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  1. William Poundstone and the Aesthetics of Digital Literature

    This paper will discuss the work of Los Angeles-based writer and digital artist William Poundstone. Poundstone, who makes his living writing books for a popular audience on subjects such as cryptography, philosophical and mathematical conundrums, economics and even a biography of Carl Sagan, has a growing, but still quite small, reputation as one of the most intellectually challenging, playful, and artistically distinctive web artists. His ““New Digital Emblems”” is probably his most ambitious work, and operates somewhere between a documentary about the history of visual and ludic writing——ranging across centuries and focusing most profoundly on the Renaissance emblem books——and an original artistic creation, as it includes several of his own ““digital emblems.”” Other works, such as ““Project for Tachistoscope,”” challenge our ways of reading as this narrative is presented as a mix of basic ““Wing Dings””-style iconography and text, presented in synch one image/word combination at a time.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 12:53

  2. Machine Subjectivity, Politics and Digital Arts

    Although human interaction with technological artifacts often involves treating them as if they are alive, the dominant discourse in our society portrays technology as the instrument of its human master. In the context of computing, our desire of absolute control over machines manifests itself both as the human computer interaction (HCI) community’s emphasis on “usability” and as popular culture’s apocalyptic imagination of the out-of-control artificial intelligence (AI) systems trying to eliminate humanity. It is revealing that, for instance, the word “robot” comes from “slave” in Czech. This paper examines the social and aesthetic limitations of this narrow instrumental view of technology. It proposes an alternative interaction model based on machine subjectivity, that is, constructing and perceiving computer systems as an independent entity in its own right.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 13:42

  3. Bodies in Code

    "Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's book shows what they've been missing. Cyberspace is anchored in the body, he argues, and it's the body--not high-tech computer graphics--that allows a person to feel like they are really "moving" through virtual reality. Of course these virtual experiences are also profoundly affecting our very understanding of what it means to live as embodied beings. 

    Hansen draws upon recent work in visual culture, cognitive science, and new media studies, as well as examples of computer graphics, websites, and new media art, to show how our bodies are in some ways already becoming virtual."

    (Source: Publisher website)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 15.05.2013 - 12:18

  4. Nomadic Poetry

    Nomadic Poetry

    Scott Rettberg - 09.07.2013 - 14:59

  5. Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information Overflow

    Database Aesthetics examines the database as cultural and aesthetic form, explaining how artists have participated in network culture by creating data art. The essays in this collection look at how an aesthetic emerges when artists use the vast amounts of available information as their medium. Here, the ways information is ordered and organized become artistic choices, and artists have an essential role in influencing and critiquing the digitization of daily life.

    Contributors: Sharon Daniel, U of California, Santa Cruz; Steve Deitz, Carleton College; Lynn Hershman Leeson, U of California, Davis; George Legrady, U of California, Santa Barbara; Eduardo Kac, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Norman Klein, California Institute of the Arts; John Klima; Lev Manovich, U of California, San Diego; Robert F. Nideffer, U of California, Irvine; Nancy Paterson, Ontario College of Art and Design; Christiane Paul, School of Visual Arts in New York; Marko Peljhan, U of California, Santa Barbara; Warren Sack, U of California, Santa Cruz; Bill Seaman, Rhode Island School of Design; Grahame Weinbren, School of Visual Arts, New York. 

    Scott Rettberg - 10.07.2013 - 14:06

  6. Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica (FILE SP 2013)

    Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica (FILE SP 2013)

    Luciana Gattass - 14.08.2013 - 15:42

  7. Transdução: Processos de Transferência na Literatura e Arte Digitais

    Electronic Literature and Digital Art share many processes, themes, creative and theoretical guidelines. In this sense, I developed a critical framework that could resist to a hyperdisciplinary analysis and include one of the characteristics of this sharing pattern: the transfer and transformation processes. In order to recognize these processes I have done an approach of the transduction concept that could perform a theoretical migration on these aspects: the transducer function. Thus, the transducer function appears in the critical analysis of the works by Mark Z. Danielewski, Stuart Moulthrop, R. Luke DuBois and André Sier. The selected works are representative of the following genres: novel, hyperfiction, and digital installation, drawing on phenomena and concerns resulting from the creative production within the digital culture. In this research I have enhanced mechanisms, patterns, languages and common grounds: authorship, user, cybertext, surface, hypertext, infoduct, interactivity, pixel, algorithm, code, programming, network, software and data. (Source: Author's abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 15.08.2013 - 15:59

  8. The Transducer Function: An Introduction to a Theoretical Typology in Electronic Literature and Digital Art

    In this essay I introduce the notion of transducer function in the fields of electronic literature and digital art. Firstly, I survey the transduction concept throughout its history in such domains as physics, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, physiology, psychology, philosophy, logic and computer science. Secondly, I discuss the relevance of a transduction theory versus the advantage of a transducer function. I migrate the transduction concept into the fields of electronic literature and digital art, showcasing the contexts of application, and several transfer processes and functions. Finally, I apply the transducer function as a theoretical typology and a recognizable system, highlighting some artworks by R. Luke DuBois, André Sier and Scott Rettberg that can be read within this framework. Thus, it means taking into account a set of transfer and conversion processes: information, patterns and data among mechanisms, technologies, themes, creative and theoretical guidelines. In this sense, I develop a critical framework that operates as a method for analyzing and comprehend further digital artworks.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 15.08.2013 - 16:38

  9. Make or Break? Concerning the Value of Redundancy as a Creative Strategy

    There is a contradiction at the heart of digital art making, regarding its temporal mediality and relationship with a mainstream visual arts practice that values permanence. Why do we wish to preserve something temporal and fleeting? Will the preservation of digital works contribute to a process of commodification that many media artists have sought to avoid by embracing the ephemeral nature of digital media? Are there reasons that would justify preserving digital works of art when, for some artists, redundancy is a key principle in their practice?

    (Source: Author's introduction)

    Scott Rettberg - 04.11.2013 - 11:56

  10. Digital Art

    Digital technology has revolutionized the way we produce and experience art. Not only have printing, painting, photography and sculpture been transformed by digital techniques, but entirely new forms such as net art, software art, digital installations and virtual reality have emerged as recognized artistic practices, collected by major museums, institutions and private collectors the world over. Christiane Paul surveys digital art from its appearance in the 1980s to the present day, and looks ahead to what the future may hold. She dicusses the key artists and works, drawing a distinction between work that uses digital technology as a tool to produce traditional forms and work that uses it as a medium to create new types of art. The book explores themes raised by digital art, such as viewer interaction, artificial life and artificial intelligence, social activism, networks and telepresence, as well as curatorial issues such as the collection, presentation and preservation of digital art. (Source: Thames & Hudson website)

    Alvaro Seica - 18.02.2014 - 13:45
