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  1. Bookend;


    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.04.2012 - 15:17

  2. Reading (De)coherent Hypertexts: a Creative Performance Based on a Close Reading of the German Hyperfiction Zeit für die Bombe

    Reading (De)coherent Hypertexts: a Creative Performance Based on a Close Reading of the German Hyperfiction Zeit für die Bombe

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.05.2012 - 12:04

  3. Digital Literature: Theoretical and Aesthetic Reflections

    The emergence of a new phenomenon – digital literature – within the field of
    literary studies calls for the reorganization and creation of new theoretical and
    analytical repertoires. As models of communication change, so do
    reception and production processes accompanying these changes. Within these
    altered scenarios, the dissertation Digital Literature: Theoretical and Aesthetic
    Reflections is a response to the aesthetic and theoretical challenges brought on by
    computer-based literature. As a methodological strategy, the dissertation articulates
    recent trends in the theory of digital aesthetics – remediation (BOLTER),
    eventilization (HAYLES), correlations of performativity, intermediality and
    interactivity with meaning-driven analysis (SIMANOWSKI), Medienumbrüche
    (GENDOLLA & SCHÄFER) – with theories of production of presence
    (GUMBRECHT), autopoietic communicative models (LUHMANN) and closereadings
    of digital works. By scripting a dialogue with key theorists from print
    literary theory as well as new media theorists and artists in the burgeoning field,

    Luciana Gattass - 08.05.2012 - 14:38

  4. Introduction [to New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age]

    Editors' introduction to a collection of essays on digital narratology. 

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2012 - 13:26

  5. Reading Hypertext and the Experience of Literature

    Hypertext has been promoted as a vehicle that will change literary reading, especially through its recovery of images, supposed to be suppressed by print, and through the choice offered to the reader by links. Evidence from empirical studies of reading, however, suggests that these aspects of hypertext may disrupt reading. In a study of readers who read either a simulated literary hypertext or the same text in linear form, we found a range of significant differences: these suggest that hypertext discourages the absorbed and reflective mode that characterizes literary reading.

    (Source: abstract.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2012 - 16:00

  6. Beyond Myth and Metaphor: Narrative in Digital Media

    The concept of narrative has been widely invoked by theorists of digital textuality, but the promotion of what is described as the storytelling power of the computer has often relied on shallow metaphors, loose conceptions of narrative, and literary models that ignore the distinctive properties of the digital medium. Two myths have dominated this theorization. The myth of the Aleph (as I call it) presents the digital text as a finite text that contains an infinite number of stories. The myth of the Holodeck envisions digital narrative as a virtual environment in which the user becomes a character in a plot similar to those of Victorian novels or Shakespearean tragedies. Both of these myths rely on questionable assumptions: that any permutation of a collection of lexias results in a coherent story; that it is aesthetically desirable to be the hero of a story; and that digital narrativity should cover the same range of emotional experiences as literary narrative. Here I argue that digital narrative should emancipate itself from literary models. But I also view narrative as a universal structure that transcends media.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.05.2012 - 14:07

  7. What Hypertext Is

    Over the past couple decades, as the term "hypertext" has gained a certain popular currency, a question has been raised repeatedly: "What is hypertext?" Our most respected scholars offer a range of different, at times incompatible, answers. This paper argues that our best response to this situation is to adopt the approach taken with other terms that are central to intellectual communities (such as "natural selection," "communism," and "psychoanalysis"), a historical approach. In the case of "hypertext" the term began with Theodor Holm ("Ted") Nelson, and in this paper two of his early publications of "hypertext" are used to determine its initial meaning: the 1965 "A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate" and the 1970 "No More Teachers' Dirty Looks." It is concluded that hypertext began as a term for forms of hypermedia (human-authored media that "branch or perform on request") that operate textually. This runs counter to definitions of hypertext in the literary community that focus solely on the link. It also runs counter to definitions in the research community that privilege tools for knowledge work over media.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.05.2012 - 14:15

  8. Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics: The Archival Text, Digital Narrative and The Limits of Memory

    New technologies-- whether used for artistic or scientific ends--require new shapes to speak their attributes. Feminist writers too have long sought a narrative shape that can exist both inside and outside of patriarchal systems. Where like-minded theorists have tried to define a gender-specific dimension for art, Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics demonstrates that feminist artists have already built and are happily inhabiting this new technological room of their own. This dissertation is an exploration of the architectural shapes of mnemonic systems in women's narratives in the new media (focusing on Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl, M.D. Coverley's Califia and Diana Reed Slattery's Glide and The Maze Game as exemplary models). Memory is key here, for, what gets stored or remembered has always been the domain of official histories, of the conqueror speaking his dominant cultural paradigm and body. I explore at length three spatial architectures of the new media: the matrix, the unfold and the knot.

    Carolyn Guertin - 20.06.2012 - 19:00

  9. In the Event of Text

    In the Event of Text

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.06.2012 - 12:39

  10. Marking Transition: the Work of Neal von Flue

    For any regular Internet user, the hyperlink has become ubiquitous, almost rendered invisible
    through the frequency of its use. Trails in hypertext are meticulously laid out through the
    seemingly endless streams of data, connected by links imagined as points of intersection in the
    web. Links are used for reference, for navigation but also extensively in creative production, to
    fashion hypertextual narratives and images. It is in this realm of electronic literature, both visual
    and textual, that the function of the link shifts from the commonplace to a carrier of aesthetic

    This presentation examines the aesthetic activation of the hyperlink as both an indicator of
    transition and site of transformation. It is a brief exploration of the hyperlink as a signifier, a
    mark both on and in the 'surface' of the digital text, through a close case study of two works by
    hypercomic creator Neal von Flue.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.06.2012 - 13:54
