the following, entitled: Stitch Bitch: or, Shelley Jackson, that imposter, I'm going to get her.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 20:58
