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  1. Editor's Introduction: Reconfiguring Place and Space in New Media Writing

    This installment of the Iowa Review Web explores the function of place and space in recent new media writing. Each of the four interviews concern works that in some way attempt to reconfigure our understanding of the relationship between space and storytelling. Each of the primary works discussed in these interviews also pushes space in another sense, in that each attempts to explore a new "possibility space" on the boundary between different forms and fields of multimedia experience: between story and game, between game and drama, between literature and conceptual art, between game and performance. The introduction contextualizes the narrative function of space in a number of recent works of electronic literature.

    Scott Rettberg - 21.05.2011 - 09:53

  2. Literary Machines Made in Germany. German Proto-Cybertexts from the Baroque Era to the Present

    Literary Machines Made in Germany. German Proto-Cybertexts from the Baroque Era to the Present

    Jörgen Schäfer - 28.06.2011 - 14:30

  3. Six Problems in Search of a Solution: The Challenge of Cybertext Theory and Ludology to Literary Theory

    Six Problems in Search of a Solution: The Challenge of Cybertext Theory and Ludology to Literary Theory

    Jörgen Schäfer - 30.06.2011 - 16:07

  4. Compte-rendu critique de l'oeuvre "Étang" de Alexandra Saemmer

    Dans l’article qui suit, nous aborderons Etang d’Alexandra Saemmer comme un artéfact littéraire à remettre dans un contexte en utilisant le vocabulaire de la sémiotique littéraire et en l’envisageant dans l’esprit du rhizome développé par Gilles Deleuze et Felix Guattari. Le poème virtuel fera d’abord l’objet d’un résumé dans lequel l’importance de l’eau sera mise en relief afin de replacer le poème dans le contexte qui l’englobe.  Par la suite, à travers paradoxes, contrastes et jeu d’emboîtement relevés dans le texte, nous verrons comment s’articule le thème de la mort dans ce poème sombre. Nous terminerons l’analyse en tentant de voir à quel type d’exercice de style se sont livrés les deux théoriciens de et dans quel but celui-ci a été réalisé.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 04.07.2011 - 17:35

  5. Dissonance in Multi-Semiotic Landscapes in the Work Of Donna Leishman

    I come to the field of digital literature from the position of a visual artist. My formative training in illustration grounded an interest in sequential art and literary themes. My work draws on literary subject matters, contains chronological cause and effect, and strongly features protagonists. I am a thematic recycler similar to that described by H. Wozniak (2008) a re-framer of often folkloric motifs - with an aim to renew, revitalises, or debunk, the pre-existing content. Visuality, the auteur interface, and folk narratives are fundamental features in the communication of my aesthetic. How then these aspects function and their importance in terms creating a meta dissonance will be detailed and discussed in the paper, with reference to how such an approach sits within the context of interactive literary art.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.08.2011 - 15:59

  6. Towards a Multimodal Analysis of da Rimini's Dollspace

    From the publication:

    In her article "Towards a Multimodal Analysis of da Rimini's Dollspace" Maya Zalbidea
    Paniagua analyzes Francesca da Rimini's Dollspace <> (1997-2001). By analyzing Dollspace Zalbidea Paniagua reinforces the proposition that studies on material aesthetics and intermediality encompass a process of rethinking the notion of boundaries across material structures. This is clearly shown in da Rimini's Dollspace, where ambivalence cuts across discursive genres and distinct material formats of image, text, and audio. Hypertext engages the user/participant in a dialogue with the machine and, in the case of Dollspace, across people's sexual attitudes. Dollspace seeks to do more than to just shock the user: it wants to haunt its user to become an intersubjectively embodied act.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2011 - 13:15

  7. Making Sense of the Digital as Embodied Experience

    From the publication: In their article "Making Sense of the Digital as Embodied Experience" Serge Bouchardon and Asunción López-Varela Azcárate discuss a digital creation — Loss of Grasp <> — created by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. The work is about the notions of grasp and control. Through an analysis of Loss of Grasp, Bouchardon and López-Varela Azcárate show how the Cartesian understanding of private isolated experience, independent of reality external to it, has given way to a communal understanding of experience in which the subject constitutes itself by mirroring himself/herself on its objects, producing a mutual engagement or cocreativity among interdependent intersubjects: the experience of the creators, the experience of the user/participant, and the experience of the semiotician. The first seeks to make the reader live through the experience while telling him/her a story. The second attempts to understand what lies behind the artistic creation.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2011 - 13:27

  8. Basquiat meets Mario Brothers? Digital poet Jason Nelson on the meaning of art games

    An interview with the self-described digital poet Jason Nelson on the semiotic pleasures of playing and creating "art-games," indie works produced outside corporate game studios, which, Nelson predicts, will eventually be recognized as the most significant art movement of the 21st century. While explaining how he came to be a digital author, Nelson addresses topics such as his continued love of Flash as a production tool, despite its likely obsolesence, his appreciation for gamescapes that allow for aimless wandering, and the intense reactions his art-games provoke in players. Alluding to the fact that Digital Poet is not the most lucrative of professions, Nelson signals his desire to design "big budget console games," provided he could do so on his terms. 

    (Source: Eric Dean Rasmussen)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 28.09.2011 - 12:44

  9. Reading the Code between the Words: The Role of Translation in Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries’s Nippon

    Reading the Code between the Words: The Role of Translation in Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries’s Nippon

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 02.10.2011 - 22:17

  10. The Role of Sound in Electronic Literature

    The Role of Sound in Electronic Literature

    Dene Grigar - 06.10.2011 - 07:04
