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  1. This Is Not A Poem

    This work takes the poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer and, transcribing it onto a "scratchable" disk, makes it into a toy, a game, and a language engine.

    (Source: Author's description)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 12:35


    GENERATION[S] expands upon a series of short fictions generated by Python scripts adapted (with permission) from two 1k story generators written by Nick Montfort, and incorporates GORGE, a never-ending tract spewing verse approximations, poetic paroxysms on food, consumption, decadence and desire, a hack of Montfort’s elegant poetry generator Taroko Gorge. There was only one rule in creating GENERATION[S]: No new texts. All the texts in this book were previously published in some way. The texts the generators produce are intertwined with the generators’ source code, and these two types of texts are in turn interrupted by excerpts from the meta narrative that went into their creation. Most of the sentences in the fiction generators started off as Tweets, which were then pulled into Facebook. Some led to comments that led to responses that led to new texts. All these stages of intermediation are represented in the print book iteration of GENERATION[S]. 

    (Source: Author's website)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 14:44

  3. Along the Briny Beach

    Along the briny beach a garden grows. With silver bells and cockleshells, cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh. A coral orchard puts forth raucous pink blossoms. A bouquet of sea anemones tosses in the shallows. A crop of cliffs hedges a sand-sown lawn mown twice daily by long green-thumbed waves rowing in rolling rows. The shifting terrain where land and water meet is always neither land nor water and is always both. The sea garden’s paths are fraught with comings and goings. Sea birds in ones and twos. Scissor-beak, Kingfisher, Parrot and Scissor-tail. Changes in the Zoology. Causes of Extinction. From the ship the sea garden seems to glisten and drip with steam. Along a blue sea whose glitter is blurred by a creeping mist, the Walrus and the Carpenter are walking close at hand. A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk along the briny storied waiting in-between space. Wind blooms in the marram dunes. The tide far out, the ocean shrunken. On the bluff a shingled beach house sprouts, the colour of artichoke. On the horizon lines of tankers hang, like Chinese lanterns. Ocean currents collect crazy lawn ornaments. Shoes and shipwrecks, cabbages and kings.

    J. R. Carpenter - 30.05.2011 - 20:53

  4. Intermission

    Intermission is a performative redadaction of the poetics of cinema. The performance and media platform utilizes René Clair’s short film Entr’acte (1924, a collaboration with Picabia and Erik Satie) as a starting point, reimagining cinema as if the Dadaist vision for the medium had become the prevalent form.

    Talan Memmott - 17.06.2011 - 12:41