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  1. Telefon-/Handyliteratur


    Jörgen Schäfer - 21.01.2014 - 13:22

  2. Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el cambio de paradigma

    Las mismas personas que, en el pasado sentimos un cierto rechazo hacia la idea de leer en una
    pantalla y alejarnos del romanticismo del libro, hemos terminado sucumbiendo en la tentación
    de comprarnos un libro electrónico. En la actualidad, estamos presenciando un momento decisivo
    en que la memoria documental de la humanidad está siendo transferida del papel a un
    nuevo formato constituido por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: el
    formato digital. Como lo defne Javier Celaya en el prólogo, Elogio del texto digital (2012) de
    José Manuel Lucía Megías, pretende ser un “quitamiedos” para todos aquellos que ven el texto
    en formato digital como una amenaza contra el libro impreso.
    Megías refexiona acerca del famoso debate, recurrente en conferencias y mesas redondas,
    sobre si el libro electrónico sustituirá por completo al impreso y si habrá consecuencias catas -
    trófcas en los derechos de autor y la distribución y publicación de los libros. Es común
    encontrar intelectuales que desprecian el acto de la lectura en una pantalla o que piensan que la

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.01.2014 - 12:27

  3. Humanidades digitales como estudios hipercoloniales

    Humanidades digitales como estudios hipercoloniales

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.07.2014 - 14:01

  4. Imágenes de la tecnología y la globalización en las narrativas hispánicas

    Escritores y profesores como Jordi Carrión, Vicente Luis Mora, Juan Francisco Ferré, Francisca Noguerol y Daniel Mesa firman artículos de este volumen se ocupa de las presencias tecnológicas y mediáticas y sus vínculos con los procesos de desterritorializacion propios de la globalización en la literatura de los últimos veinte años, tratando de confrontar estas presencias con lo que ya es una tradición de narrativas mediáticas o seducidas por los medios en el canon de la literatura latinoamericana.

    Maya Zalbidea - 06.08.2014 - 12:48

  5. The Politics of Plasticity: Neoliberalism and the Digital Text

    In this essay, Davin Heckman argues that works of electronic literature often provide occasions for cultivating attention in a mutable cultural landscape. Through readings of John Cayley, YHCHI, Rob Wittig, and Richard Holeton, Heckman points to a poetics of technical estrangement by which new media is opened up to deliberative reading, and thus presents contemporary readers with the opportunity to develop critical practices appropriate for the conditions of neoliberalism.

    Davin Heckman - 01.09.2015 - 23:32

  6. Writing for Playable Media

    As a new media author, I write the visible, readable text (texte-à-voir *) and the underlying source code, the program (texte-auteur *). As a new media artist, I also design and create the user interface and the multimodal elements - the whole thing.

    Since starting to write and create in new media, I have felt compelled, by the digital medium itself, to attempt to fully exploit the affordances of programmable media for expressivity by employing non-linear narrative methods, non-trivial interactivity and random programming in poetically and/or narratively meaningful ways. This has led me to create, what Noah Wardrip-Fruin calls, playable media works.

    Writing creatively for algorithmically-driven media, working with others’ code frameworks and writing my own programs has led me to consider the expressivity of game processes and, consequently, my work has taken on more game-like characteristics. I’d like to trace this development by presenting a selection of extracts from key works (listed below) which demonstrate this move towards writing for playability.

    The key Electronic Literature works:

    Christine Wilks - 18.06.2016 - 17:39

  7. Simultaneously Reading/Writing Under/Destroyed My Life

    Maria Damon reviews Alan Sondheim’s Writing Under: Selections from the Internet Text in light of the literature of John Fahey to demonstrate that those texts, like her performative review of them, enact a “mastering/dismantling itch twitch” that has a “life of its own, moving through the artist in a parasitic way.”

    Eirik Tveit - 12.09.2017 - 15:12

  8. Cary Wolfe, Before the Law: Humans and Other Animals in a Biopolitical Frame (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013)

    John Bruni contends that Cary Wolfe’s latest book “Before the Law: Humans and Other Animals in a Biopolitical Frame” discusses the “legal issues that inform our relationships with non-human animals.” Bruni writes that in doing so Wolfe dissects the process of law-making and appearing “before the law” as animals, which might be potentially harmful and eclipse the existence of animals beyond the human sphere. According to Bruni what distinguishes Wolfe’s perspective is that he does not promote any form of “ecological self-righteousness” but rather asks the question whether we need to move beyond species-based discourses that constantly pits humans and animals against each other in an essentially unwinnable impasse—to a more ethical approach that may expand the “community of living.”


    Malene Fonnes - 26.09.2017 - 12:31

  9. I Am the Cosmos

    In his review of Christian Moraru’s recent Cosmodernism: American Narrative, Late Globalization, and the New Cultural Imaginary, Aron Pease considers the merits of the periodization advanced in that work. Ultimately, Pease argues that while the emphasis Moraru places on cosmodernism literature’s “relationality” means that the it is able to “register ‘the other’ as a concrete and organizing presence rather than as an abstract theme”, Moraru’s reliance on the nebulous term “globalization” fails to account for the extent to which the literature characterized as cosmodern reflects the political economy of late capitalism.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 26.09.2017 - 12:56

  10. The Abdication of the Cultural Elite

    Andrew Reynolds reviews Stephen Schryer’s Fantasies of the New Class: Ideologies of Professionalism in Post-World War II American Fiction, which argues for an instrumental form of intellectual labor in the service of broader social goals. Comparing novelists and sociologists representative of this new class, Schryer detects a self-defeating strategy in their rejection of collective instrumentalism in favor of individual dissemination of cultural education. Where Schryer closes by criticizing recent conceptions of an alternative economy of non-instrumental intellectual work within the university as a fantasy, Reynolds observes a “performative contradiction” at work in Schryer’s text and suggests that it is a good thing.

    (Source: EBR) 

    Filip Falk - 26.09.2017 - 13:31
