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  1. O chip e o caleidoscópio

    O CHIP E O CALEIDOSCÓPIO: estudos em novas mídias é uma antologia que reúne artigos de pesquisadores de várias áreas. A idéia original do projeto dessa coletânea foi mapear questões emergentes. Entre os tópicos que focaram as escolhas dos artigos estão: história das mídias; novas mídias como linguagem; conceituação e definição de ciberespaço; hipermídia e design; design de hipermídia; design de interfaces; design genético; produção de sites; arte tecnológica; ciberarte; arte telemática; net arte; cinema interativo; telepresença; tele-robótica; cinema digital expandido; arte transgência; webcams; realidade virtual; poesia eletrônica; comunidades virtuais; cibercultura; entre outros.

    Luciana Gattass - 28.11.2012 - 14:47

  2. Теории и практики медиаискусства - 3

    Нерв семинара — внимание к одному из наиболее популярных и перспективных направлений современного искусства, в котором художественная среда соединяется с наукой и разнообразными технологиями — информационными, телекоммуникационными, био-, нано- и прочими. Участники семинара совместно с приглашенными специалистами обсудят потенциал медиа искусства в трансформации наших представлений об окружающей реальности и то, как оно способно пробуждать фантазию и помогает предвосхищать будущее. Семинар будет состоять из двух частей — в первой с докладами на тему современных медиа практик выступят специалисты из различных областей знания: художник и программист Никита Рокотян, ведущий сотрудник Библиотеки им. В.Г.Белинского и арт-критик Марина Соколовская, исследователь и со-оснаватель проекта «Точка ветвления» Александра Болдырева. Вторая часть будет представлять собой круглый стол, посвященный археологии медиа. В течение него все желающие смогут обсудить проблематику и сокрытый потенциал забытых, устаревших и иным образом выведенных из оборота медиа технологий. Модератором круглого стола выступит куратор Уральского филиала ГЦСИ, руководитель программы «Искусство. Наука.

    Natalia Fedorova - 24.01.2013 - 15:06

  3. Notes on the Voyage: From Mainframe Experimentalism to Electronic Literature

    Visiting Artist Talk presented by CE3C Lab at Alberta College of Art and Design, 7 February 2013.

    JR Carpenter has been using the internet as a medium for the creation and dissemination of experimental texts since 1993. In this lecture she will explore much earlier works of Electronic Literature dating back to the 1950s, setting a critical and historical context for the vibrant and experimental field that we find today. She skilfully excavates layers of computer/ communication/network history to offer insight into contemporary practices. Through commentary, analysis, historical images, and examples new and old of computer-generated texts and other non-traditional forms of writing, speaking, and interacting, this talk takes a practice-led approach to navigating the ever shifting creative, critical, and political terrain of this fast-growing form of digital-expression.

    J. R. Carpenter - 08.07.2013 - 12:46

  4. A Site for Collaborative Reading of E-Lit

    As scholars experiment with collaborative, multimodal approaches to analyzing electronic literature, the tools, methods, and practices of such collaboration become increasingly an issue. How do we share, edit, archive, and publish arguments that address and evolve across multiple types of data, platforms, and disciplines? How can the approaches (data visualization, code analysis, textual explication, bibliographic history, etc.) be shared in ways that other scholars can engage not just with the final interpretations but also with the processes that lead to them? Recent publications such as 10 PRINT CHR$ (205.5 + RND (1)); : GOTO 10, represent the value of such collaborative efforts in combining media archaeology, platform studies, software studies, and Critical Code Studies. Our own work in collaboratively close reading William Poundstone’s “Project for Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit],” which we presented at ELO 2010 (held at Brown University) and are now developing as a book for Iowa UP, has prompted us to reflexively consider how the processes of our own collaboration might prove generative to other scholars.

    Stig Andreassen - 25.09.2013 - 15:20

  5. TRANS.MISSION [A.DIALOGUE]: Locating Narrative Resonance in Transatlantic Communications Networks

    This paper locates narrative resonance in transatlantic communications networks through a discussion of one web-based work, TRANS.MISSION [A.DIALOGUE], a computer-generated narrative dialogue which propagates across, beyond, and through transatlantic communications networks. These networks engendered by generations of past usage come to serve as narrative structures for stories of place and displacement that resonate between sites, confusing and confounding boundaries between physical and digital, code and narrative, past and future, home and away.

    J. R. Carpenter - 01.10.2013 - 14:21

  6. Radio Silence

    This essay takes a media archaeological approach to putting forward haunted media as theory of mediation able to address contemporary networked writing practices communicated across and through multiple media, multiple iterations, multiple sites, and multiple times. Drawing upon Derrida’s invitation to consider the paradoxical state of the spectre, that of being/not-being, this paper considers the paradoxical state of long-distance communications networks. Both physical and digital, they serve as linguistic structures for modes of transmission and reception for digital texts. Composed of source code and output, these texts are neither here nor there, but rather here and there, past and future, original and copy. The in-between state has been articulated in terms of ‘medium’ in Western philosophy since classical times. The complex temporaility of this in-between state is further articulated in this essay through Alexander Galloway’s framing of the computer, not as an object, but rather as “a process or active threshold mediating between two states”.

    J. R. Carpenter - 06.01.2016 - 15:20

  7. In the Event of a Variable Text

    Walter J Ong argues: ‘The spoken word is always an event, a movement in time, completely lacking in the thing-like repose of the written or printed word’. Digital writing has given rise to a new regime of enunciation in which written words refuse repose. This essay argues that although spoken, written and printed words operate within radically different temporal planes, spoken words also have thing-like properties and written and printed words also move through time. Digital writing has given rise to a new regime of signification unforeseen by Ong in which written words refuse repose. Jay David Bolter argues that digital writing ‘challenges the logocentric notion that writing should be merely the servant of spoken language ... The writer and reader can create and examine structures on the computer screen that have no easy equivalent in speech’. N Katherine Hayles argues that, in digital media, the text ‘becomes a process, an event brought into existence when the program runs ... The [text] is ‘‘eventilized,’’ made more an event and less a discrete, self-contained object with clear boundaries in space and time’.

    J. R. Carpenter - 31.01.2017 - 12:42

  8. Optical Media Archaeologies

    Anthony Enns juxtaposes two models of German media theory in reviewing new works by Oliver Grau and Friedrich Kittler.

    Glenn Solvang - 07.11.2017 - 13:50

  9. Thinking Through the Digital

    The research project REP+REC+digit – Representations and Reconfigurations of the Digital in Swe­dish Literature and Art 1950–2010 – and Linköping University, Sweden, invite scholars in media archaeology, digital culture, artistic practice, media history, electronic texts, comparative literature and adjacent fields to the conference THINKING THROUGH THE DIGITAL IN LITERATURE – REPRESENTATIONS+POETICS+SITES+PUBLICATIONS, to be held at Linköping University, Sweden, 29 November to 1 December, 2017.

    REP+REC+DIGIT explores different aspects of how digital technology and digital culture have influenced aesthetic and literary expressions since 1950, including digital artifacts, the digi­tization as motif, post-digital aesthetics and digital epistemology.

    The topics of this event are derived from the questions that have been asked and explored throughout the project. The conference subtitle suggests four aspects of these explorations: The actual representation in art and literature; Aesthetic forms and critical reflec­tions; The material sites for writing and reading texts; and New interfaces for dissemination.

    Hannah Ackermans - 28.11.2018 - 11:25

  10. At the Brink: Electronic Literature, Technology, and the Peripheral Imagination

    Periods of rapid technological change also redraw our sense of cultural and geographical periphery. Routes of transport and travel, communications infrastructures, and networks of cultural production extend, transform, and redirect the perimeters of our personal and collective imagination. In this lecture I will examine how Ireland’s location at the geographical margin of Europe has also rendered it a focal point of technological experimentation and exchange, and has closely entwined it with the story of electronic literature. I propose that the peripheral imagination informing this relationship can also encourage the kind of cultural dissent needed to tackle the consequences of unchecked technological ambition to the fragile environments of the Anthropocene.

    Anne Karhio - 08.11.2019 - 10:52
