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  1. To the Moon Review

    "Occasionally I'm fortunate enough to play a game that reminds me what's important. Not only what's important in making a great piece of interactive media, but also what's important in life. To the Moon is such a game; a sincere story told through 16-bit-style graphics, it dares to tackle themes about life, death and the importance of living with the memories of the best and worst of times. The limited gameplay detracts from the experience to a small extent, but it's worth playing regardless just to see how this sometimes cliched, always heartfelt story unfolds."

    Tjerand Moe Jensen - 03.10.2021 - 20:16

  2. Hyperventiliterature: the Breathing Wall

    Comments on "The breathing wall" work. 

    Ragnhild Hølland - 03.10.2021 - 20:44

  3. Cybertext Poetics: The Critical Landscape of New Media Literary Theory

    Cybertext Poetics has three different points of departure: theoretical, strategic, and empirical. It uses ludology and modified cybertext theory as a cross-disciplinary perspective to solve four persistent and strategically chosen problems in four separate, yet interconnected fields: literary theory, narratology, game studies, and digital media.[1] The problems in the first three fields stem from the same root: hegemonic theories are based on a subset of possible media behaviors that is far too limited, and this limitation seriously undermines their explanatory and analytical power. The cumulative effects of this lack also obscure our understanding of transmediality, media ecology, and digital media. An example may perhaps help demonstrate what I mean.

    Tjerand Moe Jensen - 03.10.2021 - 20:47

  4. What is Interactive Fiction?

    Explaines what interactive fiction(IF) is and the different types of IF.

    Ragnhild Hølland - 03.10.2021 - 20:51

  5. Hypermedia and Literary Studies

    The essays in Hypermedia and Literary Studies discuss the theoretical and practical opportunities and challenges posed by the convergence of hypermedia systems and traditional written texts.

    Consider a work from Shakespeare. Imagine, as you read it, being able to call up instantly the Elizabethan usage of a particular word, variant texts for any part of the work, critical commentary, historically relevant facts, or oral interpretations by different sets of actors. This is the sort of richly interconnected, immediately accessible literary universe that can be created by hypertext (electronically linked texts) and hypermedia (the extension of linkages to visual and aural material). The essays in Hypermedia and Literary Studies discuss the theoretical and practical opportunities and challenges posed by the convergence of hypermedia systems and traditional written texts. They range from the theory and design of literary hypermedia to reports of actual hypermedia projects from secondary school to university and from educational and scholarly to creative applications in poetry and fiction.


    Kine-Lise Madsen Skjeldal - 03.10.2021 - 21:10

  6. What is world literature

    World literature was long defined in North America as an established canon of European masterpieces, but an emerging global perspective has challenged both this European focus and the very category of "the masterpiece." The first book to look broadly at the contemporary scope and purposes of world literature, What Is World Literature? probes the uses and abuses of world literature in a rapidly changing world.

    Andreas Vik - 03.10.2021 - 21:12

  7. Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine

    With the influential book Cybernetics, first published in 1948, Norbert Wiener laid the theoretical foundations for the multidisciplinary field of cybernetics, the study of controlling the flow of information in systems with feedback loops, be they biological, mechanical, cognitive, or social. At the core of Wiener's theory is the message (information), sent and responded to (feedback); the functionality of a machine, organism, or society depends on the quality of messages. Information corrupted by noise prevents homeostasis, or equilibrium. And yet Cybernetics is as philosophical as it is technical, with the first chapter devoted to Newtonian and Bergsonian time and the philosophical mixed with the technical throughout. This book brings the 1961 second edition back into print, with new forewords by Doug Hill and Sanjoy Mitter.

    Andreas Vik - 03.10.2021 - 21:15

  8. Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the end of the Century

    In Escape Velocity Mark Dery takes is on an electrifying tour of the high-tech subcultures that both celebrate and critique our wired world: would-be cyborgs who believe the body is obsolete and dream of downloading their minds into computers, cyber-hippies who boost their brainpower with smart drugs and mind machines, on-line swingers seeking cybersex on electronic bulletin boards, techno-primitives who sport "biomechanical" tattoos of computer circuitry; and cyberpunk roboticists whose Mad Max contraptions duel to the death before howling crowds.


    Description retrieved from

    Kine-Lise Madsen Skjeldal - 03.10.2021 - 21:20

  9. Hypertext with Consequences: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext

    At first glance, it can be difficult to understand what hypertext, a technology, has to do with social and political issues of gender and identity. After all, given adequate resources and training, anyone can create and use a hypertext authoring system. And while problems of differential access to resources and training are pressing, they are often viewed as better belonging to the social realms of education and resource allocation than to those of hardware and software; they do not impinge on the design of hypertext systems except peripherally -- or so the argument goes.


    Introduction retrieved from

    Kine-Lise Madsen Skjeldal - 03.10.2021 - 21:35

  10. Michael Joyce: Twilight, a Symphony

    This is a review of Twilight, a symphony by Michael Joyce

    Ragnhild Hølland - 03.10.2021 - 21:38
