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  1. Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Encryption

    Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Encryption

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.10.2011 - 15:13

  2. Third Hand Plays: Putting it All Together, the" Comedy of Separation"

    Third Hand Plays: Putting it All Together, the" Comedy of Separation"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.10.2011 - 15:27

  3. The New River (Spring 2011)

    The Spring 2011 issue of the New River is guest-edited by Alan Bigelow.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.10.2011 - 16:43


    A report on the Sept 2007 Electronic Literature and New Media Art seminar in Ljubljana, posted on Mouseland, Patricia Gouveia's weblog.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 09:18

  5. New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age

    Just as the explosive growth of digital media has led to ever-expanding narrative possibilities and practices, so these new electronic modes of storytelling have, in their own turn, demanded a rapid and radical rethinking of narrative theory. This timely volume takes up the challenge, deeply and broadly considering the relationship between digital technology and narrative theory in the face of the changing landscape of computer-mediated communication.

    New Narratives reflects the diversity of its subject by bringing together some of the foremost practitioners and theorists of digital narratives. It extends the range of digital subgenres examined by narrative theorists to include forms that have become increasingly prominent, new examples of experimental hypertext, and contemporary video games. The collection also explicitly draws connections between the development of narrative theory, technological innovation, and the use of narratives in particular social and cultural contexts.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.10.2011 - 12:52

  6. All Together Now: Hypertext, Collective Narrative, and Online Collective Knowledge Communities

    Revision of essay previously titled "All Together Now: Collective Knowledge, Collective. Narratives, and Architectures of Participation."

    This essay explores the history and methodologies of collective narrative projects, and their relationship to collective knowledge projects and methodologies. By examining different forms of conscious, contributory, and unwitting participation, the essay develops a richer understanding of successful large-scale collaborative projects. The essay then examines large-scale architectures of participation in Wikipedia and Flickr to extrapolate from those observations potential methodologies for the creation of collective narratives.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.10.2011 - 13:01

  7. Saul Bass Title Sequences (selections)

    Saul Bass Title Sequences (selections)

    Remy Sandhu - 18.10.2011 - 13:55

  8. The History of Hypertext Authoring and Beyond: Interview with Stuart Moulthrop

    Malloy's interview with Moulthrop focuses on his early work, his entrée into writing hypertext and his hypertext novel Victory Garden, the "mostly mythical" artists' collective TINAC, and one of his later works, Under Language. The interview appears on the Authoring Software project.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2011 - 09:42

  9. Friending the Past: The Sense of History and Social Computing

    Reflecting on the relation between the media ages of orality, writing, and digital networking, Liu asks the question: what happens today to the “sense of history” that was the glory of the high age of print? In particular, what does the age of social computing—social networking, blogs, Twitter, etc.—have in common with prior ages in which the experience of sociality was deeply vested in a shared sense of history? Liu focuses on a comparison of nineteenth-century historicism and contemporary Web 2.0, and concludes by touching on the RoSE Research-oriented Social Environment that the Transliteracies Project he directs has been building to model past bibliographical resources as a social network. (Source: author's abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 20.10.2011 - 13:05

  10. eLiterature questa (s)conosciuta. Storia e stato dell’arte, definizione e sistemi affini, generazioni e classificazione dei generi

    Questo contributo profila il fenomeno della letteratura elettronica chiarendo alcuni equivoci e indicando le caratteristiche salienti che rendono una forma letteraria digitale ascrivibile a tale fenomeno. Esso offre inoltre una breve storia e l’attuale stato dell’arte della letteratura elettronica, analizza le condizioni necessarie per ascrivere un’espressione digitale all’ambito della eLiterature e descrive le interazioni che avvengono tra eLiterature, Net Art, Game Theory e Computer Science. Esso offre infine una panoramica sulle generazioni e i generi di letteratura elettronica, mostrandone le caratteristiche salienti.

    Fabio De Vivo - 20.10.2011 - 16:12
