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  1. My Book of #GHcoats

    This book is a collection of misattributed quotes created in a collaborative writing project by a group of Ghanian writers on Facebook. Initially the project used the hashtag #GHquotes but it was changed to #GHcoats as a play on both the common Ghanian pronunciation of quotes as coats and the Ghanian sartorial fascination with ornate and often climate-inappropriate clothing. Many of the quotes play upon Ghanian themes, but are attributed to famous people, such as Albert Einstein, Chairman Mao or Mohammed Ali. (Source:

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 17:02

  2. ScareMail

    ScareMail is a web browser extension that makes email "scary" in order to disrupt NSA surveillance. Extending Google's Gmail, the work adds to every new email's signature an algorithmically generated narrative containing a collection of probable NSA search terms. This "story" acts as a trap for NSA programs like PRISM and XKeyscore, forcing them to look at nonsense. Each email's story is unique in an attempt to avoid automated filtering by NSA search systems. One of the strategies used by the US National Security Agency's (NSA) email surveillance programs is the detection of predetermined keywords. Large collections of words have thus become codified as something to fear, as an indicator of intent. The result is a governmental surveillance machine run amok, algorithmically collecting and searching our digital communications in a futile effort to predict behaviors based on words in emails. ScareMail proposes to disrupt the NSA's surveillance efforts by making NSA search results useless. Searching is about finding the needles in haystacks.

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 17:25

  3. DataFiction v0.1

    We live in an age of big data, when much of what we say and do is captured and stored in vast, searchable databases. What is the future of the novel – that most personal and intimate of artforms – as private lives are increasingly turned into public data?

    DataFiction v0.1 is part of a major new collaboration between myself and artist Andrew Burrell that aims to create a real-time, data-driven novel. These excerpts of generative, network-sourced prose were presented as early work-in-progress, with the aim of inciting audience interest and critical feedback.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 20.06.2014 - 00:09

  4. Cuando enciendas los párpados

    Los vídeos multimedia de Oscar Martín Centeno forman parte de la sección visual de los recitales multimedia. No son videopoemas, es decir, no están pensados para ser visionados de forma autónoma, sino para formar parte de un espectáculo donde la música en directo, la presencia escéncia y la interacción son elementos fundamentales. Aún así, el autor pretende que puedan acercar a los usuarios a la simbiosis de lenguajes artísticos que este género poético propicia. Cuando enciendas los párpardos es un poema multimedia que incluye música, poesía animada por ordenador, imágenes y la voz del poeta recitando el poema. Los versos, la música y el vídeo han sido creados por el propio autor. En el poema las palabras se mueven en forma de espiral y aparecen luces en las esquinas, hay sobras de personas que parecen la audiencia que está viendo la instalación como en una acción performativa. El poema trata del amor, la esperanza y el mar, aparecen peces danzando en el agua cuando el poeta menciona el mar. Este poema pertenece al libro de poemas Je suis le diable-Las Cántigas punlicado por la editorial Ya lo dijo Casimiro Parker (Maya Zalbidea Paniagua 2014).

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 13:36

  5. Tavs

    This manga-inspired graphic novel app is about thirteen-year-old Tavs, who chooses his name (meaning “silent”) when he writes a declaration to his parents: “From now on I will be silent”. The story is about the loneliness and loss Tavs feels upon the death of his twin and his family’s move to Tokyo. TAVS is a fantasy narrative with gothic, humorous and boy-meets-girl elements and references to haiku and manga. The app mixes text, music, still images, sound effects and animation into an immersive aesthetic experience. For example, as we read of Tavs’ sorrow and frustration the words begin to fall down from the screen and the reader has to take an active part in the reading process by grabbing the sentences. The chapters show great variation, operating between expressive powerful animations and stills and black pages, between strong sound effects and silence and between spoken and written words, right up to the final fight between the twins; between life and death. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 17.09.2014 - 15:47

  6. Poesia Ú~ Dia Inú~

    Poesia Ú~ Dia Inú~ é um poema digital (em vários sentidos, como vão ver) escrito com o intuito megalómano e nada pretensioso (é preciso ver) de construir o primeiro poema útil do mundo (vamos lá ver).

    Desde a Antiguidade Grega (que é onde tudo começa, inclusive os iogurtes, como a Danone fez questão de nos dar a conhecer num gesto magnânimo de antropologia cultural que vai directo para o palato) que toda a gente se anda a perguntar sobre a utilidade da poesia.

    No Portugal de hoje, país onde existem 300 leitores/as de poesia, 600 poetas e 10 milhões de pessoas a dizer todos os dias que a poesia não serve para nada é quotidianamente difícil ser um poeta do quotidiano (Fonte: Instituto Nacional de Estadística).

    Ainda assim os dois críticos literários e meio que desenvolvem o seu trabalho em Portugal (até à data de fecho deste texto não pude confirmar se ainda estão vivos) dizem que a poesia do quotidiano é o futuro. E como eu não quero perder o andamento da carruagem, serve o presente poema para me engajar na poesia da moda de forma multimodal (que é a forma mais divertida fazer as coisas).


    Alvaro Seica - 24.09.2014 - 10:03

  7. tantascoisasparadizer

    O poema tantascoisasparadizer é uma recodificação electrónica do poema visual com o mesmo título, aqui com supressão dos espaços que antes separavam as palavras que lhe dão o nome. A ideia era replicar em meio digital a poética interior ao texto que está na sua génese, o que considero ter sido conseguido. Isto, julgo, vem colocar em evidência o facto de o texto experimental partilhar, de certa forma, das premissas que estão na base da criação assistida por computador. No fundo, e sem ir muito longe nesta reflexão, é como se o poema visual tantas coisas para dizer fosse uma cristalização no espaço-tempo do poema electrónico tantascoisasparadizer. Mas, se virmos as coisas por outro lado, o poema visual não continha já em si uma ideia de movimento? Não estava, também ele, focado no processo? Não era já a sua natureza uma natureza performativa? Este poema foi construído com recurso ao software Processing e parti do código Text – Pulse, escrito por Bruno Richter e por ele partilhado em código aberto. Em larga medida, é a estas linhas de código que devo a existência visual e processual do meu poema.

    Alvaro Seica - 24.09.2014 - 10:30

  8. And That’s The Way It Is

    And That’s The Way It Is

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.10.2014 - 09:08

  9. Two Headlines

    Two Headlines is a Twitter bot that attempts to automate a kind of lazy Twitter joke where a human confuses the subjects of two news items that everyone is talking about on Twitter. An unintended consequence of its particular algorithm is that the bot that also writes near-future late-capitalist dystopian microfiction, in a world where there is no discernible difference between corporations, nations, sports teams, brands, and celebrities. (Source: Authors statement from the elc3)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.10.2014 - 09:12

  10. World Clock

    World Clock tells of 1440 incidents that take place around the world at each minute of a day. The novel was inspired by Stanislaw Lem’s “One Human Minute” and Harry Mathews’s “The Chronogram for 1998.” It celebrates the industrial concept of time and certain types of vigorous banality which are shared by all people throughout the world. This novel was generated with 165 lines of Python code, all of which were written by the author in about four hours on November 27, 2013. The only external data source that is used in the generation process is the computer’s time zone database. The source code is available under a free software license at; anyone is welcome to use that code to generate their own novel or for any other purpose. World Clock was generated as part of the first "NaNoGenMo" or National Novel Generation Month, which was declared on Twitter this year as a response to, and alternative to, the better-known NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

    Alvaro Seica - 14.11.2014 - 13:14
