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  1. Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China

    Inanimate Alice depicts the life of a young girl growing up in the early years of the 21st century through her blog and episodic multimedia adventures that span her life from childhood through to her twenties. It has been created to help draw attention to the issue of electro-sensitivity and the potentially harmful pollution resulting from wireless communications.

    (Source: Author's description from ELC, vol. 1)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.11.2011 - 10:21

  2. Red Lily

    Red Lily is a Flash poem divided into three musical movements that address the pain of lost love. Visual symbols, like a child playing with ducklings and a calla lily, juxtapose innocence and death, while the sound of the tolling bell coupled with textual clues of blood and needles emphasize love's end.

    (Source: description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition, MLA 2012)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 14:51

  3. Shy Boy

    Shy Boy is a Flash poem that uses movement, visual images, and sound to deep into the soul and life of one very shy boy. The monochromatic use of black, gray, and white suggest a child who calls no attention to himself and the vanishing text, his own lack of presence among his schoolyard peers.

    (Source: catalog for Electronic Literature Exhibition)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 14:59

  4. Xylo

    Xylo is an animated poem.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 23.02.2012 - 14:38

  5. Thoughts Go

    This is poem is Knoebel's most powerful use of simultaneity because he layers two stanzas of poetry in a perfectly synchronized fashion. One stanza is an abstract meditation on the presence, absence, and storage of thoughts while the other is pure imagery and embodied experience. The two are connected by being displayed and spoken through time, initially scrambling your thought process as it tries to follow two threads of text.

    After your first reading of this short poem, I suggest you turn off the sound and read the visual text and then turn the sound back on and simply listen to the other stanza. Then experience them simultaneously again to see how meaningful the layering is, how the scheduling of the text leads you to re-imagine some of the sounds, and how the central metaphor brings the whole poem together.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores,  I ♥ E-Poetry.)

    Leonardo Flores - 13.03.2012 - 12:04

  6. Pinzas de metal

    Pinzas de metal was designed with Flash by Didier Delmas and written by Tina Escaja in 2003. It is an interactive hypertext novel which explores the daily life of young people, the places where they go and the objects that join them and take them apart in time and space. Their curiosity for travel, love, sex and drugs will take them to sublime states in which they will look for their own self and they will try to fill their feeling of emptiness with the presence of “the other”. The reader must use a magnifying glass to select a character, a place and an object and discover different stories within the same one. The multilinearity of the story provides the reader a feeling of intrigue and bewilderment. (Description written by Maya Zalbidea Paniagua)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.03.2012 - 11:00

  7. Blinding Lights

    This multimedia poem is about how saturated we have become with media coverage and how damaging that is. De Barros’ approach in this work is to also saturate us with sound, images, formatting, and color to make us realize the excessive amount of information we are constantly receiving. Each of the four parts of the poem uses multiple layers of color, still and moving images and text, looping and single-playing sounds, and responsive elements. Moving the pointer over the image of a man in the first part of the poem, for example, triggers a sequence of images that show how overloaded he is with visual information, to the extent that he needs to blindfold himself or avert his eyes. The narrative in the second part, and the images and words in the third and fourth parts all portray pain, damage, scarring, even murder, to demonstrate how damaged we have all become. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Kristine Turøy - 24.08.2012 - 11:03

  8. Disembodied Voices

    Disembodied Voices

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2012 - 15:17

  9. 3 Proposals for Bottle Imps

    This suite of three exquisitely paced narrative poems tell stories labelled as allegories of “Genius,” “Ambition,” and “Envy” yet structured as instructions for the design of bottle imps. <—-(This would be the place where I would normally place a link to a resource, but it is unnecessary for this work because Poundstone has put together a meticulously researched and insightful FAQ page.) In this FAQ page, he makes a case for these automata as fitting metaphors for electronic literature, because they are life-like creatures that are animated by mechanisms to produce a looping behavior on a scheduled performance. Indeed, these poems enact the metaphor very well as looping Flash animations used to deliver a narrative through tactical portioning and formatting of a prose text into lines, stanzas, and other visual organizational structures and carefully scheduled delivery of each portion. The careful attention to line structure elevates the prosaic language to poetry, and its scheduled presentation to e-poetry. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 19:33

  10. Meditation on a Bar Stool

    This video poem is a meditation on breath, life, and death inspired by Buddha’s teachings, which may or may not have expired. The poem uses simple animations suggestive of the swelling of a chest as one draws breath, the thinness that comes from letting it out, and the burning of a cigarette. Aptly paced for the meditative contemplation of words, and lines, the poem begins with a quote from Buddha, emphasizing some of its language through animation and scheduling, and then presenting a response from the speaker, who sits at a bar stool, savoring some of the guilty pleasures life has to offer. As you read (and reread) this concise lyric poem, think of what it’s doing with certain binary opposites: exhale/inhale, life/death, outside/inside, and via negativa / via positiva. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 10.02.2013 - 14:19
