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  1. “How Do I Stop This Thing?” Closure And Indeterminacy In Interactive Narratives

    Early critical article on narrative closure in both print and hypertext fiction that was developed into the book End of Books, Books without End. Provides an early and influential analysis of Joyce's afternoon, a story.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 20:26

  2. Digital Literature: From Text to Hypertext and Beyond

    In this study, I have chosen "hypertext" as the central concept. If we define hypertext as interconnected bits of language (I am stretching Ted Nelson's original definition quite a lot, but still maintaining its spirit, I believe) we can understand why Nelson sees hypertext "as the most general form of writing". There is no inherent connotation to digital in hypertext (the first hypertext system was based on microfilms), but it is the computerized, digital framework - allowing the easy manipulation of both texts and their connections - which gives the most out of it. In addition to the "simple" hypertexts, there is a whole range of digital texts much more complex and more "clever", which cannot be reduced to hypertext, even though they too are based on hypertextuality. Such digital texts as MUDs (Multi User Domains - text based virtual realities) are clearly hypertextual - there are pieces of text describing different environments usually called "rooms" and the user may wander from room to room as in any hypertext.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 21:30

  3. Aesthetics and Literature: A Problematic Relation?

    The paper argues that there is a proper for literature within aesthetics but that care must be taken in identifying just what the relation is. In characterising aestehtic pleasure associating with literature it is all too easy to fall into reductive accounts, for example, of literature of merely "fine writing". Bellelettrist or formalistic accounts of literature are rejected, as are to other kinds of reduction, to pure meaning properties and to a kind of narrative realism. The idea is developed that literature - both poetry and prose fiction - invites its own distinctive kind of aesthetic appreciation which far from being at odds with critical practice, in fact chimes well with it.  

    Kristina Gulvik Nilsen - 18.10.2011 - 14:05

  4. The History of Hypertext Authoring and Beyond: Interview with Stuart Moulthrop

    Malloy's interview with Moulthrop focuses on his early work, his entrée into writing hypertext and his hypertext novel Victory Garden, the "mostly mythical" artists' collective TINAC, and one of his later works, Under Language. The interview appears on the Authoring Software project.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2011 - 09:42

  5. La plissure du texte

    A collaborative fairy-tale coordinated by Roy Ascott but incorporating fragments from participants around the globe who sent in their parts of the text on the ARTEX computer network.

    Roy Ascott described this piece in an interview with Südwestrundfunk that is quoted on Media Art Net:

    1983—that was in 1980, I actually set it up—1983, Frank Popper invited me to do a project for a huge exhibition in Paris, called Electra, which was looking at the whole history of electricity right across the spectrum of the arts. And I got rather good funding. I set up this planetary fairytale. We had fourteen nodes across the world, Australia, Hawaii, Pittsburgh, various places, ... Vienna, Amsterdam, and so forth. And to each node I ascribed an archetypical fairytale character. [...]

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.11.2011 - 11:14

  6. Stuck in a Loop? Dialogue in Hypertext Fiction

    "This paper will focus on the use of dialogue in two early hypertext fictions. Both Michael Joyce's afternoon, a story (first published 1987) and Yellowlees Douglas's I Have Said Nothing (1994) have achieved near-canonical status having been excerpted in print in the Norton anthology Postmodern American Fiction (Geyh). As is often the case with hypertext fictions, the writers, Jane Yellowlees Douglas and Michael Joyce, also happen to be two of the foremost theorists of the form, and the sense of mutual influence is unavoidable. The aims of this paper are twofold: to explore the functions of dialogue in these fictions and the extent to which the representations are innovative; and to examine whether we need to reassess our models for understanding the functions and forms of fictional dialogue as we have begun to apply them to the print novel." (Source: taken from the first paragraph of the paper itself)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.11.2011 - 12:13

  7. Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre

    Overview of dozens of examples of what the authors call "Web 2.0 Storytelling" - narratives told on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.11.2011 - 13:48

  8. Web/Fiction/Design: A brief beta-test of this year’s winner of the ELO Awards, Caitlin Fisher’s These Waves of Girls

    A (literature) award usually comes with publicity as well as responsibility. As this year's ambassador of digital literature, the US-American Electronic Literature Organization chose a webfiction that does not meet the technological standards of current internet or CD-ROM productions. Neither the rather outdated technique of frames, nor Flash (a program for moving images), nor the embedding of sounds have been implemented in a way that is technologically useful (there's nor debating aesthetics) or ar least more or less correct. About 15 years after the "invention" of digital literature (this date, too, is open for discussion), the technology available has become so sophisticated that a single author obviously can no longer live up to the demands as a lonely creative genius. The quality even of praised digital literature seems to indicate that, caused by the raising of technical standards, the future lies in what collaborative writing in hypertext or online "Mitschreibeprojekte" did not mange to establish: the dismissal of authorship in the traditional sense of authoritiy over the text in favor of a plural, diverse team-work.

    (Source: article abstract)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.11.2011 - 14:24

  9. Wreader's Digest - How To Appreciate Hyperfiction

    Compared to its age - or youth - hyperfiction is a rather well-theorized genre. Hyperfiction-criticism either praises its subject as evolved print-text and better realization of contemporary literary theory - or deplore its - allegedly - low literary quality. What is missing, however, are in-depth readings of digital fiction that deemphasize theory and try to appreciate this new genre for what it has to offer.

    In this "paper", I will read two hyperfictions that are not among the two or three canonized texts that are relatively well-known and often-quoted. Both John McDaid's Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse and Sarah Smith's King of Space deal with central issues of hypertext-theory - in content as well as formally. They are about agency and sense-making, ironically deconstructing mainstream theory's claims that digital, hyperlinked texts activate readers into a de-facto author-position. They are also representations of contemporary life that may be difficult to read at first but also make strangely adequate and enjoyable texts for today's readers. (Source: abstract in journal)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 16.11.2011 - 12:01

  10. The Life of the City of the Mind

    In this creative work, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries adopts a new graphical style. Compared to their earlier monochrome works, such as Dakota, the use of buildings and a vertical text box adds a new dimension to the narrative.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 24.11.2011 - 16:28
