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  1. Traces of the trAce Online Writing Centre 1995-2005

    This text serves as an annotated archive with links to various media that give account to the accomplishments of the trAce Online Writing Centre: "Between 1995 and 2005 the trAce Online Writing Centre hosted and indeed fostered a complex media ecology: an ever-expanding web site, an active web forum, a local and and international network of people, a host of virtual collaborations and artist-in-residencies, a body of commissioned artworks, the trAce/Alt-X International Hypertext Competition, the Incubation conference series, and frAme, the trAce Journal of Culture and Technology. What emerged was one of the web’s earliest and most influential international creative communities."

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.01.2012 - 20:09

  2. A Short History of Electronic Literature and Communities in the Nordic Countries

    While literary hypertexts and the research field were still in an early stage, Nordic researchers laid their eyes on the literary potential of hypertext technologies. Some Nordic researchers (e.g. Aarseth 1994; Koskimaa 1994; Liestøl 1994), I would claim (perhaps in a moment of patriotism), contributed significantly to a research field still in its infancy. Still, after almost twenty years, it is hard to discover a specifically Nordic community for electronic literature. Those scholars conducting research on electronic literature in the Nordic countries are usually associates of international communities like the Electronic Literature Organization, Digital Fiction International Network and Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice. Similar communities in the Nordic countries are not that easy to spot, but we might say that they exist, although as rather small-scale projects and communities. This does however not imply that they are insignificant.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2012 - 07:26

  3. Developing an Identity for the Field of Electronic Literature: Reflections on the Electronic Literature Organization Archives

    The Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) was founded as a literary nonprofit organization in 1999 after the Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature conference at Brown University. Along with Jeff Ballowe and Robert Coover, I was a co-founder of the ELO, and served as its first Executive Director from 1999-2001, and have served on its board of directors in the years since then. Today it is one of the most active organizations in the field of electronic literature, central to the practice of e-lit in the United States and its establishment as an academic discipline. This essay briefly outlines the early history of the organization, the ways that the mission, profile, and the focus of the organization evolved and changed in its first decade, and offers some tentative insights into the ways that an institutionally structured community can facilitate network-mediated art practice.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2012 - 07:30

  4. Where Are We Now?: Orienteering in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2

    In an increasingly monolingual, globalized world, the second volume of theElectronic Literature Collection may just offer a map of the territory. The question the reviewer, John Zuern, poses is how do we navigate this terrain going forward? (Source: ebr.)  

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.04.2012 - 17:14

  5. Dada Redux: Elements of Dadaist Practice in Contemporary Electronic Literature

    Too often the discourse surrounding contemporary digital art and electronic literature treats these artifacts as if the most compelling aspects about them are their novelty, their very newness. One need look no further than the theme of the 2007 Digital Arts and Culture Conference, ‘The Future of Digital Media Culture’, to see this. Because our orientation is always forward towards the future, we are inclined toward a kind of myopia, and reluctance to look at the new through the lens of the past. With this orientation, there is furthermore a danger of placing too high a value on novelty at the expense of other aesthetic and ideological criteria. We see this in new media art discourse again and again. Turf wars regularly take place over ‘firstness’ – which designer was the first to use this technique, who was the first to integrate this type of programming into a new media artwork, etc. We are clearly in the midst of a global communication revolution that has changed the practice of daily life in far-reaching ways, and it is important to recognize, identify, and contemplate those aspects of our culture that are changing so rapidly.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 13.04.2012 - 15:34

  6. Digital Magic: Preservation for a New Era

    Kirschenbaum makes an "argument for the importance of digital preservation while describing how how he accessed SWALLOWS via an Apple // emulator and then provided Zelevanksy with the original .dsk file from which he then created a new version of SWALLOWS (with audio and video clips mixed in) called G R E A T . B L A N K N E S S" (Source: adapted from post at

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 25.04.2012 - 08:55

  7. Beyond Myth and Metaphor: Narrative in Digital Media

    The concept of narrative has been widely invoked by theorists of digital textuality, but the promotion of what is described as the storytelling power of the computer has often relied on shallow metaphors, loose conceptions of narrative, and literary models that ignore the distinctive properties of the digital medium. Two myths have dominated this theorization. The myth of the Aleph (as I call it) presents the digital text as a finite text that contains an infinite number of stories. The myth of the Holodeck envisions digital narrative as a virtual environment in which the user becomes a character in a plot similar to those of Victorian novels or Shakespearean tragedies. Both of these myths rely on questionable assumptions: that any permutation of a collection of lexias results in a coherent story; that it is aesthetically desirable to be the hero of a story; and that digital narrativity should cover the same range of emotional experiences as literary narrative. Here I argue that digital narrative should emancipate itself from literary models. But I also view narrative as a universal structure that transcends media.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.05.2012 - 14:07

  8. The Paratexts of Inanimate Alice: Thresholds, Genre Expectations and Status

    In her book Writing Machines, N. Katherine Hayles described the concept of thetechnotext. Hayles used this concept to provide an analysis of a range of texts, including online work, based on their materiality. The analysis described in this article complements this method by developing an approach that explores the conditions of production of contemporary digital literature. It achieves this aim by providing a close reading of the online paratextual elements associated with the first four episodes ofInanimate Alice by Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph. In doing so, it modifies the print-based analytical framework provide by Gérard Genette and others to develop a detailed account of the off-site, on-site and in-file paratexts of this online work. It sets out a range of thresholds that mould the reception of this text. It also notes how they position it within wider discourses about genre, media, literature and literacy. This article concludes by exploring the limits of this paratextual reading. It discusses whether it provides an adequate account of the material conditions of these texts.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.06.2012 - 14:25

  9. Curating the MLA 2012 'Electronic Literature' Exhibit

    What follows is an explanation of the logic underlying this idea of curating the "Electronic Literature" exhibit and a rearticulation of our curatorial statements, viewed now in retrospect. Dene Grigar begins by introducing our underlying views and includes her revised statement for "Works on Desktop." Lori Emerson follows with her statement on "Readings and Performances;" Kathi Inman Berens ends the essay with her statement on "Mobile and Geolocative" works.

    Source: from the article (3)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.08.2012 - 22:14

  10. Datorn som poetiskt bollplank

    Datolyrik. Vill du ha hjälp att skriva digital poesi kan du googla på ”poetry generator”. Så enkelt var det inte när Theo Lutz skänkte världen dess första datordikt 1959. I en ny bok gör Chris Funkhouser en arkeologisk expedition från datordikternas barndom ända in i framtiden.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.09.2012 - 19:55
