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  1. The Imaginary Solution

    "[A] particular modernism has finally fully arrived, about a decade behind schedule, but making up for lost time. Part of the task of this essay is to docu- ment the emergence of this return and to provide evidence of a ten- dency that plays out across media, indexing and exemplifying one of the defining conditions of its cultural moment. Because these works fall outside the genres and styles likely to be familiar even to many readers of avant-garde literature, this documentation will require a certain degree of descriptive cataloguing (although it is worth noting that the catalogue itself, not coincidentally, is a key component of the works I will itemize). With the series of examples that follow, I further hope to show that this particular trend in contemporary literature is uniquely hinged, not only recovering one of the dreams of its literary past but also looking forward to what may be the nightmare of our digital future.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.12.2011 - 13:38

  2. Lector in machina

    Lector in machina

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 11:58

  3. Pedro Valdeolmillos

    Pedro Valdeolmillos (Barcelona, 1970) is a poet, designer and computer sciences programmer who founded Epímone with Lluis Calvo, a web dedicated to cyberpoetry and multimedia poetry. Mr. Pedro Valdeolmillos is the Founder of Meltemi Media, S.L. (also known as Bloosee) and BlooSee, Inc., and serves as its Chief Executive Officer.

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 12:43

  4. Tantderêves

    Tantderêves, a brief poem made with Flash animation, in which, in a background of lines of letters generating at a high speed there is a selection of those -in white-which are going to constitute the verses of a poem. The poet shares a dialogue with the machine, he asks him questions, and this answers with a verse by Paul Éluard: "Tant de rêves dans l'air". The multimedia format preserves perfectly the poetical content that Valdeolmillos intends to transmit, everything takes place in the screen in a background of harmony between typography, color and movement. A clear example of how to integrate the poetic word with a cybernetic machine.

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 14:22

  5. Poemes


    Sandra Hurtado - 07.12.2011 - 17:56

  6. Gabriella infinita

    Gabriella Infinita es una obra metamórfica. Su presencia corre paralela a una intensa y a la vez voluble experiencia de escritura. Nace como toda obra artística: por gracia de una necesidad expresiva muy intima. Pero, apenas brota, empieza a buscar alocadamente su forma, como ávida de cuerpo, como presintiendo su fragilidad y su contingencia. Y termina comprendiendo que estaba destinada a la volatilidad.

    Pero esa conciencia siempre estuvo lejos de ser alcanzada fácilmente. Sufrió al comienzo, en su primera fase de formalización, la negligencia majadera de sus lectores; después, la terquedad imposible de su autor que le impidió mutar con libertad. Finalmente, hubo de someterse a la desintegración de sus elementos. Ahora, en su tercera metamorfosis, espera nerviosa, como una quinceañera asustada en su primera cita a ciegas, el encuentro con su lector.

    (Source: description from Gabriella Infinita, "historia"

    Sandra Hurtado - 07.12.2011 - 18:21

  7. Hypertext Revisited: The Issue of Non-Sequentiality in Print and Digital Literature

    In this keynote, Baetens argues that the difference between print and digital literature is shrinking, because print literature has embraced the digital revolution. He proceeds to compare installment narrative to hypertext literature, looking at five aspects, where he finds that hypertext literature fails in relation to installment narrative. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.12.2011 - 10:14

  8. Daily


    Rozalie Hirs - 14.12.2011 - 10:46


    Norwegian textbook on online textuality for media studies and Nordic studies at universities, including general discussions of hypertext and some specific discussions of electronic literature.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.12.2011 - 13:57

  10. Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing

    Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.01.2012 - 12:25
