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  1. Distributed Narrative: Telling Stories Across Networks

    A new kind of narrative is emerging from the network: the distributed narrative. Distributed narratives don’t bring media together to make a total artwork. Distributed narratives explode the work altogether, sending fragments and shards across media, through the network and sometimes into the physical spaces that we live in. This paper begins an investigation into this new narrative trend, looking at how narrative is spun across the network and into our lives. NB: Published under author's maiden name: Jill Walker.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:54

  2. Playable Media and Textual Instruments

    The statement that "this is not a game" has been employed in many ways — for example, to distinguish between high and low culture electronic texts, to market an immersive game meant to break the "magic circle" that separates games from the rest of life, to demarcate play experiences (digital or otherwise) that fall outside formal game definitions, and to distinguish between computer games and other forms of digital entertainment. This essay does not seek to praise some uses of this maneuver and condemn others. Rather, it simply points out that we are attempting to discuss a number of things that we play (and create for play) but that are arguably not games. Calling our experiences "interactive" would perhaps be accurate, but overly broad. An alternative — "playable" — is proposed, considered less as a category than as a quality that manifests in different ways. "Playable media" may be an appropriate way to discuss both games and the "not games" mentioned earlier.

    Jörgen Schäfer - 05.07.2011 - 13:35

  3. - Poesia em Rede - Poesia em Rede

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 14:50

  4. - Poesia em Rede

    Partindo da apresentação de exemplos de poesia criada para o meio digital, pretende-se com este artigo propor uma reflexão acerca das novas textualidades emergentes com as tecnologias digitais interactivas. Assim, acreditando que as características da hipermédia constituem um terreno fértil para o experimentalismo literário, critica-se uma postura de mera remediação dos arquétipos analógicos para os meios digitais, argumentando a favor da criatividade colectiva em rede enquanto possibilidade de conhecimento e esclarecimento acerca dos novos media.

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 14:54

  5. Textualidades electrónicas: Presentación

    Textualidades electrónicas: Presentación

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 12:21

  6. Teorías literarias y retos digitales

    Teorías literarias y retos digitales

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 12:23

  7. Das Epos der Maschine. Avantgardestrategier i Cyberspace?

    Das Epos der Maschine. Avantgardestrategier i Cyberspace?

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.06.2012 - 11:30

  8. Narrative and the Split Condition of Digital Textuality

    With computer games and avant-garde literary experiments, digital textuality has conquered
    both mass audiences and academic readers interested in theorizing digital art, but
    it has not yet reached the middle of the cultural spectrum, namely the educated public
    who reads primarily for pleasure, but is capable of artistic discrimination. This essay
    explores the possibility of curing this split condition by strengthening the narrativity of
    digital texts. After examining the conception of narrative that prevails at both ends of the
    spectrum, I investigate three types of interactive narrative that have been able to reach
    beyond the traditional audience of computer games and experimental literature: embedded
    stories, represented by Myst and mystery-solving games, emergent stories, represented
    by The Sims, and texts with a somewhat prescripted, but variable story, represented
    by Façade, Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern’s project in interactive drama. For each type
    of text, I suggest how to make the structure more appealing to a reader who engages

    Helene Helgeland - 01.09.2012 - 16:56

  9. Gibt es 'Digitale Bibliotheken'? Wird es sie jemals geben? Zu den Grenzen einer allzu populären Metapher

    Im Verlauf der vergangenen Jahrzehnte haben sich Techniken der Bibliotheksautomation herausgebildet, die zu einer Art 'Elektrifizierung' von Bibliotheksdiensten geführt haben. Im gleichen Zeitraum sind zuerst Internet- und später dann WWW-basierte Informationsdienste entstanden, die sich sehr rasch zu einer Art informatorischem Paralleluniversum entwickelt haben. Beide Paradigmen der Informationsorganisation haben sich eine Zeit lang voneinander unabhängig entwickelt. In dem Moment, wo sie systematischer miteinander in Kontakt gerieten, wurde die Metapher 'Digitale Bibliothek' gefunden, die für eine Übergangszeit insofern nützlich war, als sie eine zumindest rhetorische Versöhnung der beiden Welten möglich zu machen schien.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 17:02

  10. Weblog

    This is the definition of “weblog” I’ve written for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, which is forthcoming in 2005. It’s limited in size and scope: I had to keep to a maximum of 500 words, including the references, and I wrote it for an encyclopedia of narrative. The asterixes indicate cross references to other entries in the encyclopedia.

    (Source: Author)

    Ana Castello - 16.10.2018 - 18:27
