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  1. OccupyMLA’s Hidden Archive

    Part protest novel, part guerilla theater, @OccupyMLA played out on the crowded virtual street corners of Twitter hashtags #mla and #omla for fifteen months before being revealed a as "fiction" at the 2013 MLA e-literature reading. Nineteenth- and twentieth-century protest fiction changed attitudes about slavery and industrial excess; @OccupyMLA charged #MLA members (and hashtag lurkers) to feel angry about dehumanizing adjunct working conditions built upon the "innocent dream" that Ph.D.s in literature could get paid to teach literature.

    In a climate of "DH niceness," to dwell on adjuncting as a broken promise was agit-prop. Real life participants added their own anecdotes and Tweeted sympathy to Hazel, comingling "fiction" and "nonfiction" in an eerie, Barthesian "Reality Effect." The Netprov's melodrama and anger were deliberately out of sync with the positivistic #MLA discourse community. "Here's where #omla is correct," opined George Williams in a retweeted pair of Tweets, "conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abomidable. But making the MLA the target of your ire and your movement is not going to get you very far. + #omla #imho."

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 16:16

  2. Everything Is Going To Be OK :)

    Teenage heartache has become a public commodity. On social media, young people now broadcast the most intimate moments of their lives to a global audience. Context collapse has replaced the small, specific audiences we once opened our hearts to with a vast, undifferentiated swarm of humanity. Falling in and out of love, breaking up and reconciling, seeking solace or revenge – all are enacted in the midst of the data stream. Everything Is Going To Be OK :) explores this new, performative model for love and loss that is emerging in networked environments. Deploying what might be described as a “poetics of search”, the artwork sources relevant tweets from Twitter in real-time, performs string manipulation and anonymizes them, then assembles the fragments into a three-act dialogue that is projected onto the installation space. What results is an emergent narrative that reflects the new modes of online interaction unique to millennials – but also the timeless tropes, customs, dreams and anxieties experienced by every generation.

    Marius Ulvund - 29.01.2015 - 15:43

  3. The Riderly Text: The Joy of Networked Improv Literatur

    This essay aims to discuss literary pleasure, new media literacy, and
    the Networked Improv Literature (Netprov). In particular, the author
    will discuss the challenges of “close-reading” the Speidishow, a
    Netprov enacted via Twitter (and a constellation of supplementary
    web-based media) over a period of several weeks. In the process of
    trying to understand the dynamics of reading on Twitter, the author of
    this essay created a Twitter account, @BrutusCorbin, and consulted
    with the writers about the plot structure. Through active engagement
    with the fictional world, Corbin quickly became embroiled in a
    sub-plot. Seeking distance from the active plots which Corbin was
    involved in, his author created two new characters, @FelixMPastor and
    @FrannyCheshire, to explore different aspects of the fictional world.
    Pastor and Cheshire were subsequently dragged into the story, as well.
    This piece will dig into the concept of the “readerly” and “writerly”
    text as identified by Roland Barthes in S/Z and The Pleasure of the
    Text and settle on a third term: “the riderly text.”

    Sumeya Hassan - 17.02.2015 - 15:59

  4. Archiving Ephemera – The Case of Netprov; Graphic Design in Re-Presenting Electronic Literature

    How will electronic literature look 100 years from now? This question is two-fold: 1) How will literary projects of 2014 that are written/performed in social media and short-lived web platforms greet the eyes of future readers? 2) what will theelectronic literature in current use by the people of the future look like to them?
    In this talk I will focus on consideration of the first question and speculate briefly on some clues about the second.
    “You should make it look as much like Twitter as possible!” I have already heard this admonition several times in the course of beginning to create archives for some 2013 netprov projects — Center for Twitzease Control, Tournament of la Poéstry, SpeidiShow. As a graphic designer something makes me uneasy about this. Why? Because Twitter’s graphic designers are . . . how to say this diplomatically? . . . doing their best under a lot of pressure. From a historicalgraphic design point of view, the look of those hugely popular digital applications is adequate, but definitely not optimum, not nearly as aesthetically or functionally strong as it could be.

    Elias Mikkelsen - 12.03.2015 - 15:07