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  1. Beyond Taxonomy: Digital Poetics and the Problem of Reading

    Beyond Taxonomy: Digital Poetics and the Problem of Reading

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2010 - 11:57

  2. Writing the Virtual: Eleven Dimensions of E-Poetry

    Eleven characteristics of networked digital poetry, a category that encompasses an enormous variety of work, are discussed and illustrated with examples. Issues raised include the recalibration of the writing/reading relationship, the nature of attachment at the site of interaction, an architectonic quality of instrument-building that characterizes many pieces, differing treatments of time and “place”, the use of recombinant flux, a performative character displayed by many works, the omnipresence of both translation and looping, as well as pervasive references to ruin and hybrid states of mixed reality.

    (Source: article abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.02.2012 - 10:45

  3. New narrative pleasures? A cognitive-phenomenological study of the experience of reading digital narrative fictions

    Thesis for the degree doctor artium. EXCERPT FROM INTRODUCTION: This dissertation aims to address – and answer – some of the questions surrounding the ways in which the interface of the digital computer (also known as the GUI) is impacting how we experience – read – GUI narrative fictions. In my view, questions such as these are of utmost importance if we are to appropriately understand how digital technology is affecting central realms of human existence, such as our experiences of the fictions that are created and displayed in an ever increasing variety of media materialities and technological platforms. The main research questions to be dealt with in the following revolve around processes typically taking place when we read, watch, listen, experience, interpret, are engaged in, and interact with, digital hypermedia narrative fictions – what I, for the sake of simplicity, call GUI fictions. In short, how do we read GUI fictions? How, and why, is this reading different from our reading of narrative fiction in print, or of reading narrative fictions on other screens, such as on TV or in a movie theater?

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 13.12.2012 - 21:28