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  1. Escrituras nómades : del libro perdido al hipertexto

    La autora estudia la práctica de las literaturas no lineales a lo largo de la historia de la literatura. Si bien mucho se ha hablado sobre literaturas no lineales desde contextos cercanos a las teorías de los nuevos medios, este libro acentúa la continuidad de estas prácticas a lo largo de la historia de la literatura. Los nuevos dispositivos de escritura, surgidos a partir de tecnologías digitales, permiten alcanzar dimensiones antes no previstas en estrategias tales como la no linealidad de las tramas, la interactividad o el reparo en el aspecto perceptual de los signos. Sin embargo, este tipo de experiencias no son nuevas en el campo literario. Desde los "Carmina Figurata" hasta los poemas dadá, desde el "Tristam Shandy" de Lawrence Stern hasta los viajes africanos de Raymond Roussel, desde el "Coup de dés" de Mallarmé hasta el "Nouveau Roman", desde la verbivocovisualidad joyciana (Finnegan's Wake) hasta el concretismo, desde los lenguajes inventados por Velemir Khlebnikov hasta los "event scores" de Fluxus se han buscado formas de decir y de narrar que escapasen a modelos canónicos y automatismos lingüísticos.

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.07.2014 - 22:19

  2. Lecturas del contacto: manifestaciones estéticas de la interculturalidad y la transculturalidad

    The terms ‘interculturality’ and ‘transculturality’ are every time more present in literary studies. However, the relationship between the phenomena of cultural contact and aesthetic dimension demand understand deeply of which both consist. This study explores the need of a convergence between culture sciences (Kulturwissenschaften) and literary theories to tackle in the right way the relationship between cultural interactions and aesthetic-literary strategies. In the first place, from a critical and systematic revision of the main theories and conceptualizations to nowadays, a new method is elaborated to produce readings from an intercultural perspective. In other words, a focus that deals with cultural contacts in production and textual reproductions. In the second place, the analysis of three contemporary novels representative of different models of interculturality and transculturality illustrate this approach to the texts and offers contributions that move beyond the literary.

    Maya Zalbidea - 24.07.2014 - 11:54

  3. Literaturas del texto al hipermedia

    Literaturas del texto al hipermedia

    Maya Zalbidea - 24.07.2014 - 12:39

  4. Real and Virtual Cities: Intertextual and Intermedial Mindscapes

    Real and Virtual Cities: Intertextual and Intermedial Mindscapes

    Maya Zalbidea - 24.07.2014 - 14:31

  5. Netianas. N(h)acer mujer en Internet

    Netianas are heirs of cyborg, of the nomadic subject and other political feminist fictions, they are also a myth, new factitious, desirable and productive creatures, ironic cyberfeminist figures that warn of the new risks of the Internet for an emancipator production of the contemporary subject “woman”. But netianas go further than the artistic ideal of a chimera, the invention produces the same territory of the discourse that tries to change (Translated by Maya Zalbidea) (Source:

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 10:33

  6. Un Cuarto propio conectado : (ciber)espacio y (auto)gestión del yo

    A Connected Room of One’s Own is an insightful essay about intimacy, about the spaces of privacy and the Internet; a book which sets out to ponder the challenges new online habits and customs pose to creativity, politics, and the management of our personal identities. It brings a broad range of disciplines to the discussion –from anthropology and sociology to philosophy and politics– certain to be of interest to researchers working in the fields of online culture, feminism and identity/cultural studies.

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 11:29

  7. Un cuarto propio conectado. (Ciber)espacio y (auto)estión del yo

    Suppporting the critical reappropriation of a room of one’s own -Virginia Woolf, 1929-and contextualizing in the present Net Culture, this essay questions the redefinition of the private spaces transformed into nods of relation and inmaterial work in a Web-Society. With the hypothesis of that space conforms a new public public-private scenario for the reflection and self-management of the self, this book examines the new conditions and possibilities of emancipation and subjective construction of a connected home, the consequences of the production ways and online life from the intimate spaces and the redefinition of the new productive spheres.

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 11:34

  8. (H)adas : mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean

    (h)adas is not a conventional essay and it does not only try to be about women and technology; (h)adas tries to find one’s own times and ways of domestication and emancipation that are deduced from daily life technologies, about its invisible power in appropriation and time management and expectations. It is a singular book, in which stories, research and autobiography cohabit and it has worth Remedios Zafra V Malaga Essay Prize “it has been written to revindicate the political power that accompanies this periphery , to make everything shared, to reflect upon the conditions in which repetition power of the world perform, some ways to battle against it from the critical consciousness and creation” (Translated by Maya Zalbidea) (Source:

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 11:43

  9. Más allá del papel. El hilo digital de la ficción impresa.

    Ante el despunte de los medios digitales en una cultura transformada por el hipermedia, por la inmersión en los espacios virtuales y por los nuevos hábitos sociales de lectura, el universo de la ficción que se nos ha transmitido de forma impresa comienza a replantearse su contexto pasado para hallar un espacio en el futuro. Este libro busca respuestas a una cuestión clave cuando hablamos de digitalización de obras de ficción previamente impresas: ¿es posible trasladar y de qué manera la memoria cultural del libro impreso a una memoria virtual caracterizada por el hipertexto, la inmersión audiovisual y la participación escrilectora?

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.08.2014 - 13:00

  10. Literatura digital: el paradigma hipertextual

    This book introduces and defines the new field of digital literature, answering to the question of the introduction of hypertext if it has suposed a reconfiguration of the literary paradigm in all its areas: theoretical, creative and educational. The theory, ideology and politics of hypertext are examined from a view of a theory of the hypertextual links, which proposes an original typology that is used as a tool for the analysis of literary digital texts (Source: Aurea Library) (Translated by Maya Zalbidea Paniagua).

    Maya Zalbidea - 07.08.2014 - 21:21
