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  1. A Humument app by Tom Phillips as a work of liberature: between text and embodiment

    In my paper I would like to propose reconfiguration of “literariness” through the concept of liberature formulated by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik (Bazarnik, 2005), updated to some extent with the theory of affordances (Norman, 1990, 2004). The term which according to Bazarnik (2005) denotes a transgenre where content (text) and its medium form a whole, seems to offer rich theoretical possibilities – especially if “literariness” is to be conceived also as a media-specific, embodied yet emergent and contigent phenomenon (Hayles, 2002). However, the concept of liberature - set from the ouset as both a theoretical tool against a form/content dualism and means to study multimodality of a literary text – still offers an interesting proposition when it comes to instances of e-literature developed for touch screen devices. A particularly interesting example to illustrate such interrogations is The Humument App by Tom Phillips. It is a part of the ongoing project coming from the artist known, among others, from his cooperation with Peter Greenaway on TV Dante.

    Rebecca Lundal - 17.10.2013 - 18:47

  2. Speaking code : coding as aesthetic and political expression

    Speaking code : coding as aesthetic and political expression

    Fredrik Sten - 17.10.2013 - 18:50

  3. Эволюция от кутюр. Искусство и наука в эпоху постбиологии.

    Эволюция от кутюр. Искусство и наука в эпоху постбиологии.

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.10.2013 - 11:40

  4. Thresholds of the Edge: Rethinking the Concepts of Books and Access in the Age of the Digital Paratext

    In Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation (1987; English translation, 1997), Gérard Genette provided scholars with the seminal concept of paratext: functional elements of the book (such as covers, title pages, illustrations, footnotes, etc.) that help to fulfill the text’s destiny (p. 408) by making it present for the reader (p. 1).

    Today, the book often escapes the boundaries of the tangible object of Genette’s study, as is the case with The Unknown – The Original Great American Hypertext Novel. This born-digital collaborative work, so far from Genette’s perception and yet so suited to his views, is a goldmine of thresholds, namely through the source code, which the reader is invited to explore in parallel with the content and navigation provided in the published pages (Gillespie et al., 1999).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.11.2013 - 14:02

  5. Do Texto Digital ao Cibertexto: Percursos de Escrileitura

    Este artigo, resultante de comunicação de abertura do IV Ciclo de Conferências do Centro de Estudos Interculturais do ISCAP em 22 de Outubro de 2010, tem como objectivo apresentar e contextualizar o trabalho de investigação criativa na área da ciberliteratura que temos vindo a realizar. Estas produções literárias, criadas e programadas para serem lidas em suportes electrónicos, podem ser denominadas de literatura algorítmica, generativa ou virtual. Estas formas de ciberliteratura designam, portanto, textos cuja construção se baseia em procedimentos informáticos: combinatórios, multimediáticos e/ou interactivos. Fazendo uso das potencialidades do computador como máquina criativa que permite o desenvolvimento de estruturas textuais, em estado virtual, actualizando-as até ao infinito, a ciberliteratura utiliza o computador de forma criativa, como manipulador de signos verbais e não apenas como simples armazenador e transmissor de informação.

    Rui Torres - 03.12.2013 - 23:43

  6. Entre Centros e Margens. Textos e práticas das novas interculturas

    Entre Centros e Margens. Textos e práticas das novas interculturas

    Rui Torres - 03.12.2013 - 23:45

  7. Electronic Publishing Models for Experimental Literature

    The impact of hypertext and hypermedia on scholarly editing of our literary legacy, which is increasingly published in electronic formats, has fostered a conceptual shift from the archive as a classified hierarchical collection of texts to the archive as a decentred and reconfigurable network of texts. Another important set of questions concerns new methods for editing and organizing multimodal textualities resulting from combinations of materials and media (graphic, audio, video, digital). The convergent multimodality of digital textuality opens up a new editing and archival space for multimedia and intermedia forms of writing. In the current technological context, innovative and experimental literary forms become relevant, as many of the operations that the machine provides can be found in previous literary practices: from collages and automatic writing to narrative permutations and intermedia poetry. This issue of the journal is specifically concerned with the problems of representing, archiving, and publishing experimental literary forms in digital spaces.

    Rui Torres - 03.12.2013 - 23:47

  8. Bodytext


    Simon Biggs - 09.12.2013 - 14:19

  9. Handbuch Medien der Literatur

    Mehr und mehr werden die Fragen nach den medialen und medientechnischen Bedingungen von Literatur in den literaturwissenschaftlichen Curricula verankert – zumal im Zuge der Umstrukturierung der Studiengänge. Gleichwohl fehlt auf dem Buchmarkt bislang ein Handbuch, das Studierenden sowie Fachwissenschaftlern auf diesem nur schwer zu überblickenden Arbeitsfeld Orientierung bietet. Zwar liegen Standardwerke zur Medientheorie bzw. Mediengeschichte vor; es gibt jedoch einen steigenden Bedarf an einer Überblicksdarstellung, die diese Forschungsgebiete in ihrem Bezug auf Literatur erfasst. Das Handbuch schließt diese Lücke und informiert umfassend über die Medien der literarischen Texte einerseits sowie andererseits über die Medien der literarischen Kommunikation. Es bietet eine Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstandes auf diesem Gebiet und stellt daher für angehende ebenso wie für erfahrene Literatur- und Buch-, aber auch Theater-, Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler eine wichtige Informationsgrundlage bereit.

    Jörgen Schäfer - 21.01.2014 - 12:38

  10. Netzliteratur


    Jörgen Schäfer - 21.01.2014 - 12:54
