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  1. First Screening: Computer Poems

    A suite of a dozen kinetic poems programmed in Apple BASIC. Later, as the first versions became inaccessible, the works were recreated in HyperCard in the early 1990s (after bpNichol's death), and then in 2007 recreated in javascript for the web, and simultaneously the original BASIC and Hypercard files were republished for download.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 08.02.2011 - 21:04

  2. Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Chris Funkhouser - 09.03.2011 - 15:20

  3. [theHouse]

    [theHouse] is a digital poetry piece which takes the form of computer-based spatialized Through the process of enacting texts within, alongside, and outside of the text of computational code, this autobiographical work is regulated by the computational process of the sine wave. Here, the text is written upon "rooms," and these rooms emerge to create "houses" next to and among the intermingling text. As in much of electronic literature, the experience of the work as an intimate, interactive, screen-based piece is essential to understanding and appreciating it. Indeed, the work is only realized through user interaction and navigation. How does everyday spatial practice bring into focus the relationship between code, language, and relationships? What are the key characteristics of digital relationships as seen through this light? Does the recurring emphasis on process, chance, and interactivity also function as an indicator of larger questions about the chance writing of the text? The poem presented is autobiographical in nature yet engages the conceptualization of both language and embodiment as the text creates its own types of organism.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:15

  4. Kinetic Is As Kinetic Does: On the Institutionalization of Digital Poetry

    Kinetic Is As Kinetic Does: On the Institutionalization of Digital Poetry

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.05.2011 - 15:53

  5. Mar de Sophia

    Mar de Sophia é um conjunto de poemas virtuais apresentados em formato hipermédia, nos quais o texto animado na tela é gerado automaticamente a partir do léxico da poeta Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, previamente estudado em termos de frequência. Esse léxico-base, que (re)constitui a obra de Sophia, e a classifica e mapeia na rede, está indexado em listas codificadas em linguagem XML, acessíveis ao leitor de vários modos, o qual as pode alterar ou adicionar novos vocábulos ou unidades de sentido. A animação do texto está ainda inscrita na componente sonora das variações combinatórias que deste processo resultam. Sempre que uma palavra se altera, o poema activa uma busca em bases de dados de som, com leituras do texto-base de que se aproveitou a sintaxe e a estrutura formal. Desse modo, o leitor pode recriar, no eixo combinatório da linguagem, um poema de Sophia, adaptando-o ao seu gosto, bem como enviar algumas das suas realizações, tanto sonoras quanto verbais, para um servidor PHP instalado num servidor da Internet. Aí, ficam arquivadas as várias versões de todos os leitores que participam na (re)leitura do poema.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:03

  6. A Vanguard Projected in Motion: Early Kinetic Poetry in Portuguese

    This essay serves to promote a broader awareness of the pioneering efforts in videographic poetry produced in Portuguese in the decades leading up to the formation of the WWW. At present, documentation of such works in books and journal articles in English is particularly weak; the only title that even partially introduces such works is a now out-of-print issue of Visible Language that focused on New Media Poetry (Vol. 30.2). Thus, these historical predecessors to contemporary animated poetry are barely known in the United States. Prior to the 1990s only a few poets used video; much of what occurred transpired outside the realm of English (and some even outside the realm of language, as illustrated in the essay).

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 19.11.2013 - 13:00

  7. Two Roads Diverged

    "Two Roads Diverged" is a story of family loss and its aftermath. Using Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken" as its metaphorical model, this interactive narrative offers brief glimpses into the paths three children take after the accidental death of their parents. The narrative also offers a view--through archetypal imagery and remote voices--of the darker side of the family's tragic past.

    (Source: Author's Description)

    Alvaro Seica - 16.04.2015 - 11:15

  8. Zenon Fajfer’s EYELIDS_Book of Emanations

    Powieki (eng. “eyelids”, also a pun on “forever”) is one of the crucial examples of Polish electronic poetry, authored by Zenon Fajfer, a contemporary Polish avant-garde poet, and creator of liberature, a literary genre integrating text and the material shape of the book ( His volume of poetry is both in the form of the printed book and the accompanying CD included at the end of the volume; its on-line version premiered a year later (Szczecin: Forma, 2013). Fajfer introduced into poetry an original, interactive form called “the emanational poem,” in which he creates invisible, simultaneously coexisting dimensions of text that can be actualized in their kinetic (electronic) versions. Powieki is a multimodal cycle of such emanational poems. This textual labyrinth can be entered through different entrances and explored upwards, downwards, left and right to discover passages and openings unavailable in its printed form.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 09:00

  9. Velo City

    In Velo City typography and movement of the words connect with the messages and feelings expressed. It is a kinetic and hypertext poem, similar to El rumor de los álamos by Óscar Martín Centeno. The poem has been online since 2000 and is one of the first known poems of Spanish kinetic poetry. It follows the tradition of creationist poetry by Spanish poets like Juan Larrea and Gerardo Diego because of a new use of typography and emphasis on visual effects. Technology provides the interaction between reader and poet because of the messages that the author transmits to the reader who chooses hyperlinks and perceives the different degrees of excitation of the poet through the movements of letters as well as the directions where the poet wants to take the reader: rising (feeling joyful), falling down (descending to subconscious thoughts), choosing colored words and paths, leaving empty spaces between words (creating mystery, giving new meanings to words). (Source: Maya Zalbidea)

    Maya Zalbidea - 08.01.2016 - 21:08

  10. Ars Poetica

    Despite that this work resembles kinetic poetry made in Flash, the author proposes a new name to describe his work - electronic emanational poems. In these poems he creates invisible, simultaneously coexisting dimensions of text that can be actualised in the kinetic (electronic) versions of such poems.

    The emanational form was first used in Oka-leczenie and (O)patrzenie, two books authored by Z. Fajfer and K. Bazarnik, identified as LIBERATURA, a literary genre integrating text with the material form of the book, which inspired a new literary movement of the same name.

    The poem was written in Polish in a static, printed form in 2004 and published in Fajfer’s bilingual collection of poems dwadziescia jeden liter / ten letters (Krakow: Ha!art Publishing House, 2010). The Polish electronic version was created in 2004 in collaboration with Marcin Lewandowski.

    Sondre Skollevoll - 15.09.2016 - 12:39
