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  1. A Clash between Game and Narrative

    In this paper presentation I'll be making a simple point. That computer games and narratives are very different phenomena and, as a consequence, any combination of the two, like in "interactive fiction", or "interactive storytelling" faces enormous problems.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.09.2010 - 13:08

  2. Dutch digital literature

    This presentation gives an overview of Dutch and Belgium communities of creators of digital literature. Van Dijk elaborates on the question of the government-funded initiatives in the Low Countries and the results of these, and the possible effects of funded communities on the content of the work.

    yra van dijk - 21.09.2010 - 11:15

  3. Hypertext Fiction from 1987-1999

    I will outline the development of the hypertext fiction community that developed from the late eighties and onwards. This community was separate from the interactive fiction community (and largely thought of its works as different from “games”) and largely revolved around the use of Storyspace, a software tool for creating electronic literature, and later, around Eastgate, a publisher of hypertext fiction and the company that developed Storyspace. While some work was written and published in Hypercard and other systems, the technology of a dominant software authoring tool and of the mechanics of distribution (diskettes sold by mail order) formed the hub of the electronic literature community during this period. There was little or no communication with other communities, such as the IF community or digital art communities. With the advent of the web, new authoring and distribution channels opened up, and this hub gradually lost its dominance. The transition from this relatively centralised and explicit community to the networked communities and scattered individuals of the web is an interesting one to explore.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 21.09.2010 - 11:26

  4. The Experience of the Unique in Reading Digital Literature

    Traditionally in literary criticism, importance has been laid on the uniqueness of the expression (the author says something that nobody else has said before, or, says something in a way that nobody else has done before) and the uniqueness of experience (my reading of a book is always different compared to any other readings). With digital literature we are facing a wholly new situation. Cybertextual literature possesses devices for creating a different textual whole for each reader and reading session. Even though the piece of computer code underlying the work remains the same, the surface level may be different on each and every run. In this situation the reader may truly face a unique text, something that nobody else may ever see.

    I will ponder the consequences of this new textual condition, especially from the perspective of personal reception and interpretation. I will also present some examples of this sort of works, and classify certain main categories, such as truly unique vs. pseudo unique text, and text where uniqueness is created through programming alone, and such where (one or several) reader(s) is partly responsible.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 20:40

  5. E-poetry: the Palpable Side of Signs

    In his famous essay entitles “Linguistics and Poetics” (1958) Roman Jakobson asserted that the “[poetic function] stresses the palpable side of signs”. Paul Valéry states that “a poem […] should create the illusion of an indissoluble compound of sound and sense”.

    We traditionally call poetry an artistic experience related to the word both in oral and written form, whose composition unity is the verse line (alexandrine verse, free verse, etc.). The oral medium should be normally richer. The written poetry, in fact, translated into the page only the segmental part of a text, but it is not able to show the over-segmental part as the tone, modulation, etc. However, we can say that this discrepancy has been cancelled: for instance, emphasis, oral procedure concerning duration, has its graphic form highlighted.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.01.2011 - 15:55

  6. Poetic mediation across practices and institutions: Sailing with Pequod together with Poets and Interaction Designers

    Poetic mediation across practices and institutions: Sailing with Pequod together with Poets and Interaction Designers

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.06.2011 - 10:02

  7. New Media: Its Utility and Liability for Literature and for Life

    Beginning with the title, a variation on Nietzsche's "Use and Abuse of History for Life," this paper offers a practice-based theory of how new media writing and traditional prose scholarship might converge. The essay itself will be in the form of a literary remix. Hence, the author's own sense of the affordances and constraints of new media will be conveyed primarily through the words of Nietzsche as well as selected works of critical writing in and about new media. One of the essay's themes is already evident in the essay's derivative form - namely, that the only way that literature can in fact "afford" to work in and around new media is to identify its enabling constraints, and to work through them with the self-consciousness and potential for collaborative thought that has always been present in prose fiction in print - but needn't be unique to that medium.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.06.2011 - 10:22

  8. NT2: Nouvelles technologies, nouvelles textualités

    NT2: Nouvelles technologies, nouvelles textualités

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.06.2011 - 12:38

  9. The ELMCIP Knowledge Base

    The ELMCIP Knowledge Base

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.06.2011 - 12:39

  10. Locating the Literary in New Media

    Locating the Literary in New Media

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.06.2011 - 09:14
