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  1. All Together Now: Hypertext, Collective Narrative, and Online Collective Knowledge Communities

    Revision of essay previously titled "All Together Now: Collective Knowledge, Collective. Narratives, and Architectures of Participation."

    This essay explores the history and methodologies of collective narrative projects, and their relationship to collective knowledge projects and methodologies. By examining different forms of conscious, contributory, and unwitting participation, the essay develops a richer understanding of successful large-scale collaborative projects. The essay then examines large-scale architectures of participation in Wikipedia and Flickr to extrapolate from those observations potential methodologies for the creation of collective narratives.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.10.2011 - 13:01

  2. Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing

    Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.01.2012 - 12:25

  3. Electricians, Wig Makers, and Staging the New Novel

    Electricians, Wig Makers, and Staging the New Novel

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.03.2012 - 11:32

  4. Topdown Digital Literature: The Effects of Institutional Collaborations and Communities

    Contrary to what one might think, institutions play an important role in the production, preservation, and funding of electronic literature. Due to the absence of traditional gate-watchers like publishers and newspaper critics, the function of selection, distribution, and reception of this work has been taken over partly by anthologies, reviews and criticism that are produced in an academic climate. Artists need the necessary channels for preservation, distribution, and critical evaluation of the work, channels that have the power to create “cultural capital”. Even the production of work often takes place in an academic or institutional setting. Literary festivals, conferences and workshops form temporary communities in which planned collaboration takes place. This article addresses institutionalized and planned collaboration and its effects on the production, the presentation, and the content of digital literature.

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.04.2013 - 16:01

  5. The Third Hand: Collaboration in Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism

    The Third Hand: Collaboration in Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism

    Scott Rettberg - 25.06.2013 - 12:52

  6. Towards Network Narrative: Electronic Literature, Communication Technologies, and Cultural Production

    In recent years literature and communication scholars, publishing industry commentators, and technology journalists have declared the death of print. Anxieties over the future of print generally, and the novel, literature, books and literacy more specifically have become commonplace in the mainstream news media, technology blogs, and academic discourse. Despite these claims, people may read more than ever – if we recognize a more expansive set of textual practices under the rubric of that term. Given the number of emails, text messages, status updates, image captions, RSS headlines, tweets, web pages, and comment threads that are processed in the digital everyday, our experience of the world is arguably more textually mediated than ever. Are these cultural practices compatible with prose narrative fiction? Are they capable of forming the basis for network narratives now and in the future?

    Scott Rettberg - 25.06.2013 - 13:11

  7. Textopia: Experiments with Locative Literature

    textopia is a design experiment situated in humanist media studies, and based on a simple idea: Making it possible for someone who is walking through the city with a mobile phone to listen to literary texts which talk about whichever place she is walking by. The aim of this exercise has been to explore the relationship between places and literary texts – not just what the relationship is and has been, but what it can be in the new medium. Inspired by the ideas embedded in hermeneutics, open source philosophy and agile software development, I have outlined a methodological approach that I call "agile media design". In the course of the practical process I have ialso dentified three key principles for locative media design, summed up in the "G-P-S" model: Granularity, Particiation and Serendipity. Together they describe the unique characteristics of designs like textopia – a category I call "annotative, locative media".

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 13:19

  8. Tierra de Extracción: How Hypermedia Novels could enhance Literary Assessment

    Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests that there are at least eight different types of intelligence. Due to genetic variation and personal experiences, no two people have the same combination of intelligences. These do not only signal the way we interpret and cope with the world around us but the way we react to it. It is no coincidence that Reader Oriented Theories focus on the role of the reader in processing and interpreting text and not solely on textual perception. As readers and students of literature, the act of interpreting is key to understanding; but limited by outdated methodologies of assessment the opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned is practically bound to their linguistic intelligence. With the change of medium, from paper to screen, literature has undergone a kind of art and media hybridization that far from being something new and original recovers and allows the coexistence of multiple means of storytelling that extend the concept of reading, understanding and expression.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.10.2013 - 11:02

  9. Collaborative Narrative

    Brief entry on collaborative narrative situating collaboration in hypertext and online writing contexts.

    Collaboratively written narratives are not specific to new media: a number of works within the Western cultural and literary canon, for example the epics of Homer, the Judeo-Christian Bible, and Beowulf, are believed to have been developed through collaborative storytelling and writing processes. It can however be said that collaborative writing practices are more prevalent in contemporary digital media than in print.

    Electronic literature authors most often write within software platforms that are themselves “authored”—every time someone opens up Photoshop, or Flash, they are reminded of the long list of developers who actually wrote the software. So even making use of a particular application is a type of collaboration. There is a greater degree of transparency to the collective efforts involved in digital media production than to traditional literary production.

    (Source: Author's introduction)

    Scott Rettberg - 01.11.2013 - 11:53

  10. Entrevista con Domenico Chiappe

    In this interview Domenico Chiappe describes his works of both electronic literature and print literature published between the years 2000-2012. He gives insight into the interesting collaborative work for the work of electronic literature and ponders about the difference of the two forms of expressions: the printed book and new media. His then articulates discourse about the language of new media taking in account the SMS Literature and his concept of hiperphonia. On regard of the new possibilities provided by new media technology, he maintains that there should be a certain balance and harmony of the audio-visual effects and the written texts.

    Daniele Giampà - 12.11.2014 - 20:01
