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  1. Electronic Literature: Linking Database Projects

    Electronic Literature: Linking Database Projects

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.06.2012 - 15:15

  2. Electronic Literature in the 21st Century

    Electronic Literature in the 21st Century

    Scott Rettberg - 12.01.2013 - 11:09

  3. What Is at Work in a Work of Digital Literature?

    This proposal is for a panel presentation. In keeping with the themes of Archive and Innovate, this panel will look at structures and decoding with respect to the practice of preserving electronic fiction and poetry. A finished electronic piece is the end result of various decisions about technology and the coding that accompanies this production. In some cases the reading of a piece partially decodes the assemblage; in other works, the coding structure remains hidden. The members of this panel will look at both phenomena as an aspect of investigating works of digital literature. Members will include Marjorie C. Luesebrink/M.D. Coverley (chair), Stephanie Strickland, John Zuern, and Mark Marino.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 15:19

  4. Intersecting Approaches to Electronic Literature: Close-Reading Code, Content, and Cartographies in “William Poundstone’s “Project for the Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit]”

    What does it mean to close read electronic literature? Should one closely engage the screenic content, the programming code, or the operating patterns of a work? This panel proposes that critical analysis need not be limited to one approach or one focal point of attention, and seeks to demonstrate what can be gained when scholars collaborate to apply multiple methodologies to engage a single work. All three panelists will read the same work of digital literature, William Poundstone’s “Project for the Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit]” (EL Collection, vol.1), but using three different critical methods with the collaborative goal of approaches that mutually inform and enrich each other. Jessica Pressman will approach the Flash-based animation from the lens of traditional literary hermeneutics, close reading the onscreen literary aesthetics to explore the relationships between form and content as well as locate the points of aporia and mystery that traditional reading strategies are left struggling to explain.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:12

  5. The State of the Archive: Authors, Scholars, and Curators on Archiving Electronic Literature

    Archiving electronic literature and the challenges raised by this task is a subject of discourse and action as well as a formative force in shaping the emergence of electronic literature as field of scholarly study. The ELO Visionary Landscapes Conference in 2007 dedicated a keynote position to a panel on the topic of preserving electronic literature with archivists from leading universities, and the panel was a cornerstone of discussion at the conference and beyond. The current proposal for a panel on the topic seeks to continue the conversation while extending it to voices not usually included in critical conversation about archiving— artists whose work is selected for preservation. What kinds of experiences are involved in collecting and handing over one’s oeuvre to an archivist? Does this experience affect the practice (artistic and otherwise) of future creation? Are there specific aspects of these questions and their answers that are specific to the digital nature of the objects?

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:21

  6. Cave Writing: Reshaping Writing at Brown

    In the spirit of engaging Robert Coover's contributions to the electronic literature field (one of the conference aims) and simultaneously looking at the cutting edge of our field, this panel will discuss the groundbreaking Cave Writing project that Coover has initiated at Brown. It will feature the two primary faculty the project has had over the last eight years (Coover and Cayley), two of the students who have been involved in organizing the project and creating work (Wardrip-Fruin and Gorman), and one of the critics who has looked at this work most seriously (Raley). Topics will include the history of the literary work done in the Brown Cave, the unexpected power of two dimensional typography in three dimensional space, experiences of embodied interaction and spectatorship in combination and tension with literary reading, the role of non-textual images, animation, and sound in the Brown Cave experiments, and others.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 13:33

  7. Limbo and the Edge of the Literary

    Limbo, released in 2010, is a puzzle platformer that features a player character who awakes in Limbo, on the edge of hell. He must traverse a world of bear traps, giant killer spiders, and spinning gears. As with any game, the player of Limbo will necessarily fail while solving the game’s puzzles; however, this game makes those failures especially painful. The player character is decapitated, impaled, and dismembered as the player attempts to solve each puzzle. The game’s monochromatic artwork, its vague storyline, and these gruesome deaths meant that Limbo, predictably, found its way into various “games as art” conversations. However, this presentation asks whether Limbo can serve as a different kind of boundary object. Given its complete lack of text and its minimalist approach to storytelling, what is the status of Limbo as a literary object?

    Stig Andreassen - 25.09.2013 - 14:31

  8. Traduire et préserver des œuvres numériques : Les projets du Laboratoire NT2 : La revue bleuOrange et L’Abécédaire du Web

    Dans le cadre du thème “Chercher le texte nunérique” les Laboratoires NT2 proposent une table ronde afin d’aborder la question de la préservation et de la traduction de la littérature hypermédiatique. Par littérature hypermédiatique, les Laboratoires NT2 entendent des œuvres ayant un contenu littéraire et faisant usage des technologies numériques. Ce sont des œuvres qui combinent matériau textuel et multimédia (sons, images, vidéos, etc.), des hypertextes, des textes générés par ordinateur, des fictions interactives, etc. Lors de cette table ronde, nous présenterons l’importance ainsi que la difficulté de traduire les œuvres de ce corpus. L’importance découle du mandat des Laboratoires NT2 de faire connaître en français cette littérature. La difficulté résulte dans la traduction d’œuvres qui doivent se faire en équipe, avec des créateurs qui n’ont plus toujours accès au code informatique de leur travail ou qui doivent le reprogrammer, c'est-à-dire, retraduire leur propre œuvre pour l’adaptation de leur œuvre vers le français.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 15:26

  9. Intermediality and Electronic Literature

    The 2015 ELO Conference’s call for papers states that "[e]lectronic literature is situated as an intermedial field of practice, between literature, computation, visual and performance art. The conference will seek to develop a better understanding of electronic literature’s boundaries and relations with other academic disciplines and artistic practices."

    This roundtable discussion, led by both established and emerging e-lit scholars and artists, will explore the idea of electronic literature as an intermedial practice, looking at the topic from a wide range of forms including literature, performance, sound, computation, visual art, and physical computing. Drawing upon artistic work they have produced or studied, each panelist will provide a five-minute statement that touches on qualities related to intermediality like hybridity, syncretism, and collaboration. Following this series of brief presentations, the panelists, then, encourage engagement in a wider conversation with the audience.

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 10:36

  10. Archiving Roundtable

    Listed as one of the main themes of the Bergen 2015 ELO conference is the following question: is “electronic literature” a transitional term that will become obsolete as literary uses of computational media and devices become ubiquitous? If so, what comes after electronic literature?

    The notion of obsolescence has been a recurring issue in electronic literature since at least 2002, the date of the ELO Conference at UCLA. At that time, archiving became a general concern in the field. ELO responded with documents such as Born-Again Bits, Acid-Free Bits, and the ELC 1 and 2 Collections. Since that time, with the continual evolution of computational media and devices, the problems of archiving have continued to grow more complicated. The panel proposes to address issues of Archiving based on this re-wording of the conference theme: is electronic literature a transitional practice that will become obsolete as the multiplication of forms of both computational media and devices make literary artifacts more and more difficult to preserve?

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 10:54
